- Aikido
- Stanford
Aikido posted by
Avedon (avedon@leland.stanford.edu).
- Marco Grunberg's
Aikido Page (marco@list.jussieu.fr).
He describes it as:
It s an aikido web, with lot of pictures and mpeg, it is
also the web page for the channel #aikido on irc
(lots of information on the Bot etc.).
Halton Hills Aikido Club, posted by John Reel
NC State Aikido Club, complete with
Top 10 List.
- New England
Aikido pictures?
Yoshinkan Aikido
Ki Society Home Page contains info on Ki Aikido
New England Aikikai a small site on Aikido
Aikido Page, posted by Aiki1@earthlink.net (Larry).
Darcy Romanow's Aikido & Martial Arts Homepage. Posted by
Darcy Romanow (romano@hercules.cs.uregina.ca).
- Aikido Today
- Aikido of
Diablo Valley, Concord CA posted by Jun Akiyama
( akiy@cdrom.com).
- Aikido Dojo Search Engine
posted by Jun Akiyama (
akiy@cdrom.com. Jun writes:
Looking for an Aikido dojo? Try this International Aikido
Dojo Search Engine! Search by dojo name, instructor,
affiliation/style, city, and country.
- AikiWeb
posted by Jun Akiyama (
akiy@cdrom.com. Jun writes:
AikiWeb is a central repository and dissemination point for
aikido related information. Created by aikido people for
aikido and non-aikido people, this site hopes to provide
pertinent aikido information for everyone.
- FSU Aikido Club/North
Florida Aikikai posted by John R. Murray
(murray@indigo2.scri.fsu.edu). John writes:
I have a set of Aikido resources available from my homepage
(URL below), most notably the international online calendar of
events, the complete collection of Miko's Aikido MPEGs, and
the (veeeery biiiig) nearly-complete Aikido-L mailing list
archive. Also a Sensei Index which supplements the online
Aikido Schools of New Jersey posted by Robert C. Tam
( bobtam@csi.com). He also has the
Jewish Jedi Aikido Home Page.
- Shindai Aikikai -
Orlando, Florida posted by
Zhao (bzhao@cris.com).
He writes:
Nicely designed webpage for this Aikido Dojo in Orlando,
Florida, gave plenty of pertinent information about the Dojo
and Aikido.
There is also a non-frame version of the page,
Shindai Aikikai (non-frame version). Boer points out that
it won't look as good as the frame version, so he only
recommends you go there if you have a non-frame capable
- Yoshinkan
Aikido in Ottawa posted by Winston Sorfleet
wls@romanus.ocunix.on.ca ).
Aikido Yoshinkan posted by Graham Lewis
(Updated 12/10/99.)
The Portuguese Federation of Aikido and Related
Activities posted by Jean-Marc Duclos
duclos@mail.telepac.pt). He writes:
The main object of the Federation is to promote and safeguard
the teaching and practice of the martial art known as "AIKIDO"
(AI - harmony; KI - cosmic strength, life; DO - way or avenue
leading to a spiritual goal), and the activities related
thereto, ensuring that its principles are adequately applied.
Of course, we have information about Aikido...
- Aikido in
Utah posted by D.J. Baxter
( djbaxter@home.com).
They write:
An informal listing of Aikido dojos and events in Utah.
Federacao Portuguesa de Aikido e Disciplinas Assciadas
posted by Jean-Marc Duclos
Aikido Eastside in Bellevue, WA posted by
George S. Ledyard (
aikigeorge@aikieast.com). They also have
a Defensive Tactics
Options page. He writes:
The Chief Instructor is George S. Ledyard, Aikido 5th Dan,
direct student of Mitsugi Saotome Sensei, and Certified
Defensive Tactics Master Instructor. Our dojo is dedicated to
preserving a balance between the spiritual and martial sides
of Aikido training and we place a strong emphasis on weapons
competency and effective "applied" empty hand technique. We
also offer a separate program of Aikido based Defensive
Tactics for Law Enforcement and Security professionals.
- Aikido Eastside
- Defensive Tactics Options
- 13410 SE 32nd St.
- Bellevue, WA 98053
- Ph. 425-644-8539
- Fax 425-868-5143
- Pgr. 206-570-9377
- Aikido
posted by Gerd Bleher
- Irvine Martial Arts Academy
Home Page posted by Eric Jones
He writes:
Irvine Martial Arts Academy is a full contact dojo featuring
traditional training in Kenpo Karate and Aikido for the
serious student.
