#use strict;#if-debug sub version_ca { return ''; } =head1 HEAD Copyright 1997-2004 by Zoltan Milosevic, All Rights Reserved See http://www.xav.com/scripts/search/ for more information. If you edit the source code, you'll find it useful to restore the function comments and #&Assert checks: cd "search/searchmods/powerusr/" hacksubs.pl build_map hacksubs.pl restore_comments hacksubs.pl assert_on common_admin.pl contains functions that are only called from the Mode/Admin or Mode/AnonAdd pathways. =cut sub ui_Rewrite { my $err = ''; Err: { my $sa = $::FORM{'sa'} || ''; if ($sa eq 'save') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[162] / Rewrite / $::str[362]

EOM my $test_str = 'foo bar'; my $level; foreach $level (0,1) { my @rules = (); foreach (sort keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^$level\.(\d+)$!); my $key = $1; my ($p1, $p2) = ($::FORM{$key . '_p1'}, $::FORM{$key . '_p2'}); next unless ($p1); my @fields = ($::FORM{$key . '_enabled'}, $p1, $p2, $::FORM{$key . '_comment'}, $::FORM{$key . '_verbose'} ); eval '$test_str =~ s!$p1!$p2!isg;'; if ($@) { my ($hp1, $hp2) = &he($p1, $p2); $err = "unable to evaluate Perl substitution on '$hp1' and '$hp2' - Perl returned the following error string:

" . &he($@); next Err; } my $str = join('=', &ue(@fields) ); push(@rules, $str); } my $key = 'rewrite_url_' . $level; $::Rules{$key} = '' if not exists $::Rules{$key}; $err = &WriteRule( $key , join('&',@rules) ); next Err if ($err); my $count = scalar @rules; print "

Success: saved $count level-$level rewrite rules.

\n"; } last Err; } my @out = ('', ''); my $template = <<"EOM";
Enabled $::str[309] Pattern Replace

EOM # format is b_enabled,p1,p2,comment,b_verbose, my $index = 1000; my $level; foreach $level (0,1) { for (0..1) { $index++; my $frag = $template; $frag =~ s!%name%!$index!sg; $frag =~ s!%level%!$level!sg; $frag =~ s!%class%!newdata!sg; my %defaults = ( $index . '_enabled' => 1, $index . '_comment' => 'new rewrite rule', ); $out[$level] .= &SetDefaults($frag, \%defaults); } my @rules = (); my $key = "rewrite_url_" . $level; $::Rules{$key} = '' if (not exists $::Rules{$key}); my $rule; foreach $rule (split(m!\&!, $::Rules{$key})) { my @fields = map { &ud($_) } split(m!\=!, $rule); push(@rules, \@fields); } my $p_rule; foreach $p_rule (@rules) { $index++; my $frag = $template; $frag =~ s!%name%!$index!sg; $frag =~ s!%level%!$level!sg; $frag =~ s!%class%!existingdata!sg; my %defaults = ( $index . '_enabled' => $$p_rule[0], $index . '_verbose' => $$p_rule[4], $index . '_p1' => $$p_rule[1], $index . '_p2' => $$p_rule[2], $index . '_comment' => $$p_rule[3], ); $out[$level] .= &SetDefaults($frag, \%defaults); } for (0..1) { $index++; my $frag = $template; $frag =~ s!%name%!$index!sg; $frag =~ s!%level%!$level!sg; $frag =~ s!%class%!newdata!sg; my %defaults = ( $index . '_enabled' => 1, $index . '_comment' => 'new rewrite rule', ); $out[$level] .= &SetDefaults($frag, \%defaults); } } print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[162] / Rewrite / Overview


Input Filters

The following Perl substitutions will be performed, in order, on all links as they are extracted from files during a crawl session.

If the $::str[309] bit is set, then a statement will be printed to screen whenever the substitution is successful. Use this for testing.

You may add new rewrite rules by using the first or last two blank tables. If you need to add more than that, simply enter two, then save, and then you will be able to add more. To delete a rule, delete the Pattern portion.

Use the Enabled bit to turn rules on or off during development. Link extraction rewrite rules are part of the critical path and should only be enabled if needed.


Output Filters

The following Perl substitutions will be performed, in order, on all links just before they are shown in the search results.

