- Jujitsu
Stanford Aiki Jujitsu Home Page
Danny Abramovitch's Martial Arts Home Page.
- Rico's Home Page. A
home page in Sweden by Fredrik `Rico' Blom
( d93fbl@csd.uu.se). There is
also an
alternate link.
- Patrik Olsson's
Home Page. A home page in Sweden by
Patrik Olsson
c93patol@UND.IDA.LIU.SE on SBF Ju Jutsu.
Tetsu-no-Kokoro Jiu-Jitsu Club Home Page in St. Catharines,
Ontario. This was posted by Sensei Dave Platakis
dpltks@niagara.com. He
runs the school and
has been in the martial arts for 17 years. There is a pretty
neat picture of what looks like a Tai Otoshi on their
curriculum page.
- Kamekan Jujitsu
Web Site which features a discription of the style. You
can also see an example of one of their techniques (which they
say will change monthly), a copy of our catalog of
instructional videos as well as this months special. Posted by
Thomas Corizzi
- Kaze Arashi
Ryu Aiki Ju Jitsu
Therien Jiu-Jitsu Dojo in Ottawa, Canada. Posted by Alex
Hamer (
Home of Miyama Ryu Ju-Jutsu and Modern Bu-Jutsu
American Jiu Jitsu Self Defense, Fudoshin Dojo posted
by John Giotis (
jgiotis@PB.NET). This site has some really
neat photos of folks doing throws and arm bars on the beach.
- Jujitsu Page by
Rene van der Horst (
- Vee Jujitsu
Ryu Home Page posted by Richard Rose
and updated by Brian McCarthy
brianm@csc.albany.edu ). Richard writes:
We have a WWW site for Vee Jitsu Ryu Jujitsu, a modern jujitsu
style developed by Florendo Visitacion. Those in DZR in the
east coast who were active in the 1960s/70s will remember him
from that organization. Prof Visitacion is now in his mid 80s
and is still active in teaching, not only jujitsu, but also
modern arnis. He lives in New York.
- SJJA Jujitsu
Page posted by Scott Miller
- Web-Site of the Austrian Ju
Jitsu Federation (Oesterreichischer Jiu Jitsu Bund
(OEJJB) posted by Robert Reinberger, OEJJB-Secretary,
jiu.jitsu.bund@oejjb.or.at). In English and Deutsch
Stefano Surace's Home Page in English
posted by Remi Morin (
Remi.Morin@lri.fr). He writes:
10th dan Menkyo-Kaiden, member of the Nippon Seibukan,
this grandmaster has been teaching jujitsu in France for
several years. This home page is connected to others sites in
French about his method and his teaching.
- World Combat Arts
International including Combat Jujitsu posted by Bob Faber
- David Amoros Tomas' Home
Page in Spain posted by David Amoros Tomas
( dat@tinet.fut.es).
- The Senri Dojo of
Jiu-Jitsu Home Page posted by Geoff Balme
- Shinki
Ryu Jujitsu and Shito Ryu Karate Pages posted by
Mark and Wendy Rose (
- Homepage
of the Australian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Chinese Boxing
Federation of Instructors posted by
Adam Bradshaw (
askafi@OZEMAIL.COM.AU). He writes:
We invite you to come and have a look at our site as we take
Martial Arts into the 21st century.
Henka Dojo A Swedish Dojo who's style is the Kaisho
JuJitsu Ryo. Technical system
by Mike Wall, JuJitsu Federation Sweden. Posted by
Thomas Olofsson (
cadapt@algonet.se ).
- OEJJB-Homepage
posted by Robert Reinberger
New York Seibukan Home Page posted by M. Miller
ZeevUtah@AOL.COM). He writes:
The name of the school is 'New York Seibukan' and it
specializes in Sosuishi-Ryu JuJutsu and Isshin-Ryu Karate.
- Eigth Light
Dojo posted by Geoff Wedig
wedig@darwin.cwru.edu). They write:
A site about the Eigth Light Dojo in Copley, Ohio, with
information about Hakko-Ryu Jujutsu and related martial arts.
