#use strict;#if-debug sub version_c { return ''; } =head1 HEAD Copyright 1997-2004 by Zoltan Milosevic, All Rights Reserved See http://www.xav.com/scripts/search/ for more information. If you edit the source code, you'll find it useful to restore the function comments and #&Assert checks: cd "search/searchmods/powerusr/" hacksubs.pl build_map hacksubs.pl restore_comments hacksubs.pl assert_on This library, common.pl, contains simple standalone functions which are shared among all modes. =cut sub header_add { my ($header) = @_; $::private{'http_headers'} .= $header . "\015\012"; } sub header_print { return unless $::private{'needs_header'}; return if $::const{'is_cmd'}; foreach (@_) { &header_add( $_ ); } # fine-tune the header response: if ($::private{'PRINT_HTTP_STATUS_HEADER'}) { my $status = '200 OK'; if ($::private{'http_headers'} =~ m!(^|\012)Location:!is) { $status = '302 Moved'; &header_add( 'Status: ' . $status ); # duplicate } $::private{'http_headers'} = "HTTP/1.0 $status\015\012" . $::private{'http_headers'}; } if ($::private{'http_headers'} !~ m!(^|\012)Content-Type:!is) { &header_add( "Content-Type: text/html" ); } # prepare and print: $::private{'http_headers'} .= "\015\012"; print $::private{'http_headers'}; delete $::private{'http_headers'}; #save mem $::private{'needs_header'} = 0; } sub highlighter_new { my %params = @_; my $self = bless({ 'str_original' => '', 'str_reduced' => '', # a growing "reduced" string 'has_trailing_space' => 0, # Boolean for whether str_reduced has a trailing space 'p_opos_by_rpos' => {}, # pointer to a hash that maintains the original string position by the reduced string position }); return $self; } sub highlighter_scan { my ($self, $str) = @_; $self->{'str_original'} = " $str "; my $const_str = $self->{'str_original'}; my $const_len = length( $const_str ); my $p_charmap = $::private{'p_single_char_map'}; my $i = 0; while ($i < $const_len) { my $orig_pos = $i; my $ch = substr( $const_str, $i, 1 ); $i++; my $virtual_ch = $ch; if ($ch eq '<') { # the beginning of an HTML string; scan to the closing bracket my $expr; if ($const_str =~ m!^.{$i}(.*?)\>!s) { $expr = $ch . $1 . '>'; } else { # no closing bracket... we should scan to the end and quit $expr = $ch . substr( $const_str, $i ); } my $jumplen = length( $expr ) - 1; $i += $jumplen; $virtual_ch = ($expr =~ m!^$::private{'inline_elements'}!i) ? '' : ' '; } elsif ($ch eq '&') { # possibly the beginning of an HTML entity if ($const_str =~ m!^.{$i}((\#\d+|\#x[0-9a-f]+|\w{2,8})\;?)!i) { my $len = 0; my $test_ch = &entity_decode( $ch . $1, 1, \$len ); if ($len) { $i += $len - 1; # advanced for the length of the entity, minus the leading '&' we already recorded... $virtual_ch = $test_ch; } } } my $reduced_string = $$p_charmap[ord($virtual_ch)]; # now that we've determine what the reduced string is, append it to the # private reduced copy: next if ($reduced_string eq ''); if ($reduced_string eq ' ') { next if ($self->{'has_trailing_space'}); $self->{'has_trailing_space'} = 1; } else { $self->{'has_trailing_space'} = 0; } my $rpos = length( $self->{'str_reduced'} ); $self->{'str_reduced'} .= $reduced_string; # this code uses a loop, instead of a simple assignment, because of the case # "für" => "fuer". In this case, "ue" is pushed as the reduced char; both # 'u' and 'e' must point back to the original 'ü'. This mapping would be needed # if, for example, something matched on substring 'er' and we had to position the # beginning. my $i = 0; while (1) { $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{$rpos + $i} = $orig_pos; $i++; last if ($i >= length($reduced_string)); } } $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ length($self->{'str_reduced'}) } = length($self->{'str_original'}); # add final buffer mapping } sub highlight { my ($self, $p_keywords, $type) = @_; foreach (@$p_keywords) { s!^ h\=\.\*\?\((.+)\)\.\*\?l\= $!$1!; # make "text:keyword" attribute searches act like "keyword" base searches s!^\\ ! !; # makes '\ foo \ ' be just ' foo ' s!\\ $! !; # } my %highlight_by_rpos = (); my %priority_by_kw_index = (); # priority is: shortest keyword highest priority, otherwise alpha # lenght is measure against the reduced-pattern, i.e. 'foo' or 'f\S{0,4}o'. my %priority_by_keyword = (); my $pri = 0; # baseline priority, no highlighting done my $kw; foreach $kw (sort { length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } @$p_keywords) { next unless length($kw); #changed 0070 $pri++; # print "Prisort: $pri $kw\n"; $priority_by_keyword{ $kw } = $pri; my $this_priority = $pri; # okay, we've decided on a priority. Now find where there are matches: my $temp_str = $self->{'str_reduced'}; my $offset = 0; while ((length($temp_str)) and ($temp_str =~ m!^(.*?)($kw)!s)) { #changed 0070 # what matched? where was it, how long was it? my $rel_start_rpos = length($1); my $kw_match = $2; my $length = length($kw_match); # if the kw_match ended with a space, don't advance the pointer over the space # spaces can be 'shared' among adjacent keywords if ($kw_match =~ m! $!s) { $length--; } my $advance = $rel_start_rpos + $length; if ($advance < 1) { # we may be stuck in an inifinte loop if we allow this to stand; skip to the end: $advance = length($temp_str); } # advance the pointer to the remaining text: $temp_str = substr( $temp_str, $advance ); my $abs_start_rpos = $offset + $rel_start_rpos; $offset += $rel_start_rpos + $length; # if this is a ' kw ' pattern with leading spaces, adjust the match # so that only the interior is highlighted (after the first space) if ($kw =~ m!^ !s) { $abs_start_rpos++; $length--; } my $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { my $abs_rpos = $abs_start_rpos + $i; $highlight_by_rpos{ $abs_rpos } = $this_priority; # print "Position $abs_rpos = $this_priority\n"; $i++; } } } my $start_pos = -1; my @high_no_overlap = (); my $last_rpos = -2; my $state = 0; #debug: # my $i; # foreach $i (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %highlight_by_rpos) { # print "\$hbr{$i}: $highlight_by_rpos{$i}\n"; # } #/debug my $i; foreach $i (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %highlight_by_rpos) { my $this_state = $highlight_by_rpos{$i}; next if (($this_state == $state) and ($i == $last_rpos + 1)); # state change; record... if (($state == 0) or ($i != $last_rpos + 1)) { if (($start_pos > -1) and ($state > 0)) { #print "$i # recording highlight kw$state span $start_pos thru $i-1\n"; push( @high_no_overlap, [ $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $start_pos }, $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $last_rpos + 1 } - 1, $state, ], ); } #print "$i # we're leaving a dead