If the $::str[309] bit is set, then a statement will be printed to screen whenever the substitution is successful. Use this for testing.


EOM last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } } sub ui_License { my $err = ''; Err: { print "

$::str[96] / $::str[467] / "; my $sa = $::FORM{'sa'} || ''; if ($sa eq 'Write') { print "$::str[362]

"; if ($::private{'is_demo'}) { $err = $::str[435]; next Err; } if ($::FORM{'regkey'}) { unless (®key_validate($::FORM{'regkey'})) { $err = $::str[454] . " ($::str[432])"; next Err; } } elsif ($::FORM{'mode'} == 2) { $err = $::str[455]; next Err; } if ($::FORM{'mode'} == 3) { if (1 < $::realms->realm_count('all')) { $err = $::str[456]; next Err; } my $p_realm_data = (); foreach $p_realm_data ($::realms->listrealms('all')) { if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 1) { $err = &pstr(457,$$p_realm_data{'html_name'}); next Err; } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6) { $err = &pstr(175,$$p_realm_data{'html_name'}); next Err; } } } if (($::FORM{'regkey'}) and ('' eq $::Rules{'regkey'})) { $::FORM{'mode'} = 2; } $err = &WriteRule('mode', $::FORM{'mode'}); next Err if ($err); $err = &WriteRule('regkey', &ue($::FORM{'regkey'})); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); last Err; } print "$::str[152]

"; my %defaults = ( 'mode' => $::private{'mode'}, 'regkey' => &ud($::Rules{'regkey'}), ); $defaults{'regkey'} =~ s!(\015|\012|\r|\n)+!\015\012!sg; print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults); $::const{'AdminForm'}
$::str[458] $::str[447]


$::str[446] EOM last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } } sub parse_text_record { local $_ = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; my ($is_valid, %pagedata) = (0); if (m!^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(\d+) (\d+) (\d+) u= (.+?) t= (.*?) d= (.*?) uM= (.*?) uT= (.*?) uD= (.*?) uK= (.*?) h= (.*?) l= (.*)!) { %pagedata = ( 'promote' => $1, 'dd' => $2, 'mm' => $3, 'yyyy' => $4, 'size' => 1 * $5, 'lastmodtime' => $6, 'lastindex' => $7, 'url' => $8, 'title' => $9, 'description' => $10, 'um' => $11, 'ut' => $12, 'ud' => $13, 'keywords' => $14, 'uk' => $14, 'text' => $15, 'links' => $16, ); $is_valid = 1; } #revcompat - older yet supported format elsif (m!^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(\d+) u= (.+?) t= (.*?) d= (.*?) uM= (.*?) uT= (.*?) uD= (.*?) uK= (.*?) h= (.*?) l= (.*)!) { %pagedata = ( 'promote' => $1, 'dd' => $2, 'mm' => $3, 'yyyy' => $4, 'size' => 1 * $5, 'url' => $6, 'title' => $7, 'description' => $8, 'um' => $9, 'ut' => $10, 'ud' => $11, 'keywords' => $12, 'uk' => $12, 'text' => $13, 'links' => $14, ); $is_valid = 1; } #/revcompat return ($is_valid, %pagedata); } sub ui_FilterRules { my $subaction = $::FORM{'subaction'} || ''; my $ApproveLink = "$::str[160]"; my %subactions = ( '' => $::str[152], 'CreateEdit' => $::str[412], 'create_edit_rule' => $::str[412], 'delete_rule' => $::str[413], 'ShowPending' => $ApproveLink, 'PQP' => $ApproveLink, 'save_settings' => $::str[362], ); print "

$::str[96] / $::str[162]"; if ($subactions{$subaction}) { print " / $subactions{$subaction}"; } print "

\n"; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; if (($subaction eq 'CreateEdit') or ($subaction eq 'create_edit_rule')) { $err = &s_create_edit_rule(); next Err if ($err); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'ShowPending') { &present_queued_pages($::FORM{'Realm'}); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'PQP') { &process_queued_pages(); last Err; } my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new(); if ($subaction eq 'delete_rule') { $err = $fr->delete_filter_rule($::FORM{'name'}); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174,&pstr(414,&he($::FORM{'name'}))); print '