- Shintaido Belgium Ju
Jitsu posted by Bob Waterschoot
I would like to start a forum on the internet to talk about ju
jitsu, especially moving ju jitsu (dynamic ju jitsu). :-) )
The Bushidokan Web Page posted by Stan Shaft
DragonFam@aol.com). The Bushidokan is home to Prof. Herb
LaGue, Chairman of the AAU Jujitsu Executive Committee.
- Vee Jitsu Ryu Jujitsu
posted by Richard Rose
rrose@CAS.ALBANY.EDU). He writes:
The bio page on Prof Florendo Visitacion was created by me.
His styles of Vee Jitsu Ryu Jujitsu come n four varieties Vee
Jitsu 55, Vee Jitsu 65, vee jitsu 75, Vee Arnis Jitsu and a
training tool of jujitsu kata call Vee Te.
Please check out the out pages on Vee Jitsu Ryu Jujitsu
or our whole club series of pages at
There are currently four groups actively teaching Vee Jitsu
Ryu Jujitsu 65, these are All Saint's Parish in Brooklyn NY,
our club at the Univ. at Albany in Albany NY, a club at Notre
Dame Univ., and a club at Indiana University.
- Svenska
Jujitsuskolan posted by Michael Rådh
( michael@evigheten.se
). He writes:
Svenska Jujitsuskolan, founded in 1979 by Jan-Erik Karsson. The
school's Japanese name is Hoku Shin Ryû.
- W.R. Associates,
Inc. posted by Brad Binder
Offering classes and workshops in Waboku jujitsu, self
defense, tactical baton and firearms. Also providing security
evaluations and private investigations.
Har Bro Dojo Ketsugo
Ju-Jitsu Self-Defense posted by John Weatherly
( ketsugo@gte.net). He writes:
We offer very realistic self defense techniques on video. This
system was created by Professor Harold Brosious 9th degree
Black Belt & recently honored as "Instructor of the Year" by
the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame for 1997.
- Tampere
Ju-Jutsu Academy posted by Mika Mantere
mantere@tre.tele.nokia.fi ). They write:
Hokutoryu Ju-jutsu is a Finnish style Ju-jutsu. It is hard and
straight-forward combat style that includes all the general
self-defense situations in the modern society.
- Tai-Zen
Jiu-jitsu Karate posted by Kyoshi Romeo
( kyoshi@ix.netcom.com ). They
A short description of the Tai-Zen system and a guide for
choosing a school
- Swedish Budo Federation
posted by P-O Östberg
They write:
The homepage of the Swedish Budo Federation Ju-Jutsu section.
All in swedish for the time being, will be translated (in
parts) to English later.
- Kern Valley
Defensive Arts posted by Tony L. Damigo
- The International
Headquarters of the Sosuishi-Ryu
JuJutsu Kai, Japan posted by
NYSEIBUKAN@aol.com). They write:
This Ryuha was founded in 1650, the Hombu Dojo is in Fukuoka
City, Kyushu, Japan, with it's 16th headmaster being Shitama
Manzo Sensei.
- Earth School of Ju
Jutsu posted by Renshi Graham R Seach
( jujutsu@geocities.com).
He writes:
Art of the Samurai. One of only 3 schools anywhere in the
world capable of teaching high-level weapons defence &
defences to mob/mass attacks (>30 simultaneous
armed/unarmed attackers). Seminars & consultancy
Bissett Jiu-Jitsu posted by Ian Hillier
ihillier@pangea.ca). He writes:
Bissett Jiu-Jitsu is a practical effective system of self
defence. The goal of the training is to prepare students to
effectively deal with violent physical confrontations both
physically and mentally.
- Umeå Budoklubb posted
by Tomas Strandberg (
umea.budoklubb@ju-jutsu.se ). He writes:
This page includes information about UBK. (For the moment
in Swedish only.)
- Koryu
Online Ryu Jujitsu Guide posted by Diane Skoss
It is a subset of the larger Koryu
Online: Journal of the Classical Martial Arts
edited and designed by Diane Skoss.