area and starting a highlight\n"; $state = $this_state; $start_pos = $i; } elsif ($this_state == 0) { #print "$i # we're leaving a live area and stopping a highlight\n"; push( @high_no_overlap, [ $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $start_pos }, $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $i } - 1, $state, ], ); $start_pos = -1; $state = $this_state; } else { #print "$i # we're switching from one highlight-string to another\n"; push( @high_no_overlap, [ $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $start_pos }, $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $last_rpos + 1 } - 1, $state, ], ); $start_pos = $i; $state = $this_state; } } continue { $last_rpos = $i; } if ($state) { #print "$i # closing final span state $state [ $start_pos - $last_rpos-1 ]\n"; push( @high_no_overlap, [ $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $start_pos }, $self->{'p_opos_by_rpos'}->{ $last_rpos + 1 } - 1, $state, ], ); } my $fresh_str = ''; my $last_pos = 0; my $record; foreach $record (@high_no_overlap) { my ($start, $end, $kw_index) = @$record; #print "Start;end $start $end\n\n"; my $start_tag = qq!!; my $end_tag = qq!!; if ($type == 0) { $start_tag = qq!!; $end_tag = qq!!; } elsif ($type == 1) { $start_tag = qq!!; $end_tag = qq!!; } # read in the lead-up text my $len = $start - $last_pos; $fresh_str .= substr( $self->{'str_original'}, $last_pos, $len ); # start the highlighted block: $fresh_str .= $start_tag; # embed the text-to-be-highlighted: $len = $end - $start + 1; my $embed = substr( $self->{'str_original'}, $start, $len ); # walk char-by-char. respan the highlight tag on each part that is broken by an HTML tag. # BUT: don't blindy insert null spans between side-by-side HTML tags, and don't blindly # insert them into tags which only have whitespace between them. doing so might cause # HTML validation errors... if ($embed =~ m!\ against the first < $embed =~ s!\>([^\>]*)$!\>$start_tag$1!s; # in from of the last > # now all we need to worry about are internal ">.*<" things. # the rule is: throw in a if .* contains non-whitespace characters (it can also contain any other chars) $embed =~ s!\>([^\<]*?[^\<\s]+[^\<]*)\$start_tag$1$end_tag\ bar < xyz # will match ' bar ' as the viewable string and treat '< xyz ' as a tag. # The code sample above is not valid HTML, but it will render in Internet Explorer 6.0, # which suggests that some sites will use this code. IE6 treats is as ' bar < xyz ' viewable. # # The more common counter-example, bar > xyz , will work as the user expected, # because the pattern above seeks to the next "<" and will read over any un-escaped ">" # characters. The ">" bareword is probably much more common. # # no fix is planned for the bar < xyz problem. It will simply be yet another # negative consequence of using incorrect HTML. $fresh_str .= $embed; } else { # shortcut -- no embedded HTML tags to worry about $fresh_str .= $embed; } # finish it: $fresh_str .= $end_tag; # update the counter: $last_pos = $end + 1; } $fresh_str .= substr( $self->{'str_original'}, $last_pos ); $fresh_str =~ s!^ !!; $fresh_str =~ s! $!!; return $fresh_str; } sub choose_interface_lang { my ($b_is_admin_rq, $browser_lang) = @_; my $options = ''; my $lang = $::Rules{'language'}; my $err = ''; Err: { my %valid; ($err, $options, %valid) = &get_valid_langs(); next Err if ($err); last Err if ($b_is_admin_rq); my $uls = $::Rules{'user language selection'}; if (($uls == 1) or ($uls == 3)) { # detect lang based on browser my $browser = substr( &query_env('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'), 0, 2 ); # only map non-2-char entries; others pass through my %fdse_name_map = ( 'en' => 'english', 'pt' => 'portuguese', 'fr' => 'french', 'it' => 'italian', 'nl' => 'dutch', 'de' => 'german', 'es' => 'spanish', ); $browser = $fdse_name_map{$browser} || $browser; if ($valid{$browser}) { $lang = $browser; } } if (($uls == 2) or ($uls == 3)) { # detect lang from form settings if (exists($::FORM{'set:lang'})) { $::FORM{'p:lang'} = $::FORM{'set:lang'}; delete $::FORM{'set:lang'}; } if ((exists($::FORM{'p:lang'})) and ($::FORM{'p:lang'} =~ m!^(\w+)$!) and ($valid{$1})) { $lang = $1; } } last Err; } return ($err, $options, $lang); } sub get_valid_langs { my %valid = (); my $err = ''; Err: { my $cache_string = ''; my $template_time = (stat('templates'))[9]; my $cache = 'valid_languages_cache.txt'; if ((-e $cache) and (-f $cache)) { ($err, $cache_string) = &ReadFileL( $cache ); next Err if ($err); my ($cache_version, $cache_build_time, $cache_template_time, %cache_valid) = split(m!\$!, $cache_string); if ( ($cache_version ne $::VERSION) or (($::private{'script_start_time'} - $cache_build_time) > 86400) or ($cache_template_time != $template_time) ) { # discard cache } else { %valid = %cache_valid; last Err; } } # query file system, either because no cache present, or because it has been discarded: if (opendir(DIR, 'templates')) { my @folders = sort readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach (@folders) { next unless (-e "templates/$_/strings.txt"); unless (open(FILE, ", ); close(FILE); if ($ver =~ m!^VERSION $::VERSION!) { # ok $selfname =~ s!\r|\n|\015|\012!!sg; $valid{$_} = $selfname; } } } # save cache if possible: $cache_string = join( '$', $::VERSION, $::private{'script_start_time'}, $template_time, %valid ); if (open(FILE, ">$cache")) { binmode(FILE); print FILE $cache_string; close(FILE); chmod($::private{'file_mask'},$cache); } last Err; } my $options = ''; foreach (sort keys %valid) { $options .= qq!!; } return ($err, $options, %valid); } sub rewrite_url { my ($level, $url) = @_; my $key = "rewrite_url_" . $level; return $url unless (exists $::Rules{$key}); # format is b_enabled,p1,p2,comment,b_verbose, if (not exists $::private{$key}) { # create a cache copy my @rules = (); my $rule; foreach $rule (split(m!\&!, $::Rules{$key})) { my @fields = split(m!\=!, $rule); next unless ($fields[0]); my @rule = ( &ud($fields[1],$fields[2]), $fields[4] ); push(@rules, \@rule); } $::private{$key} = \@rules; } my $p_rules = $::private{$key}; # pointer to an array of arrays my $p_rule; foreach $p_rule (@$p_rules) { my $init = $url; my ($p1, $p2, $b_verbose) = @$p_rule; #changed 0056; Brian Renken's contrib; rewrite rules now support $1, $2, uc/lc($1) my @backref = ($url =~ m!$p1!is); my $count = ($url =~ s!$p1!$p2!isg); my $i = 0; my $ref; foreach $ref (@backref) { $i++; $url =~ s!lc\(\$$i\)!lc($ref)!iesg; $url =~ s!uc\(\$$i\)!uc($ref)!iesg; $url =~ s!\$$i!$ref!sg; } if (($count) and ($b_verbose)) { my $h_init = &he($init); print "

Status: URL rewrite feature has converted $h_init to " . &he($url) . ".