' . $::str[329] . '

'; last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'save_settings') { my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data ($fr->list_filter_rules()) { next if (($::private{'is_freeware'}) and ($$p_data{'is_system'} == 0)); my $name = $$p_data{'name'}; if ($::FORM{"$name-enabled"}) { $$p_data{'enabled'} = 1; } else { $$p_data{'enabled'} = 0; } } $err = $fr->frwrite(); next Err if ($err); foreach ( 'allowanonadd', 'require anon approval', 'allowanonadd: notify admin', 'allowanonadd: require user email', 'allowanonadd: log', 'allowanonadd: use rate', 'allowanonadd: max rate', ) { if (not exists($::FORM{$_})) { $err = "invalid argument. Required parameter '$_' is not defined"; next Err; } $err = &WriteRule($_, $::FORM{$_}); next Err if ($err); } my $private_key = ''; if ((exists($::FORM{'_virtual_aaa_ufs'})) and ($::FORM{'_virtual_aaa_ufs'})) { # generate a random 30-character alphanumeric server key my @charset = (0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z'); for (1..30) { $private_key .= $charset[int(rand(@charset))]; } } $err = &WriteRule( 'allowanonadd: use form-signature', $private_key ); next Err if ($err); $::FORM{'pics_rasci_enable'} = 0 unless ($::FORM{'pics_rasci_enable'}); $::FORM{'pics_ss_enable'} = 0 unless ($::FORM{'pics_ss_enable'}); foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^pics_!); $err = &WriteRule($_, $::FORM{$_} || 0); next Err if ($err); } &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); last Err; } print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'} EOM my $str_rule_list = ''; my @action_names = ( $::str[479], # always allow $::str[142], # deny $::str[478], # require approval $::str[477], # promote $::str[476], # no update on redirect $::str[338], # index nofollow $::str[337], # follow noindex ); my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data ($fr->list_filter_rules()) { if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { next unless ($$p_data{'is_system'}); } my $en = ''; if ($$p_data{'enabled'}) { $en = ' checked="checked"'; } my $urlname = &ue($$p_data{'name'}); my $htmlname = &he($$p_data{'name'}); my $action = $action_names[$$p_data{'action'}]; $str_rule_list .= <<"EOM"; $htmlname $::str[411] EOM unless ($$p_data{'is_system'}) { $str_rule_list .= qq!$::str[430]!; } my $scope = ($$p_data{'apply_to'} == 1) ? $::str[336] : $::str[342]; $str_rule_list .= <<"EOM";
$action $scope EOM } my %replace = %::const; $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_1'} = $str_rule_list; my $pics_type = 'RASCi'; my $rulename = 'rasci'; my $html = ''; if ($::Rules{'pics_' . $rulename . '_enable'}) { $html .= sprintf(<<'EOM', $rulename, $::str[415], $rulename, $::str[416], $::str[417]);


EOM my (@pics_codes, @pics_names, @pics_values) = (); my $load_err = &load_pics_descriptions( $pics_type, \@pics_codes, \@pics_names, \@pics_values ); if ($load_err) { &ppstr(29,$load_err); } else { $html .= '
'; my $i = 0; for (0..$#pics_codes) { my $code = $pics_codes[$_]; my $name = $pics_names[$_]; my $p_values = $pics_values[$_]; my @values = @$p_values; $html .= "
PICS / $pics_type / $name
\n"; $html .= "
\n"; my $i = 0; foreach (@values) { $html .= sprintf(' (%s%d) %s
', $rulename, $code, $i, $code, $i, $_ ); $i++; } $html .= "
\n"; } $html .= '
'; } } $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_2'} = $html; $pics_type = 'SafeSurf'; $rulename = 'ss'; $html = ''; if ($::Rules{'pics_' . $rulename . '_enable'}) { $html .= sprintf(<<'EOM', $rulename, $::str[415], $rulename, $::str[416], $::str[417]);