- New
England Submission Fighting
posted by David Roy
). Some really nice technique archives in
this one. -- DYA
- Jiu-Jitsu & Goshindo-Essling
(German Language Page) in Vienna, Austria, posted by
Basko (
- Ju Jitsu Zen Hakko Kai (a
French derivative of Hakko Ryu) posted by IEJJZHK
( iejjzhk@chez.com ).
- Hakko Denshin Ryu Ju Jutsu posted by
Glen Archambault (
glink@hurontel.on.ca ). He writes:
The Shining Mountain Dojo homepage is dedicated to the art of
Hakko Denshin Ryu Ju Jutsu.
United Kingdom Jujitsu Association International,
encompassing Aikido-jujitsu-Aiki-Karate-Iaido. Founded
1985 posted by Allan Tattersall (International
Director. Hachidan-Hanshi. DNBK. UK.officer.)
UKJJA@aol.com). He writes:
The style name is Nihon Taijitsu: the art of body movement.
Member countries include Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Italy,
Germany, India, Australia... with more on the way. Our
association motto is: "Freindship not Power."
- Ju Jitsu Page posted by
Paul (Paul@jitsu.com ).
They write:
Ju jitsu clubs, national associations
and information from around the world.
Hillside Jiu-Jitsu and Karate Center posted by
Michael Hajduk (
hajdukmi@shu.edu). Their email is at
hillsidejiujitsu@hotmail.com . He writes:
The Hillside Jiu-Jitsu and Karate Center (New Jersey) teaches
jiu-jitsu based on the Sanuces Ryu System as developed by
Dr. Moses Powell. This combat martial arts system is
extremely effective.
- VSK Jujitsu
posted by A. Azeem Muhammad
Grandmaster Anthony Muhammad ).
VSK Jujitsu was founded by Grandmaster Anthony
Muhammad. It is developed based on the systems of his
teachers: Grand Professor Florendo Visitacion,
Dr. Moses Powell and Soke Lil' John Davis.
(Added 9/28/01 -- DYA)
- United States Ju-Jitsu
Federation posted by James Beyersdorf
- Sosuishi Ryu
JuJutsu in Forest Hills Queens at
the New York Seibukan posted by Bill Williams
Toobills@AOL.COM). He writes:
If you are interested in Koryu, Dennis Fink Sensei teaches
Sosuishi Ryu JuJutsu in Forest Hills Queens at the New York
Seibukan. Sosuishi Ryu JuJutsu, founded in 1650 is a true
Koryu. Sosuishi Ryu JuJutsu's current headmaster in Fukuoka
Japan is the 16th inheritor of the system, Shitama, Manzo
Sensei. Fink Sensei is Shitama Sensei's senior american
student and appointed International Director of Shitama
Sensei's association, the Sosuishi Ryu JuJutsu Kai. Fink
sensei is additionally the only American to sit on the Board
of Directors at the Seikiryukan, the Hombu Dojo in Fukuoka
Fink Sensei has been awarded the grade of Kuraizume,
(literally, the peak or the summit) and equivelant to at least
Hachi dan. Sosuishi Ryu still uses the "old" menkyo grading
system, (prior to Kano's Dan system). In addition Fink Sensei
holds the grade of Hachi Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate-do, Go Dan
in Kodokan Judo, an Godan in Aikido. He has been teaching in
the area for over thirty years, and has trained in Japan on
numerous occassions, most recently October of 1998.
- Mushin Budo Association
posted by John and Carol Griffiths
- Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
Yudanshakai posted by George Kirby
This web site presents information on Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
instruction, history, philosophy, videos & books, sensei,
dojo, seminars, ,Kokoro Online, links to other sites, George
Kirby, & the American Ju-Jitsu Association. I hope that the
material that follows will be informative and helpful to
you. The BJJY is dedicated toward furthering the art of
Ju-Jitsu within a traditional framework.
- The Danish Budo Association
posted by Anders Gjerløv
( anders@dabs.dk ). They
This is the homepage of The Danish Budo Association. We offer
instruction in Nihon Jujitsu.