\n"; } } return $url; } sub check_regex { my ($pattern) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { if ($pattern =~ m!\?\{!) { $err = &pstr(50,&he($pattern)); next Err; } eval '"foo" =~ m!$pattern!;'; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(51,&he($pattern,$@)); undef($@); next Err; } } return $err; } sub pstr { local $_ = $::str[$_[0]]; my $x = 0; foreach $x (1..((scalar @_) - 1)) { my $c = (s!\$s$x!$_[$x]!g); #&Assert($c != 0); } #&Assert( $_ !~ m!\$s\d! ); return $_; } sub ppstr { local $_ = $::str[$_[0]]; #&Assert(defined($_)); my $x = 0; foreach $x (1..((scalar @_) - 1)) { #&Assert(defined($_[$x])); my $c = (s!\$s$x!$_[$x]!g); #&Assert($c != 0); } #&Assert( $_ !~ m!\$s\d! ); print; } sub pppstr { local $_ = $::str[$_[0]]; my $x = 0; foreach $x (1..((scalar @_) - 1)) { my $c = (s!\$s$x!$_[$x]!g); #&Assert($c != 0); } #&Assert( $_ !~ m!\$s\d! ); if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print "\n$_\n"; } else { print "

" . $_ . "

\n"; } } sub CompressStrip { local $_ = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; $_ = &RawTranslate(" $_ "); s'\s+' 'og; eval($::private{'code_strip_ignored_words'}); die $@ if $@; s'\s+' 'og; s'^ ''; s' $''; return " $_ "; } sub entity_decode { my ($string, $b_return_only_ch, $p_ilen) = @_; my $elen = 0; # initialize; assume no entity match # decimal: if (($string =~ m!^\&\#(\d+)\;?$!) and ($1 < 256)) { $elen = length($string); $string = chr($1); } # hexidecimal: elsif (($string =~ m!^\&\#x([0-9a-f]+)\;?$!) and (hex($1) < 256)) { $elen = length($string); $string = chr(hex($1)); } # named entity, with explicit closing semicolon: elsif (($string =~ m!^\&(\w{2,8})\;$!) and (exists $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{$1})) { $elen = length($string); $string = $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{$1}; } # named entity, but without closing semicolon. # try to match longest possible string elsif ($string =~ m!^\&(\w{2,8})$!) { my $test = $1; my $len = length($test); while ($len > 1) { if (exists($::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{ substr($test,0,$len) })) { $elen = 1 + $len; $string = $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{ substr($test,0,$len) }; $string .= substr($test, $len) unless ($b_return_only_ch); last; } $len--; } } if ($b_return_only_ch) { $$p_ilen = $elen; } return $string; } sub create_conversion_code { my ($b_verbose) = @_; my $code = ''; # Format of %charset is { char_number => [ @values, $name ] } # where @values represents what the character should be converted to under 4 circumstances # -1 means "strip, is non-word" # 0 means "leave as is" # any other string value is the value to be converted to my %base_charset = ( 9 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Horizontal tab'], 10 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Line feed'], 13 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Carriage Return'], 32 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Space'], 33 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Exclamation mark'], 34 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Quotation mark'], 35 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Number sign'], 36 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Dollar sign'], 37 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Percent sign'], 38 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Ampersand'], 39 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Apostrophe'], 40 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Left parenthesis'], 41 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Right parenthesis'], 42 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Asterisk'], 43 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Plus sign'], 44 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Comma'], 45 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Hyphen'], 46 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Period (fullstop)'], 47 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Solidus (slash)'], 48 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 0'], 49 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 1'], 50 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 2'], 51 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 3'], 52 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 4'], 53 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 5'], 54 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 6'], 55 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 7'], 56 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 8'], 57 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Digit 9'], 58 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Colon'], 59 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Semicolon'], 60 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Less than'], 61 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Equals sign'], 62 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Greater than'], 63 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Question mark'], 64 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Commercial at'], 65 => [ 'a', 0, 'a', 0, 'Capital A'], 66 => [ 'b', 0, 'b', 0, 'Capital B'], 67 => [ 'c', 0, 'c', 0, 'Capital C'], 68 => [ 'd', 0, 'd', 0, 'Capital D'], 69 => [ 'e', 0, 'e', 0, 'Capital E'], 70 => [ 'f', 0, 'f', 0, 'Capital F'], 71 => [ 'g', 0, 'g', 0, 'Capital G'], 72 => [ 'h', 0, 'h', 0, 'Capital H'], 73 => [ 'i', 0, 'i', 0, 'Capital I'], 74 => [ 'j', 0, 'j', 0, 'Capital J'], 75 => [ 'k', 0, 'k', 0, 'Capital K'], 76 => [ 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'Capital L'], 77 => [ 'm', 0, 'm', 0, 'Capital M'], 78 => [ 'n', 0, 'n', 0, 'Capital N'], 79 => [ 'o', 0, 'o', 0, 'Capital O'], 80 => [ 'p', 0, 'p', 0, 'Capital P'], 81 => [ 'q', 0, 'q', 0, 'Capital Q'], 82 => [ 'r', 0, 'r', 0, 'Capital R'], 83 => [ 's', 0, 's', 0, 'Capital S'], 84 => [ 't', 0, 't', 0, 'Capital T'], 85 => [ 'u', 0, 'u', 0, 'Capital U'], 86 => [ 'v', 0, 'v', 0, 'Capital V'], 87 => [ 'w', 0, 'w', 0, 'Capital W'], 88 => [ 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'Capital X'], 89 => [ 'y', 0, 'y', 0, 'Capital Y'], 90 => [ 'z', 0, 'z', 0, 'Capital Z'], 91 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Left square bracket'], 92 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Reverse solidus (backslash)'], 93 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Right square bracket'], 94 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Caret'], 95 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Horizontal bar (underscore)'], 96 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Acute accent'], 97 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small a'], 98 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small