Hai Dong Gumdo Basic Terms



Bacic Stances   (jase)                       kemasae = horse stance

                                                      so-do-sae = low stance (short sword stance)

                                                      tae-do-sae = front stance (long sword stance)

                                                      Geum-ge-dok-lip pal sang sae = Golden Rooster

                                                            stands on one leg (Crane stance)

                                                      Jo chun-sae = upper ready stance

                                                      Jiha sae = lower ready stance

                                                      Bum sae = Tiger stance

                                                      Bok ho sae = Multiple arc stance


Sword terms                                          Gum - sword

Gum ko  - point/tip of the sword

                                                      Gum pae - flat of the blade

                                                      Gum nahl - edge of the blade

                                                      Gum deung - dull edge /back of the blade

                                                      Gum mag-gae - guard

                                                      Gum goot  - pommel/bottom of handle

                                                      Gum sohn jahb ee  - sword handle

                                                      Gum jib - scabbard, sword bag

                                                      Mok gum - wooden practice sword

                                                      Gah gum - blunt metal practice sword

                                                      Jim gum - real sword

                                                      Juk do - bamboo sword

                                                      Yook gak do – six-edged sword

                                                      Sam gak do – triangular sword


Cutting                                            baegi


Continuous cutting                            yun-sok baegi


Forward/Backward cutting                 chon-hoo baegi


Defensive posture w/sword down        ji-ha sae (earth stance)


Drawing the sword                           pal-do



Gibon Donjak:   1-10 basic movements


#1  - Straight cutting                         jung-myon baegi


#2  - Left/Right cutting                      Jua Wu baegi


#3  - Three way cutting                     sahm-dan baegi


#4  - Left-Right horizontal cut            hweng-dan il gum


#5  - Six way cutting                         kwang-ja baegi


#6  - Front/back                                tae-do sae chon-hoo baegi



#7  -  Crane stance                            geum-ge dok-lip sae

(geum-ge-dok-lip pal sang sae)


#8  - Natural stances                          cha-yon sae

moving, cutting, continuous cutting

go left = cha-ro, go right = oo-ro, go back = twee-ro, go forward = ap-ro


#9  - Front/back                                so-do-sae chon-hoo baegi


#10 – High sword stance                   cho-chon sae



Sheathing the sword                          ch’ak-gum