We are affiliated with
Kokusai Budoin - IMAF
Ketsugo Jujutsu Dojo in Boston Home Page posted by
- Sensei Peter Freedman's
Ketsugo Jujutsu (JuiJitsu, Jujitsu) school - Boston
Massachusetts posted by John Moore
(Earlier link posted by Ofer Melnik
John Moore writes:
Like everything else on the web it's a work in progress - but
includes info about our Philosophy, The history of our style,
a message board and will soon feature a recommended reading
list and articles written by our students/ faculty.
Please come on by and check it out and feel free to email me
with any (constructive) comments.
- Seishinkan
Bujitsu posted by Phil_Davison
( saxophil@xtra.co.nz
). He writes:
Seishinkan is a Bujitsu and Jujitsu club in Auckland
New Zealand. This site has syllabus information as well as
material on Jujitsu history, philosophy, and general technical
- Kaze Arashi Ryu
(Wind Storm Tradition) ( Miramar, FL ) posted by
Michael Mitchell (
- Budoshin Information Zone
posted by Tony Damigo
- Charleston
Martial Arts (Charleston, SC) posted by
Tom Reiff (
- Nindo Ryu Bujutsu Kai - IaiJutsu ·
JuJutsu · Gendai NinJutsu · TantoJutsu · Kob posted by
Shaji (
Unofficial University of York Jiu Jitsu Club Web Site
posted by Stephen Millard
ste-m@clara.net). He writes:
Absolutely everything you ever wanted to know about the
martial art of jiu jitsu and the University of York Jiu Jitsu
- Combat Ju-Jitsu
posted by Gary Brintnall
Ju-Jitsu ). He writes:
Ju-Jitsu taught as self defense and sport. Minneapolis, MN
since 1957.
- Yama Ryu Ju Jutsu posted by
Jason Hersh (
jhersh@yamaryu.com). They write:
Yama Ryu teaches the Miyama Ryu Combat Ju Jutsu style, the
main instructor Shihan Louis Medina a recent Martial Arts Hall
of Fame Inductee and a Kaiden in Miyama Ryu.
- The Original Bushidokan --
Traditional Martial Arts -- The Art of Tora Ryu Ju Jitsu
posted by Master Frankie Russo
Mstrfranki@aol.com). The top page says:
Learn discipline, respect, honor and integrity through:
- The Art of Tora Ryu JuJitsu
- Advanced Close Combat JuJitsu
These are the ancient ways of health and fitness from Okinawa
and Japan.
The Art of Jiu Jitsu (a Jiu Jitsu page in
Dutch) posted by Robert van Munster
- Bonilla's Tsugiashi
Do Ju-jitsu School posted by Diane Hardin
dhardin@cci-9palms.com). She writes:
Dojo photos, movies, info. Traditional Japanese style ju-jitsu
and judo (USJA), emphasis on standing up to fight with
techniques. Katas to multiple attackers. Women's
self-defense. MA supplies.
- Jitsuka
posted by Preston Jitsu Club
Jitsuka@bigfoot.com ). They write:
Magazine site for anyone interested in jujitsu or martial arts
in general.
Jiu-Jitsu the Art posted by Robert
rmunster@worldonline.nl ). He writes:
Dutch jiu-jitsu page Overcome your attacker in just a few
seconds view pictures with jiu-jitsu techniques Enjoy.
Aberdeen University Ju Jitsu Club posted by
Scott Miller (
Scottish Jiu Jitsu Association (SJJA) posted by
Scott Miller (
- Sankai Dojo
posted by Carl Mayhugh
SankaiJujitsu@aol.com ). He writes:
Sankai Dojo offers training in Jujitsu, Shootfighting,
Kickboxing, Kenpo, Unison Karate, Jeet Kune Do Concepts,
Aikido, and Kenjutsu. We are a Charter School of Gene
LeBell's Grappling World, and the International Shootfighting
Association. We have 3 Martial Arts Hall of Fame Instructors.
- Budo-Rom Jujitsu CD-Rom
posted by Gulliver Chahrour.
International Atemi Ju Jitsu posted by David Brown
webmaster@international-atemijujitsu.co.uk). He
A UK based jujitsu club training from 4 locations in
Luton and Dunstable. Features a women only club as well
as children's beginners and intermediate classes. A
traditional self defence system easiy adapted to modern
self defence needs.