b'], 99 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small c'], 100 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small d'], 101 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small e'], 102 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small f'], 103 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small g'], 104 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small h'], 105 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small i'], 106 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small j'], 107 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small k'], 108 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small l'], 109 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small m'], 110 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small n'], 111 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small o'], 112 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small p'], 113 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small q'], 114 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small r'], 115 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small s'], 116 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small t'], 117 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small u'], 118 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small v'], 119 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small w'], 120 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small x'], 121 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small y'], 122 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Small z'], 123 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Left curly brace'], 124 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Vertical bar'], 125 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Right curly brace'], 126 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Tilde'], ); my %extended_charset = ( 138 => [ 's', 'S', chr(154), 0, 'Scaron'], 140 => [ 'oe', 'OE', chr(156), 0, 'OE ligature'], 142 => [ 'z', 'Z', chr(158), 0, ''], 154 => [ 's', 's', 0, 0, 'scaron'], 156 => [ 'oe', 'oe', 0, 0, 'oe ligature'], 158 => [ 'z', 'z', 0, 0, ''], 159 => [ 'y', 'Y', chr(255), 0, ''], 160 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Nonbreaking space'], 161 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Inverted exclamation'], 162 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Cent sign'], 163 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Pound sterling'], 164 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'General currency sign'], 165 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Yen sign'], 166 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Broken vertical bar'], 167 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Section sign'], 168 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Diæresis / Umlaut'], 169 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Copyright'], 170 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Feminine ordinal'], 171 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Left angle quote, guillemet left'], 172 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Not sign'], 173 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Soft hyphen'], 174 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Registered trademark'], 175 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Macron accent'], 176 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Degree sign'], 177 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Plus or minus'], 178 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Superscript 2'], 179 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Superscript 3'], 180 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Acute accent'], 181 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Micro sign'], 182 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Paragraph sign'], 183 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Middle dot'], 184 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Cedilla'], 185 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Superscript 1'], 186 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Masculine ordinal'], 187 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Right angle quote, guillemet right'], 188 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Fraction one-fourth'], 189 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Fraction one-half'], 190 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Fraction three-fourths'], 191 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Inverted question mark'], 192 => [ 'a', 'A', chr(224), 0, 'Capital A, grave accent'], 193 => [ 'a', 'A', chr(225), 0, 'Capital A, acute accent'], 194 => [ 'a', 'A', chr(226), 0, 'Capital A, circumflex'], 195 => [ 'a', 'A', chr(227), 0, 'Capital A, tilde'], 196 => [ 'ae', 'Ae', chr(228), 0, 'Capital A, diaeresis / umlaut'], 197 => [ 'a', 'A', chr(229), 0, 'Capital A, ring'], 198 => [ 'ae', 'AE', chr(230), 0, 'Capital AE ligature'], 199 => [ 'c', 'c', chr(231), 0, 'Capital C, cedilla'], 200 => [ 'e', 'E', chr(232), 0, 'Capital E, grave accent'], 201 => [ 'e', 'E', chr(233), 0, 'Capital E, acute accent'], 202 => [ 'e', 'E', chr(234), 0, 'Capital E, circumflex'], 203 => [ 'e', 'E', chr(235), 0, 'Capital E, diaeresis / umlaut'], 204 => [ 'i', 'I', chr(236), 0, 'Capital I, grave accent'], 205 => [ 'i', 'I', chr(237), 0, 'Capital I, acute accent'], 206 => [ 'i', 'I', chr(238), 0, 'Capital I, circumflex'], 207 => [ 'i', 'I', chr(239), 0, 'Capital I, diaeresis / umlaut'], 208 => [ 'd', 'D', chr(240), 0, 'Capital Eth, Icelandic'], 209 => [ 'n', 'N', chr(241), 0, 'Capital N, tilde'], 210 => [ 'o', 'O', chr(242), 0, 'Capital O, grave accent'], 211 => [ 'o', 'O', chr(243), 0, 'Capital O, acute accent'], 212 => [ 'o', 'O', chr(244), 0, 'Capital O, circumflex'], 213 => [ 'o', 'O', chr(245), 0, 'Capital O, tilde'], 214 => [ 'oe', 'Oe', chr(246), 0, 'Capital O, diaeresis / umlaut'], 215 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Multiply sign'], 216 => [ 'o', 'O', chr(248), 0, 'Capital O, slash'], 217 => [ 'u', 'U', chr(249), 0, 'Capital U, grave accent'], 218 => [ 'u', 'U', chr(250), 0, 'Capital U, acute accent'], 219 => [ 'u', 'U', chr(251), 0, 'Capital U, circumflex'], 220 => [ 'ue', 'Ue', chr(252), 0, 'Capital U, diaeresis / umlaut'], 221 => [ 'y', 'Y', chr(253), 0, 'Capital Y, acute accent'], 222 => [ 'p', 'P', chr(254), 0, 'Capital Thorn, Icelandic'], 223 => [ 'ss', 'ss', 0, 0, 'Small sharp s, German sz'], 224 => [ 'a', 'a', 0, 0, 'Small a, grave accent'], 225 => [ 'a', 'a', 0, 0, 'Small a, acute accent'], 226 => [ 'a', 'a', 0, 0, 'Small a, circumflex'], 227 => [ 'a', 'a', 0, 0, 'Small a, tilde'], 228 => [ 'ae', 'ae', 0, 0, 