- Tenshin Bugei Gakuen
( tenshin@primenet.com)
posted by Steaven Chen (
steachen@earthlink.net). He writes:
Tenshin Bugei Gakuen is an aikido dojo headed and run by
Steven Seagal's number one disciple, Haruo Matsuoka, Fourth
Degree Blackbelt. Located in Los Angeles, Mr. Matsuoka
continues to share the art of aikido as well as Japanese
culture to his students.
- Aikido of Tamalpais posted
by Jun Akiyama (
info@tam-aikido.org). They write:
Aikido of Tamalpais, located in Mill Valley, CA, is under the
direction of Richard Strozzi-Heckler, George Leonard,
and Wendy Palmer.
Aikido / Steven Seagal / Bruce and Brandon Lee posted by
Dolf Sinkgraven (
- Dolf Sinkgraven's Martial Arts containing
stuff on Aikido/Steven Seagal/Bruce and Brandon Lee
posted by Dolf Sinkgraven
( sinkgraven@hotmail.com).
- Ottawa Aikido Circle posted
by Gord Bowman (
aikido@freenet.carleton.ca ). They write:
The Ottawa Aikido Circle is a growing dojo in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada under the instruction of Richard Ostrofsky Sensei. In
this web site, you'll find a very comprehensive aikido
glossary, an extensive collection of lectures, writings and
poems by Morihei Ueshiba, stories about the
Founder, ancient samurai stories, essays, photos and more.
- Aikido in Korea
posted by
Rupert Atkinson (
- Aiki Budokai of
Boston posted by J_Woover
( Aikibudokai@yahoo.com
). He writes:
We are a small, traditional dojo. No politics. Visitors and
beginners are welcome.
- Shudokan
Institute of Aikido, International posted by Si Wilson
si.wilson@virgin.ne). They write:
Chief Instructor: Soke EWJ Stratton, 9th Dan.
Dojo throughout England.
- Enmei Dojo
(Brevard County, Florida USA)
posted by Alan Drysdale (
enmeidojo@aol.com). He writes:
Please note that the area code for Brevard County, Florida,
has changed from 407 to 321. 407 will still work through
September 2000. (Posted 2/24/00, DYA)
Dutch Aikido Dojo Isshin Rotterdam posted by
Wim Krijgsman
mailto:wim.krijgsman@isshin.demon.nl). They write:
With up-dated Aikido agenda, links for Aikido organisations in
the Netherlands and a lot more philosofy and stories.
Seidokan Aikido posted by Yoav Rosental
( j_tal@hotmail.com).
They write:
A new site about Seidokan Aikido with a lot of new MPeG and
VIVO clips of Aikido and details about Seidokan Aikido and
Aiki Dojo of Seidokan in Jerusalem.
CKS Annex: Defining the Life Force posted by Ted
Ehara (
tedehara@yahoo.com ). They write:
This web site focuses on the concept of Ki,
Chi/Qi or the Life Force through links, articles and stories.
Although it is by a Ki Society dojo, it also has info on
Aikido, Tai Chi, TCM and various other arts where the concept
of the Life Force (even Star Wars) is used.
Nihon Goshin Aikido School of Self Defense posted by
Reynald Lescarbeau (
Nga0@aol.com). They write:
This web site contains detailed information on Nihon
Goshin Aikido including the history, an aikido screen
saver, student creed, glossary, and more!
posted by
Back to table of contents ...
Aiki Jujitsu
The Stanford Aiki Jujitsu home page.
Torishimaru Aiki-Jutsu Home Page posted by Ivan Browner
- The Official Daito Ryu
Aiki Bujutsu Homepage posted by Zain Dinath
( zain@niagara.com). He
Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu is a 1000-year-old Japanese martial art
that is the foundation of such well-known arts as Aikido,
Hapkido, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo.
Official Saigo-Ha Aiki-Budo Homepage posted by
Dr.John J.Williams (
Official Saigo-Ha Aiki-Budo Homepage posted by
Dr.John J.Williams (
- The
Canadian Daito-Ryu /Takeda-Ryu Homepage posted by
Dr.John J.Williams (
- Soke Dairi Katsuyuki Kondo and
Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Page posted by Derek Steel
derek@T-MARK.COM). He writes:
A few weeks ago I noticed people on this list discussing
resources for information on Daito-ryu. It just so happens
that Diane Skoss (former Aikido Journal editor, now operator
of Koryu Books) and I have just finished preliminary work on
an English-language Daito-ryu web page, created on behalf of
soke dairi Katsuyuki Kondo and the Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
Headquarters in Tokyo.