World jujitsu Federation -
Team Mancini posted by Simone Zipoli
( simz@lycos.it).
A Small Bibliography of Jujitsu posted by James
(Added 9/28/01. -- DYA)
Midwest Judo and Jujitsu Club. Posted by
Webmaster Christina Royston
senseimary@midwestjujitsu.org ).
. She writes:
One of more than 50 AJJF schools in the United States,
Midwest Jujitsu & Judo dojo was founded in 1989 by
co-sensei brother and sister Mary Boland and Timothy
Boland. We offer classes in the ancient arts of Judo
and Jujitsu as well as fitness training for persons of
all skill levels.
(Added 10/31/01. -- DYA)
posted by
(Added . -- DYA)
- Danzan Ryu Jujitsu
- Hawai'i JuJitsu KoDenKai
Home Page put up by Sensei Steven J. McLaughlin
They are in the DanZan Ryu of the KoDenKan.
- American Jujitsu
Institute Home Page. Home of Kodenkan/Danzan Ryu Jujitsu.
This was posted by Danny Saragosa
According to the home page, the American Jujitsu Institute is
the oldest martial arts organization in the United States,
founded by Professor Henry Seishiro Okazaki in 1939. It is
located in Hawaii.
- American Judo & Jujitsu Federation (AJJF)
Home Page.
- Jay Swan's Home
Page including some nice historical
Danzan Ryu photos.
- The Danzan-Ryu Jujutsu
Home Page posted by George Arrington
- Paul's Danzan Ryu Jujitsu
Home Page, posted by Paul H. Yoshimune
( pauly@katana.com).
Kodenkan of Las Vegas

Yoshin Jitsu Kai (a Danzan
Ryu Jujitsu Dojo) posted by head instructor Richard H.
Howell (
The KoDenKan Institute of Belmont, CA posted by Stephen R.
Balzac (
The Ternion Academy of Martial Arts
(Santa Clara, CA) Home Page. posted
by Jaya R. Carl (
Adapted Danzan Ryu Jujitsu Home Page posted
by Michael J. Brown (
mjbrown@RUNET.EDU). He writes:
I write to invite anyone interested to visit the page I've
established discussing the course of Adapted Danzan Ryu
Jujitsu. This is a free class I offer at Radford University,
Virginia designed for, but not limited to, individuals in
wheelchairs with full upper-body mobility. Most of the
techniques involved are based on and adapted from original
techniques of Danzan Ryu. The majority of techniques used
require little if any adaptation at all.
- Kodenkan Jujitsu and Restoration
(Professor Sig Kufferath's and Professor Tony Janovich's
Dojo) posted by George Arrington
- Kodenkan Jiu-Jitsu page
posted by Emory Mclaughlin (
emery@MEDIAONE.NET). He writes:
Information about the Hawaiiani Jiu-Jitsu system of Kodenkan
Jiu-Jitsu. Also includes a word of the day and a monthly word
- Seito Kemmei Kai
(Danzan Ryu Jujutsu) (Millersville University,
Millersville, PA) posted by Ben Delich
Sho Bu Do Bujitsu Jujitsu Home Page posted by Che Goluska
cgoluska@HOTMAIL.COM). They have a very
impressive list of
posted by
Back to table of contents ...
- Small Circle Jujitsu
- Judo
Palo Alto Judo Club.
- Daniel Israel's Home
Page with lots of good Judo information including a
biography of Kimura and some information on
- Neil Ohlenkamp's
Judo Information Page (judosensei@aol.com). He has a
lot of information there, including:
- Thomas Hansson's
Home Page. A home page in Sweden by
Thomas Hansson (thomas.hansson@ryp.umu.se). There are some
interesting pictures of Judo throws.
Nage No Kata curriculum drawn up in diagrams. Also:
An mpeg movie of one of the throws!
Judo Nova Scotia Homepage.
Jeff Barrett's Judo Homepage posted by
Jeff Barrett (barrett@utdallas.edu).
- The Judo
For Kids Site
posted by Lance Wicks
( lwicks@geocities.com ).