'Small a, diaeresis / umlaut'], 229 => [ 'a', 'a', 0, 0, 'Small a, ring'], 230 => [ 'ae', 'ae', 0, 0, 'Small ae ligature'], 231 => [ 'c', 'c', 0, 0, 'Small c, cedilla'], 232 => [ 'e', 'e', 0, 0, 'Small e, grave accent'], 233 => [ 'e', 'e', 0, 0, 'Small e, acute accent'], 234 => [ 'e', 'e', 0, 0, 'Small e, circumflex'], 235 => [ 'e', 'e', 0, 0, 'Small e, diaeresis / umlaut'], 236 => [ 'i', 'i', 0, 0, 'Small i, grave accent'], 237 => [ 'i', 'i', 0, 0, 'Small i, acute accent'], 238 => [ 'i', 'i', 0, 0, 'Small i, circumflex'], 239 => [ 'i', 'i', 0, 0, 'Small i, diaeresis / umlaut'], 240 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small eth, Icelandic'], 241 => [ 'n', 'n', 0, 0, 'Small n, tilde'], 242 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small o, grave accent'], 243 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small o, acute accent'], 244 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small o, circumflex'], 245 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small o, tilde'], 246 => [ 'oe', 'oe', 0, 0, 'Small o, diaeresis / umlaut'], 247 => [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 'Division sign'], 248 => [ 'o', 'o', 0, 0, 'Small o, slash'], 249 => [ 'u', 'u', 0, 0, 'Small u, grave accent'], 250 => [ 'u', 'u', 0, 0, 'Small u, acute accent'], 251 => [ 'u', 'u', 0, 0, 'Small u, circumflex'], 252 => [ 'ue', 'ue', 0, 0, 'Small u, diaeresis / umlaut'], 253 => [ 'y', 'y', 0, 0, 'Small y, acute accent'], 254 => [ 'p', 'p', 0, 0, 'Small thorn, Icelandic'], 255 => [ 'y', 'y', 0, 0, 'Small y, diaeresis / umlaut'], ); =item reserved The %reserved hash contains the Latin character index of characters that FDSE uses internally to delimit data, including newlines, whitespace, and the equals sign. These characters are *always* stripped from incoming data regardless of locale settings. =cut my %reserved = ( 34 => 1, 38 => 1, 60 => 1, 62 => 1, 9 => 1, 95 => 1, 10 => 1, 13 => 1, 32 => 1, 61 => 1, ); =item named_entities The %named_entities hash maps HTML entities to their Latin character index. Numeric formats like "#ddd" and "xHH" are programmatically added to the hash -- there is no need to manually add them. Named entities which do not map to alphanumeric "word" characters, like "amp", are omitted as an optimization, since those characters are never included in the index. =cut my %named_entities = ( '#338' => 140, '#339' => 156, '#352' => 138, '#353' => 154, 'AElig' => 198, 'Aacute' => 193, 'Acirc' => 194, 'Agrave' => 192, 'Aring' => 197, 'Atilde' => 195, 'Auml' => 196, 'Ccedil' => 199, 'ETH' => 208, 'Eacute' => 201, 'Ecirc' => 202, 'Egrave' => 200, 'Euml' => 203, 'Iacute' => 205, 'Icirc' => 206, 'Igrave' => 204, 'Iuml' => 207, 'Ntilde' => 209, 'OElig' => 140, 'Oacute' => 211, 'Ocirc' => 212, 'Ograve' => 210, 'Oslash' => 216, 'Otilde' => 213, 'Ouml' => 214, 'Scaron' => 138, 'THORN' => 222, 'Uacute' => 218, 'Ucirc' => 219, 'Ugrave' => 217, 'Uuml' => 220, 'Yacute' => 221, 'aacute' => 225, 'acirc' => 226, 'aelig' => 230, 'agrave' => 224, 'aring' => 229, 'atilde' => 227, 'auml' => 228, 'ccedil' => 231, 'eacute' => 233, 'ecirc' => 234, 'egrave' => 232, 'eth' => 240, 'euml' => 235, 'iacute' => 237, 'icirc' => 238, 'igrave' => 236, 'iquest' => 191, 'iuml' => 239, 'ntilde' => 241, 'oacute' => 243, 'ocirc' => 244, 'oelig' => 156, 'ograve' => 242, 'oslash' => 248, 'otilde' => 245, 'ouml' => 246, 'scaron' => 154, 'sup1' => 185, 'sup2' => 178, 'sup3' => 179, 'szlig' => 223, 'thorn' => 254, 'uacute' => 250, 'ucirc' => 251, 'ugrave' => 249, 'uuml' => 252, 'yacute' => 253, 'yuml' => 255, ); my @non_word_entities = qw! Alpha Beta Chi Dagger Delta Epsilon Eta Gamma Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu OElig Omega Omicron Phi Pi Prime Psi Rho Scaron Sigma Tau Theta Upsilon Xi Yuml Zeta acute alefsym alpha amp and ang apos asymp bdquo beta brvbar bull cap cedil cent chi circ clubs cong copy crarr cup curren dArr dagger darr deg delta diams divide empty emsp ensp epsilon equiv eta euro exist fnof forall frac12 frac14 frac34 frasl gamma ge gt hArr harr hearts hellip iexcl image infin int iota iquest isin kappa lArr lambda lang laquo larr lceil ldquo le lfloor lowast loz lrm lsaquo lsquo lt macr mdash micro middot minus mu nabla nbsp ndash ne ni not notin nsub nu oelig oline omega omicron oplus or ordf ordm otimes para part permil perp phi pi piv plusmn pound prime prod prop psi quot rArr radic rang raquo rarr rceil rdquo real reg rfloor rho rlm rsaquo rsquo sbquo scaron sdot sect shy sigma sigmaf sim spades sube sum sup sup1 sup2 sup3 supe tau there4 theta thetasym thinsp tilde times trade uArr uarr uml upsih upsilon weierp xi yen zeta zwj zwnj sub !; $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'} = {}; foreach (@non_word_entities) { $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{ $_ } = ' '; } my %entity_name_by_num = (); my ($name, $number) = ('', 0); while (($name, $number) = each %named_entities) { $entity_name_by_num{ $number } .= "$name "; $::private{'p_entity_value_by_name'}->{ $name } = chr( $number ); } $::private{'p_single_char_map'} = []; my %ac_map_cs = (); my @nonword = (); my $focus = (2 + (-2 * $::Rules{'character conversion: accent insensitive'})) + (1 + (-1 * $::Rules{'character conversion: case insensitive'})); my $chx = 0; if (not $b_verbose) { for (my $chx = 255; $chx > 0; $chx--) { my $ch = chr($chx); my $value = -1; if (defined($base_charset{$chx})) { $value = $base_charset{$chx}[$focus]; } elsif (defined($extended_charset{$chx})) { $value = $extended_charset{$chx}[$focus]; } if ($value eq '-1') { $nonword[$chx] = 1; $::private{'p_single_char_map'}->[$chx] = ' '; } elsif ($value ne '0') { $ac_map_cs{$value} .= $ch; $::private{'p_single_char_map'}->[$chx] = $value; } else { $::private{'p_single_char_map'}->[$chx] = $ch; } } } else { print <<"EOM"; EOM for (my $chx = 255; $chx > 0; $chx--) { my $ch = chr($chx); my @data = (-1, -1, -1, -1, 'Unused'); #default if (defined($base_charset{$chx})) { for (0..4) { $data[$_] = $base_charset{$chx}[$_]; } } elsif (defined($extended_charset{$chx})) { for (0..4) { $data[$_] = $extended_charset{$chx}[$_]; } } print qq!"; my $zz = 0; for $zz (0..3) { if ($zz == $focus) { if ($data[$zz] eq '-1') { print qq!\n!; $nonword[$chx] = 1; } elsif ($data[$zz] eq '0') { print qq!\n!; } else { print qq!\n!; # format {dest} = {orig orig orig} $ac_map_cs{$data[$zz]} .= $ch; } } else { if ($data[$zz] eq '-1') { print qq!\n!; } elsif ($data[$zz] eq '0') { print qq!\n!; } else { print qq!\n!; } } } print "\n"; next; } print '
$::str[62] $::str[45] $::str[61] $::str[60] $::str[59]
! . substr(1000 + $chx, 1, 3) . qq!$data[4]
!; if ($entity_name_by_num{$chx}) { my @list = split(m!\s+!, $entity_name_by_num{$chx}); my $en; foreach $en (@list) { next unless ($en); print '&' . "amp;$en; - &$en;
"; } } else { print "
"; } print qq!