For the time being the site covers just the basics, including:
a brief history of Daito-ryu; profiles of Sokaku Takeda,
Tokimune Takeda, and Katsuyuki Kondo; lots of photos of same;
interviews with T. Takeda and Kondo; and a few other goodies.
We will be gradually adding fresh material, including Japanese
versions of most texts, a more detailed treatment of Daito-ryu
history, and whatever else we can think of.
- The Suigetsukan Home Page
posted by George Arrington
GArrington@AOL.COM). This school is run
by one of Obata's students, Michael Esmailzadeh,
who teaches in the Oakland (CA) area.
Education for the Advancing Martial Artist posted by
Caroline Brossi Yates (
cbr@mathworks.com ). She writes:
This dojo teaches Aiki-jujutsu as well as Shotokan.
San Diego Budokai posted by
Dustin Cross (
dusty@ALOHA.NET). He writes:
San Diego Budokai teaches Yamate-Ryu Aikijutsu &
Tenshin-Ryu Kenjutsu.
- NC Roppokai Club posted
by Dean Stewart (
PDMAC@mail.charmeck.nc.us). They write:
This site is the home of the NC Roppokai, the SouthEast head
branch of the Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai organization.
This is a dojo dedicated to the
teaching and learning of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai as
founded by Soshi Seigo Okamoto.
- The International Homepage of
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai posted by
Torben Alstrup(
alstrup@imada.ou.dk). They write:
This website is authorized by Seigo Okamoto Soshi himself, and
contains a brief introduction to Roppokai, some adresses of
dojo's and annoucements of international seminars. If you
want to practice Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai your will find
the recognized dojo's here.
- The Chicago Budôkai posted by
Bill Maren (
HeiwaDojo@aol.com ). They write:
The official home page of the Chicago Budôkai.
Information on the Yamate-ryű (aikijutsu) and the Tenshin-ryű
Nihon Tai-Jitsu posted by Fco. Javier Moreno
( fjmoreno@teleline.es
). They write:
Nihon Tai-Jitsu is a Martial Art specialized in Self
Defense. Descending from Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, the Nihon
Tai-Jitsu has a lot of technical resources (step dodges,
falls, punches, kicks, throws, locks, twists, blows,
strangulations, inmobilizations and controls, etc.) that apply
to the diferents shelf defense situations
- Aiki-Jutsu Academy &; Zen Center
(Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)
posted by Ted Hanulak
hanulak@worldnet.att.net). He writes:
Hanulak Sensei teaches the art of Senso-Ryu Aikijutsu &; Zen
(Posted 10/27/99, DYA)
- Jucu Dojo - Aikiju-jitsu at
the Dome posted by Karen_Luttrell
aikiju-jitsu@geocities.com). She writes:
This traditional Japanese martial art increases confidence,
discipline and practical s= elf-defence skills. The site
includes a glossary, martial arts book reviews, events
listings and links.
(Posted 10/20/99, DYA)
- Aiki Tai Jutsu
posted by Chris Eacott
( aiki@powerup.com.au ).
They write:
Aiki Tai Jutsu is a form based on the principles of Aiki.
A Budo for the mind and body. It is taught under the school
Ten Shin Sho Kai International which has branches in England
and Australia).
- Fudoshin Ryu, the
aiki art of self-defense posted by Ron den Boer
(r.rohrer@cable.a2000.nl ).
They write:
Everything about Aiki Goshin Jutsu.
- NorthWest
Defensive Arts posted by Robert McKercher
( NWDA@compuserve.com).
He writes:
NorthWest Defensive Arts is an Aikijutsu dojo located in
Tacoma, Washington. The signature of Icho Ryu Aikujitsu is the
use of one hand for pins, freeing the other for using the
radio, handcuffs, weapon, etc, making it an ideal style for
military, police and security personnel.
(Posted 2/24/00, DYA)
- Aiki-Jutsu Puerto Rico posted
by Alexis Escabi
- Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
posted by Markku Juntunen
Rupert Atkinson's Aiki-Movies
posted by
Rupert Atkinson (
). He writes:
I have been really busy messing about with my homepage.
It has taken ages to sort out but I have finally got
some movies uploaded of a couple of friends and myself
doing some stuff. Nothing too dynamic, just mostly stop
start Aikido. Feel free to take a look. Critique accepted.
posted by
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