Lance Wicks Home Page with information on teaching Judo to
children. Posted by Lance Wicks (
- United States Judo
Association (USJA) Home Page posted by Rob Waggoner
- Judo Page by
Rene van der Horst (avdhorst@cistron.nl).
- The JudoWeb (Elmer Fittery's Judo
Information Home Page)
posted by
John Widmann (
Kodokan Judo Institute Web Page
- The World of Judo
and Jujutsu posted by Steve Cunningham
Cunning@UConnVM.UConn.Edu ). They
This webpage is dedicated to traditional Judo and Jujutsu. It
is also the home of the Judo-L mail list/discussion group.
Lots of links, event calendars, histories, etc.
- Sankyo
Judo Club in St. John's, Newfoundland posted by Joe Coffey
jcoffey@actc.nf.ca). He writes:
My site is still under construction and more sites are added
weekly. We not only provide Judo information but information
on our province as well.
Bengoshi Waza Page posted by
Stephen R. Marsh (
- de Judo Bond Nederland
posted by Albert van der Zee
- Judo
Curriculum waza list with definitions.
- How to put
on a gi
- Judo Saskatchewan
Information Page Events, clubs and links from Canada
- The
Esoteric Principles of Judo
- The Judo Page
A young page with potential.
Homepage Ippon (USA) is a new company devoted to the
growth and development of judo.
- The Dutch
Judo Site Info on tournaments and their result (Englich version).
- Judo
Clubs by State (from The Judo Web)
Judo & Education Presentation Username: curioso
Password: (blank)
- Judo Chat
Site A Java based chat forum to meet other judokas,
discuss events and talk techniques.
- The
World of Judo and Jujutsu Home of the Judo-L Mail List
Discussion Group
- The Sword &
The Pen Olympic Judo Pictures from Atlanta
Judo Mania Online
(In Norwegian language)
Charleston Martial Arts (in Charleston (Ladson),
SC) posted by Tom Reiff
D-3 Productions Inc.
posted by Darryl L. Frank
He writes:
Judo Kata Training Videos for Sale and Albuquerque Judokai
Homepage :-)
- JudoMania Online
posted by Arne Pettersen
The Role of Unbalancing
in Judo Class posted by Wilfried Visser
Charleston Martial Arts
posted by Tom Reiff
The Moose Jaw Koseikan Judo Club in Moose Jaw,
Saskatchewan (Canada) posted by
Jim Wiens (
Judo Saskatchewan in
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada).
Judo Canada
Official Florida Judo Incorporated Main Page posted by
David J. Ellis (
awejudo@rocketmail.com ).
Ko-Sen Judo Page posted by Russ
Russ@PACIFIER.COM). This page has notes from the instructor
who is one of the original kosen
people from the Kodokan. There is
also a
club page with a link
to a bunch of
Newaza-Judo Techniques(ground grappling from a
Judo perspective.)
- Judo Forum
an on-line Judo-zine
(Added 11/2/99, DYA).
- The Kodokan Judo Institute
posted by Peter Rehse
(Added 11/2/99, DYA).
A Small Bibliography of Jujitsu posted by James
(Added 9/28/01. -- DYA)
Midwest Judo and Jujitsu Club. Posted by
Webmaster Christina Royston
senseimary@midwestjujitsu.org ).
. She writes:
One of more than 50 AJJF schools in the United States,
Midwest Jujitsu & Judo dojo was founded in 1989 by
co-sensei brother and sister Mary Boland and Timothy
Boland. We offer classes in the ancient arts of Judo
and Jujitsu as well as fitness training for persons of
all skill levels.
(Added 10/31/01. -- DYA)
posted by
(Added . -- DYA)
Back to table of contents ...
- Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Don Geddis'
Collection of information on Gracie/Brazilian
Jiu Jitsu, including
addresses of many Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructors.
- Notes on
a few Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques, with drawings
(by Danny
Rickson Gracie Home Page
- Rickson Gracie Jiu Jitsu
- Phone: (310) 230-9937
- FAX: (310) 230-9626
- West Los Angeles School
- West L.A. Karate School
- 11054 Pico Blvd.