! . &he($ch) . "
'; } # build the code to strip spans of non-word characters: my @kill = (); foreach (1..255) { next unless ($nonword[$_]); push(@kill,quotemeta(chr($_))); } my $frag = join("|",@kill); my $cnw = ''; if ($frag) { $cnw = "s'($frag)+' 'og;\n"; } my $ccc = ''; foreach (keys %ac_map_cs) { my $ch = (); my @chars = (); foreach $ch (split(m!!, $ac_map_cs{$_})) { push(@chars, quotemeta($ch)); } my $in = join('|',@chars); if (1 == length($in)) { $ccc .= "s!$in!$_!og;\n"; } elsif ($in) { $ccc .= "s!($in)!$_!og;\n"; } } @kill = (); foreach (keys %reserved) { push(@kill, quotemeta(chr($_))); } $frag = join('|', @kill); my $csr = ''; if ($frag) { $csr = "s!($frag)+! !sog;\n"; } #changed 0056 - map %20 to ' ' as very special case to avoid "foo%20bar" from mapping to "foo 20bar" $code = <<'EOM'; s!\%20! !sg; my $temp = 0; s!(\&(\#\d+|\#x[0-9a-f]+|\w{2,8})\;?)!&entity_decode($1)!eig; EOM $code .= $csr; $code .= $ccc; $code .= $cnw; return $code; } =item foo_sub =cut sub foo_sub { return; } sub RawTranslate { local $_ = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; if (not exists($::private{'conversion_code'})) { $::private{'conversion_code'} = &create_conversion_code(0); } eval $::private{'conversion_code'}; return $_; } sub SelectAdEx { my @Ads = ('','','',''); my $err = ''; Err: { last Err if ($::private{'is_freeware'}); my $text = ''; ($err, $text) = &ReadFileL('ads.xml'); next Err if ($err); my $ads_ver = 1; if ($text =~ m! version=\"(\d)!s) { $ads_ver = $1; } last Err unless ($text =~ m!(.+)!s); my ($master_pos_str, $ads) = ($1, $2); next unless ($master_pos_str); #changed 0068 my $b_query_has_keywords = 0; my @patterns = (); if (exists $::private{'search_term_patterns'}) { @patterns = @{ $::private{'search_term_patterns'} }; $b_query_has_keywords = 1; } if (exists $::FORM{'Realm'}) { push( @patterns, ' realm ' . &Trim(&CompressStrip($::FORM{'Realm'})) . ' ' ); $b_query_has_keywords = 1; } my $term_pattern = '(' . join( '|', @patterns ) . ')'; my @match_ads = (); my @all_ads = (); foreach (split(m!(.*)!s); my %adinfo = (); $adinfo{'text'} = $2; my $attributes = $1; while ($attributes =~ m!^\s*(\S+)\=\"(.*?)\"(.*)$!s) { $adinfo{$1} = $2; $attributes = $3; } if ($ads_ver > 1) { foreach (keys %adinfo) { $adinfo{$_} = &ud($adinfo{$_}); } } push(@all_ads, \%adinfo); } # for each of 4 positions, select an ad: my $i = 1; for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { # skip if we've globally decided not to put ads in this position next unless ($master_pos_str =~ m!$i!); my ($matchweight, $weight) = (0, 0); my (@my_ads, @match_ads) = (); # Select an ad for position $i my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data (@all_ads) { # skip this ad if we've decided to to show it at position $i: next unless ($$p_data{'placement'} =~ m!$i!); # ok, do we have search words to work with, and are there keywords with this ad? my $is_keyword_match = 0; if (($b_query_has_keywords) and ($$p_data{'keywords'})) { $$p_data{'keywords'} = &CompressStrip( $$p_data{'keywords'} ); # Is there a keyword match? if (" $$p_data{'keywords'} " =~ m!$term_pattern!i) { $matchweight += $$p_data{'weight'}; push(@match_ads, $p_data); $is_keyword_match = 1; } } # have they decided that this ad *only* appears for keyword matches? if (($$p_data{'kw'}) and (not $is_keyword_match)) { # sorry maybe next time: next; } $weight += $$p_data{'weight'}; push(@my_ads, $p_data); } if ($matchweight) { $weight = $matchweight; @my_ads = @match_ads; } my $num = int($weight * rand()); foreach $p_data (@my_ads) { $num -= $$p_data{'weight'}; next if ($num > 0); # Increment the logfile my $logfile = "ads_hitcount_$$p_data{'ident'}.txt"; my $hits = 0; if ((not (-e $logfile)) and (open(FILE, ">$logfile" ))) { print FILE 0; close(FILE); } if (open(FILE, "+<$logfile")) { $hits = ; seek(FILE, 0, 0); print FILE ++$hits; close(FILE); } $Ads[$i-1] = $$p_data{'text'}; last; } } } return @Ads; } sub PrintTemplate { my ($b_return_as_string, $file, $language, $p_replace, $p_visited, $p_cache) = @_; my $return_text = ''; my $err = ''; Err: { # Initialize: unless ($p_replace) { my %hash = (); $p_replace = \%hash; } $$p_replace{'version'} = $::VERSION; unless ($p_visited) { my %hash = (); $p_visited = \%hash; } my $text = ''; if (($p_cache) and ('HASH' eq ref($p_cache)) and (exists($$p_cache{$file}))) { $text = $$p_cache{$file}; } else { my $fullfile = ''; my $base = "templates/$language/"; my $max_parents = 12; for (0..$max_parents) { $fullfile = $base . ('../' x $_) . $file; $fullfile =~ s!/+!/!g; last if (-e $fullfile); } unless (-e $fullfile) { $err = "unable to find file '$file'"; next Err; } if ($fullfile =~ m!([^\\|/]+)$!) { $$p_visited{$1}++; } ($err, $text) = &ReadFileL($fullfile); next Err if ($err); if (($p_cache) and ('HASH' eq ref($p_cache))) { $$p_cache{$file} = $text; } } #conditionals foreach (reverse sort keys %$p_replace) { next unless (defined($_)); $$p_replace{$_} = '' if (not defined($$p_replace{$_})); if ($$p_replace{$_}) { # true $text =~ s!<%\s*if\s+$_\s*%\>(.*?)<%\s*end\s*if\s*%>!$1!isg; $text =~ s!<%\s*(if\s+not|unless)\s+$_\s*%>.*?<%\s*end\s*if\s*%>!!isg; } else { # false $text =~ s!<%\s*if\s+$_\s*%>.*?<%\s*end\s*if\s*%>!!isg; $text =~ s!<%\s*(if\s+not|unless)\s+$_\s*%>(.*?)<%\s*end\s*if\s*%>!$2!isg; } } foreach (reverse sort keys %$p_replace) { #revcompat $text =~ s!\$$_!$$p_replace{$_}!isg; $text =~ s!\_\_$_\_\_!$$p_replace{$_}!isg; #/revcompat $text =~ s!\%$_\%!$$p_replace{$_}!isg; } my $pattern = ''; while ($text =~ m!^(.*?)$pattern(.*)$!is) { my ($start, $c1, $incfile, $end) = ($1, lc($2), $3, $4); if ($b_return_as_string) { $return_text .