- Los Angeles, Ca 90064
- (310) 444-0625
- Ventura
- Kenpo Karate Studios
- 2510 East Las Posas, Suite N
- Camarillo, CA 93010
- (310) 375-4104
- Laguna Niguel
- Laguna Niguel Racket Club
- 23500 Club House Dr.
- Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
- (714) 935-8607
- (714) 459-7005

Ralph Gracie Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu Academy is Ralph's official web site is about Ralph
and his school in Mountain View, CA.
- Ralph Gracie
- 1495 El Camino Real
- Mountain View, CA
- (415) 964-3121
- There is also a page to buy videos/and T-shirts from Cesar and
Ralph at The Pit.

Cesar Gracie's Jiu Jitsu School does not
have a web page that I know of.
- Cesar Gracie
- 2624 Pleasant Hill Rd.
- Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
- (510) 938-5455
- Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu Page set up by George Wang
osculate@geocities.com). This is a
very nice site. Bravo.
Although the page is George's personal web page, he does
train with Renzo Gracie and Craig Kukuk at:
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy
- 110-112 W. 27th Street
- (between 6th and 7th on the fifth floor)
- New York, NY
- (800) 458-5878
- (908) 495-4606
Gracie USA Home Page. This is a California corporation,
and they will be providing a variety of information of
interest to those interested in the Gracie style.
- Gracie Images.
Various pictures of Gracie family members.
- Relson Gracie Academy. Posted by
Lance Mokuau of the Emerald Design Group
lance@emerald.com-us.net). The online headquarters for
Relson Gracie and the Gracie hawaii jiu-jitsu academy
There are also Images from
Relson Gracie's School in Hawaii. Sent by Kelli
Rodrigues (gracie@aloha.com).
- Gracie
JJ Club in Philadelphia under Steve Maxwell who is a
purple belt. Actually, this link merely lists the address of
the club. I don't know where their home page went off to.
Jeff Nimeroff's Gracie Page at U. Penn. Jeff can be
reached via e-mail at
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Discussion Forum hosted by Tim Mousel
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Page for Rubens Nery Rodrigues'
School posted by Jennifer Buck (jenniferbk@earthlink.net).
- Web Page for BJJ
Academy in Washington, DC posted by Arthur Duran
- Kaic's Web Page for BJJ
Academy in Brazil posted by the instructor, Kaic, Carlos
Henrique R. Elias (kaic@uninet.com.br).
- BJJ Technique
Library Posted by Mike Dorio
( mdorio@blast.net). He
This site contains BJJ techniques, tips, and strategies.
- The Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu Club of Michigan
posted by Terry
- Triangle Ju-Jitsu posted by
Cliff Hargrave (
klif@pnx.com ).
He writes:
Klif's personal page devoted to Ju-Jitsu and other cool
stuff. :-)
Jacare's Master Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy (Atlanta, GA)
posted by Brett Moses
bmoses@bellsouth.com). He writes:
- Professor Romero Jacare Cavalcanti, 5th deg. Black
Belt BJJ.
- One of only five black belts awarded by the legendary Rolls
- East Coast
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club
posted by Louis Vintaloro
( louis@armlock.com).
They write:
Check out the first BJJ club in North Jersey...there's also a
100% Macromedia Shockwave Version of this site that is a MUST

De La Riva Jiu Jitsu (in Orlando, FL)
posted by Bobby Alvarez (
RioLage@aol.com ). They write:
This site includes academy information, news, and upcoming
- J-Jitsu's
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Homepage posted by James Love.
- Discussion Forum for
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and related topics posted by Shaz
- Jiujammer's Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu Site posted by Jiujammer
( jiujammer@aol.com ).
They write:
Personal site dedicated to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Includes
pictures of '97 Pan Am tournament in Hawaii.
- Gracie/Kukuk Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu Academy Web Site posted by
Glenn Kurtzrock (
glennk@pegasus.rutgers.edu). (That's Renzo Gracie
and Craig Kukuk's school.)
- Rocian Gracie Jr.'s
BJJ Academy in Orange County, CA, posted by Konrad
Spillamnn (
- Shapiro Jiu Jitsu
posted by Paul Shapiro (
pshapboomco@hotmail.com). He writes:
I have created a web page and have posted some pics of me and
some of the Gracies. My pics go back to my "garage training
days" with Rorion and Royce Gracie.
I started garage training with the Gracies in the early
1980s. Instructors were Rorion Gracie, Royce Gracie, Rickson
Gracie and Carlos Machado. Trained with Helio Gracie and many
of his other sons as well. Trained many years with Craig Kukuk
and Chris Saunders. Now I teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to many
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Academy Carlson Gracie Team Ron Almeida
- Modern Combat
Academy-Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Vale Tudo
posted by
Rosendo Diaz (
Heelhook21@aol.com). Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy located
in Lansdale, PA.
- Welcome to
Pedro Sauer's Jiu-Jitsu Academy posted by
Peter Boucher
). He writes:
Everything you need to know about learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
from one of the very best, Pedro Sauer. He is headquartered
in Salt Lake City, Utah, and he has several affiliate schools
across the nation.
Rail City posted by Rail City
railcity@hotmail.com). They write:
Rail City is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club in St. Albans, VT.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Accelerated Learning and
Rapid Instinctive Response Training posted by
David Ripley (
drripley@rconnect.com). He writes:
I wrote a book on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Accelerated Learning
that will help Jiu Jitsu students learn the techniques much
faster than normal. A description of the course book is on my
web page.
Franco De Camargo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Orange County,
CA. Franco is
partnered with Wallid Ismail. Posted by
Franco DeCamargo (
A BJJ Discussion Board posted by
Jason Wilson (
- Dog Brothers
posted by Izebe Egwaikhide
izebe@IAI.FZK.DE). They write:
All out, full contact (+ stick. escrima style) sparing.
(I have seen a video of these guys and it is
pretty gutsy stuff. -- DYA)
(Added 8/30/00, DYA)
posted by
- Sambo
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- Shootfighting Sites

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- Wrestling Sites
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- General Grapppling Sites
- Joejitsu's Personal
Web Page posted by Joe
joejitsu@lightspeed.net). He writes:
A site about various martial arts including sambo, BJJ, Judo
with and emphasis on Gokor Chivichyan and Gene Lebell.
The Hooker's World posted by James Lankford
- Submissions
Wrestling Home Page posted by
Robert Ferguson (
- World
Submission Wrestling, Inc. (WSW) posted by Robert
Ferguson (
Basic Instinct kickWrestling posted by Sensei Rick Failla
( rcfailla@msn.com
). He writes:
A martial arts school specialized in street defense combat
techniques. Grappling, kickboxing, wrestling and other
practical martial arts combined for a well rounded
Bison Grappling, Minnesota posted by Michael E.
Reilly (
mikereilly@yahoo.com ). He writes:
Minnesota's finest Submission Grappling club. We
host frequent tournaments, seminars and other events.
We are a sparring club practicing Submission
Grappling, Catch Wrestling and Shoot Fighting.
Grapplers World Techniques Page posted by
James Farthing (
- W.I.T. Women In Touch
posted by Mary Mckee (a.k.a. Reddmare)
W.I.T. Women In Touch practices wrestling, brazilian jiu
jitsu and basic self defense.
The Gentlemen Grapplers posted by Doug Westlake
ajax@fea.net). He writes:
The Gentlemen Grapplers are a small Sportfighting team
in South Orange County, CA. The site is also home of
the West Coast annex of the Wu Tang Physical Culture
Association which offers instruction in the Fighting
For Health System, Self Defense and Sportfighting.
(Added 10/31/01 -- DYA)
- Eclectics
Martial Arts Web Site
posted by Ivan Dale
lucentweb@aol.com). He writes:
Please visit the new Eclectics web site where we have
posted new pics and video of the recent National
Championships we were just at. Also try visiting the
Lucent web site at
http://www.lucentrocks.com to see pics and video
of our breaking exhibitions / concerts we put on. You
may even be interested in contacting us about doing
exhibitions at your next event. Like I said just
wanted to invite you, so please keep in touch.
(Added -- DYA)
posted by
(Added -- DYA)
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danny@labs.agilent.com. However to submit a new martial arts site to the
list please use the template as it saves me a
lot of effort.
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