= $start; } else { print $start; } if ($c1 eq 'echo var') { my $var = uc($incfile); my $vardata = ''; if ($var eq 'DATE_GMT') { $vardata = scalar gmtime(); } elsif ($var eq 'DATE_LOCAL') { $vardata = scalar localtime(); } elsif ($var eq 'DOCUMENT_NAME') { $vardata = $1 if ($0 =~ m!([^\\|/]+)$!); } elsif ($var eq 'DOCUMENT_URI') { $vardata = &query_env('SCRIPT_NAME'); } elsif ($var eq 'LAST_MODIFIED') { $vardata = scalar localtime( (stat($0))[9] ); } elsif (defined($ENV{$var})) { $vardata = &query_env($var); } if ($b_return_as_string) { $return_text .= $vardata; } else { print $vardata; } } else { my $basefile = $incfile; if ($incfile =~ m!.*(\\|/)(.*?)$!) { $basefile = $2; } my $outstr = ''; # Do we have a file extension? if ($basefile !~ m!\.(txt|htm|html|shtml|stm|inc)$!i) { $outstr = ""; } elsif ($$p_visited{$basefile}) { $outstr = ""; } else { $$p_visited{$basefile}++; $outstr .= &PrintTemplate( $b_return_as_string, $incfile, $language, $p_replace, $p_visited ); } if ($b_return_as_string) { $return_text .= $outstr; } else { print $outstr; } } $text = $end; } if ($b_return_as_string) { $return_text .= $text; } else { print $text; } last Err; } continue { if ($b_return_as_string) { $return_text .= &pstr(29,$err); } else { &ppstr(29,$err); } } return $return_text; } sub ReadInput { # Initialize: %::FORM = (); my @Pairs = @ARGV; if (($ARGV[0]) and ($ARGV[0] eq 'is_shell_include=1')) { # use argv } elsif (&query_env('REQUEST_METHOD') eq 'POST') { my $buffer = ''; read(STDIN, $buffer, &query_env('CONTENT_LENGTH',0)); &untaintme(\$buffer); @Pairs = split(m!\&!, $buffer); } elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) { @Pairs = split(m!\&!, &query_env('QUERY_STRING')); } #changed 0054 - support for multi-select my ($name, $value); foreach (@Pairs) { next unless (m!^(.*?)=(.*)$!); ($name, $value) = &ud($1,$2); if (exists($::FORM{$name})) { # multi $::FORM{$name} .= ",$value"; } else { $::FORM{$name} = $value; } } #changed 0053 - support for undefined-alt-value foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^(.*)_udav$!); next if (exists($::FORM{$1})); $::FORM{$1} = $::FORM{$_}; } $::FORM{'Mode'} = '' if (not (exists($::FORM{'Mode'}))); } sub Trim { local $_ = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; s!^[\r\n\s]+!!o; s![\r\n\s]+$!!o; return $_; } sub ue { my @out = @_; local $_; foreach (@out) { $_ = '' if (not defined($_)); s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])!uc(sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1)))!eg; } if ((wantarray) or ($#out > 0)) { return @out; } else { return $out[0]; } } sub ud { my @out = @_; local $_; foreach (@out) { next unless (defined($_)); tr!+! !; s!\%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])!pack('C', hex($1))!eg; } if ((wantarray) or ($#out > 0)) { return @out; } else { return $out[0]; } } sub ReadFile { my ($file) = @_; my ($err, $text) = ('', ''); Err: { my ($BytesToRead, $BytesRead, $obj, $p_rhandle) = (-s $file); last Err unless ($BytesToRead); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read($file); next Err if ($err); $BytesRead = read($$p_rhandle, $text, $BytesToRead); $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); unless ($BytesRead == $BytesToRead) { $err = &pstr(47, $file, $BytesRead, $BytesToRead ); next Err; } } return ($err, $text); } sub ReadFileL { my ($file) = @_; my ($err,$text) = ('',''); Err: { unless (open(FILE, "<$file")) { $err = &pstr(44,$file,$!); next Err; } unless (binmode(FILE)) { $err = &pstr(39,$file,$!); next Err; } $text = join('',); } close(FILE); return ($err,$text); } sub log_search { my ($realm, $terms, $rank, $documents_found, $documents_searched) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { last unless ($::Rules{'logging: enable'}); $terms = &he( $terms ); #changed 0058 if ($realm eq 'include-by-name') { my @realms = (); foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^Realm:(.+)$!); push(@realms, $1); } $realm = join('|',sort @realms); } my $host = &query_env('REMOTE_HOST') || $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'} || 'undefined'; my $time = time(); my $human_time = &FormatDateTime( $time, 14, 0 ); my $lang = $::Rules{'language'}; $lang =~ s!\,|\r|\n|\015|\012!!sg; my @fields = ($host,$time,$human_time,$realm,$terms,$rank,$documents_found,$documents_searched,$lang); #validate/cleanse all fields so as not to corrupt CSV foreach (@fields) { s!(\,|\s|\r|\n|\015|\012|\")+! !sg; } my $logline = join(',', @fields) . ",\n"; $logline =~ s!^(.+?)\,(.*)!$1 ,$2!; # insert space before first comma unless (open(LOGFILE, ">>search.log.txt")) { $err = &pstr(42,'search.log.txt',$!); next Err; } binmode(LOGFILE); print LOGFILE $logline; close(LOGFILE); chmod($::private{'file_mask'},'search.log.txt'); eval { DBMLog: { last DBMLog unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}); if (length($terms) > 64) {# prevent overflow in dbm key-value len $terms = substr($terms,0,64); } my (%str_all, %str_t20) = (); last DBMLog unless (dbmopen( %str_all, 'dbm_strlog_all', 0666 )); my $total = ++$str_all{$terms}; #maxval if (not defined($str_all{'+++'})) { $str_all{'+++'} = $total; } elsif ($total > $str_all{'+++'}) { $str_all{'+++'} = $total; } $str_all{'++'} = time() unless ($str_all{'++'}); $str_all{'+'} = $str_all{'+'} || 0; # boundary last unless ($total >= $str_all{'+'}); last DBMLog unless ($::Rules{'logging: display most popular'}); dbmopen( %str_t20, 'dbm_strlog_top', 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, 'dbm_strlog_top', $! ); $str_t20{'++'} = time() unless ($str_t20{'++'}); $str_t20{$terms} = $total; my $maxval = 0; my $count = 0; foreach (sort { $str_t20{$b} <=> $str_t20{$a} || $a cmp $b } keys %str_t20) { next if (m!^\++$!); $count++; if ($count > $::Rules{'logging: display most popular'}) { delete $str_t20{$_}; } else { if ($str_t20{$_} > $maxval) { $maxval = $str_t20{$_}; } $str_all{'+'} = $str_t20{$_}; } } if ($count < $::Rules{'logging: display most popular'}) { $str_all{'+'} = 0; } #maxval if (not defined($str_t20{'+++'})) { $str_t20{'+++'} = $maxval; } elsif ($maxval > $str_t20{'+++'}) { $str_t20{'+++'} = $maxval; } } }; if ($@) { &ppstr(53, &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ) ); } } return $err; } sub FormatNumber { my ( $expression, $decimal_places, $include_leading_digit, $use_parens_for_negative, $group_digits, $euro_style ) = @_; my $dec_ch = ($euro_style) ? ',' : '.'; my $tho_ch = ($euro_style) ? '.' : ','; my $qm_dec_ch = quotemeta( $dec_ch ); local $_ = $expression; unless (m!^\-?\d*\.?\d*$!) { #print "Warning: arg '$num' isn't numeric.\n"; $_ = 0; } my $exp = 1; for (1..$decimal_places) { $exp *= 10; } $_ *= $exp; $_ = int($_); $_ = ($_ / $exp); # Add a trailing decimal divider if we don't have one yet $_ .= '.' unless (m!\.!); # Pad zero'es if appropriate: if ($decimal_places) { if (m!^(.*)\.(.*)$!) { $_ .= '0' x ($decimal_places - length($2)); } } # Re-write with localized decimal divider: s!\.!$dec_ch!o; # Group digits: if ($group_digits) { while (m!(.*)(\d)(\d\d\d)(\,|\.)(.*)!) { $_ = "$1$2$tho_ch$3$4$5"; } } if ($include_leading_digit) { s!^$qm_dec_ch!0$dec_ch!o; } # Have we somehow ended up with just a decimal point? Make it zero then: if ("foo$_" eq "foo$dec_ch") { $_ = "0"; } # Strip trailing decimal point s!$qm_dec_ch$!!o; if ($use_parens_for_negative) { s!^\-(.*)$!\($1\)!o; } return $_; } sub FormatDateTime { my ($time, $format_type, $b_format_as_gmt) = @_; $format_type = 0 unless ($format_type); my $date_str = ''; $time = 0 unless ($time); if ($format_type == 13) { if ($b_format_as_gmt) { $date_str = scalar gmtime( $time ); } else { $date_str = scalar localtime( $time ); } } else { my ($sec, $min, $milhour, $day, $month_index, $year, $weekday_index) = ($b_format_as_gmt) ? gmtime( $time ) : localtime( $time ); $year += 1900; my $ampm = ( $milhour >= 12 ) ? 'PM' : 'AM'; my $relhour = (($milhour - 1) % 12) + 1; my $month = $month_index + 1; foreach ($milhour, $relhour, $min, $sec, $month, $day) { $_ = "0$_" if (1 == length($_)); } my @MonthNames = ( $::str[8], $::str[9], $::str[26], $::str[32], $::str[40], $::str[48], $::str[36], $::str[34], $::str[33], $::str[31], $::str[30], $::str[27], ); my @WeekNames = ( $::str[25], $::str[24], $::str[28], $::str[7], $::str[6], $::str[5], $::str[22], ); my $full_weekday = $WeekNames[$weekday_index]; my $short_weekday = substr($full_weekday, 0, 3); my $full_monthname = $MonthNames[$month_index]; my $short_monthname = substr($full_monthname, 0, 3); #localize bug? if ($format_type == 0) { $date_str = "$month/$day/$year $relhour:$min:$sec $ampm"; } elsif ($format_type == 1) { $date_str = "$full_weekday, $full_monthname $day, $year"; } elsif ($format_type == 2) { $date_str = "$month/$day/$year"; } elsif ($format_type == 3) { $date_str = "$relhour:$min:$sec $ampm"; } elsif ($format_type == 4) { $date_str = "$milhour:$min"; } elsif ($format_type == 10) { $date_str = "$short_weekday $month/$day/$year $relhour:$min:$sec $ampm"; } elsif ($format_type == 11) { $date_str = "$short_weekday, $day $short_monthname $year $milhour:$min:$sec -0000"; } elsif ($format_type == 12) { $date_str = "$year-$month-$day $milhour:$min:$sec"; } elsif ($format_type == 14) { $date_str = "$month/$day/$year $milhour:$min"; } } return $date_str; } sub SetDefaults { my ($text, $p_params) = @_; #&Assert( 'HASH' eq ref($p_params) ); my @array = split(m!<(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA)([^\>]+?)\>!is, $text); my $finaltext = $array[0]; my $setval; my $x = 1; for ($x = 1; $x < $#array; $x += 3) { my ($uctag, $origtag, $attribs, $trail) = (uc($array[$x]), $array[$x], $array[$x+1] || '', $array[$x+2] || ''); Tweak: { my $tag_name = ''; if ($attribs =~ m! NAME\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+?)\"!is) { $tag_name = $1; } elsif ($attribs =~ m! NAME\s*=\s*(\S+)!is) { $tag_name = $1; } else { # we cannot modify what we do not understand: last Tweak; } last Tweak unless (exists($$p_params{$tag_name})); $setval = &he($$p_params{$tag_name}); if ($uctag eq 'INPUT') { # discover VALUE and TYPE my $type = 'TEXT'; if ($attribs =~ m! TYPE\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+?)\"!is) { $type = uc($1); } elsif ($attribs =~ m! TYPE\s*=\s*(\S+)!is) { $type = uc($1); } # discover VALUE and TYPE my $value = ''; if ($attribs =~ m! VALUE\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+?)\"!is) { $value = $1; } elsif ($attribs =~ m! VALUE\s*=\s*(\S+)!is) { $value = $1; } # we can only set values for known types: if (($type eq 'RADIO') or ($type eq 'CHECKBOX')) { #changed 2001-11-15; strip pre-existing checks $attribs =~ s! (checked="checked"|checked)($| )!$2!ois; if ($setval eq $value) { $attribs = qq! checked="checked"$attribs!; } } elsif (($type eq 'TEXT') or ($type eq 'PASSWORD') or ($type eq 'HIDDEN')) { # but only hidden fields if value is null: last Tweak if (($type eq 'HIDDEN') and ($value ne '')); # replace any existing VALUE tag: my $qm_value = quotemeta($value); $attribs =~ s! value\s*=\s*\"$qm_value\"! value="$setval"!iso; $attribs =~ s! value\s*=\s*$qm_value! value="$setval"!iso; # add the tag if it's not present (i.e. if no VALUE was present in original tag) my $qm_setval = quotemeta($setval); unless ($attribs =~ m! VALUE="$qm_setval"!is) { $attribs = " value=\"$setval\"$attribs"; } } } elsif ($uctag eq 'SELECT') { # does not support