EOM my (@pics_codes, @pics_names, @pics_values) = (); my $load_err = &load_pics_descriptions( $pics_type, \@pics_codes, \@pics_names, \@pics_values ); if ($load_err) { &ppstr(29,$load_err); } else { $html .= '
'; my $i = 0; for (0..$#pics_codes) { my $code = $pics_codes[$_]; my $name = $pics_names[$_]; my $p_values = $pics_values[$_]; my @values = @$p_values; $html .= "
PICS / $pics_type / $name
\n"; $html .= "
\n"; my $i = 0; foreach (@values) { $html .= sprintf(' %d. %s
', $rulename, $code, $i, $i, $_ ); $i++; } $html .= "
\n"; } $html .= '
'; } } $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_3'} = $html; $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_4'} = qq!! );; $::Rules{'_virtual_aaa_ufs'} = $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use form-signature'} ? 1 : 0; my $template = &PrintTemplate( 1, 'admin_fr.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%replace ); print &SetDefaults( $template, \%::Rules ); print ""; last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } } sub load_pics_descriptions { my $err = ''; Err: { my ($pics_type, $p_codes, $p_names, $p_values) = @_; my $text = ''; ($err, $text) = &ReadFileL('templates/pics_descriptions.txt'); next Err if ($err); my $current_code = ''; my $p_myvalues = (); foreach (split(m!\n!s, $text)) { next if (m!^\#!); my @fields = split(m! \| !); next unless ($#fields == 4); if ($fields[0] eq $pics_type) { my ($code, $code_name, $value, $value_name) = @fields[1..4]; if ($current_code ne $code) { $current_code = $code; push(@$p_codes, $code); push(@$p_names, $code_name); my @values = (); $p_myvalues = \@values; push(@$p_values, $p_myvalues); } $$p_myvalues[$value] = $value_name; } } } return $err; } sub s_create_edit_rule { my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new(); my %system_rules = $fr->list_system_rules(); if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { unless (($::FORM{'name'}) and ($system_rules{$::FORM{'name'}})) { $err = $::str[158]; next Err; } } my %defaults = ( 'enabled' => 1, 'fr_action' => 2, 'fr_analyze' => 2, 'fr_mode' => 0, 'name' => 'New Rule', 'occurrences' => 1, 'promote_val' => 5, 'substr' => '', 'fr_apply_to' => 1, ); if ($::FORM{'write'}) { my @strings = (); foreach (split(m!\r|\n!, $::FORM{'substr'})) { $_ = &Trim($_); next unless ($_); push(@strings, $_); } my @litstrings = (); foreach (split(m!\r|\n!, $::FORM{'litsubstr'})) { $_ = &Trim($_); next unless ($_); push(@litstrings, $_); } my $apply_to_str = ''; if ($::FORM{'fr_apply_to'} eq '2') { for (1..6) { next unless ($::FORM{"z$_"} eq '1'); $apply_to_str .= "$_,"; } } elsif ($::FORM{'fr_apply_to'} eq '3') { foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^zz(.*)$!); $apply_to_str .= &ue($1) . ','; } } $err = $fr->add_filter_rule( $::FORM{'enabled'}, $::FORM{'name'}, $::FORM{'fr_action'}, $::FORM{'promote_val'}, $::FORM{'fr_analyze'}, $::FORM{'fr_mode'}, $::FORM{'occurrences'}, $::FORM{'fr_apply_to'}, $apply_to_str, \@strings, \@litstrings ); next Err if ($err); if (($::FORM{'orig_name'}) and ($::FORM{'orig_name'} ne $::FORM{'name'})) { $err = $fr->delete_filter_rule($::FORM{'orig_name'}); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(465,&he($::FORM{'orig_name'},$::FORM{'name'})) ); } &ppstr(174, &pstr(464,&he($::FORM{'name'})) ); print '

' . $::str[329] . '

'; last Err; } my $html_orig_name = ''; if ($::FORM{'name'}) { $html_orig_name = &he($::FORM{'name'}); my $p_data = $fr->{$::FORM{'name'}}; unless ('HASH' eq ref($p_data)) { $err = &pstr(55,&he($::FORM{'name'})); next Err; } my $p_strings = $$p_data{'p_strings'}; $defaults{'substr'} = join("\n", @$p_strings); my $p_litstrings = $$p_data{'p_litstrings'}; $defaults{'litsubstr'} = join("\n", @$p_litstrings); foreach ('name', 'fr_action', 'promote_val', 'fr_analyze', 'fr_mode', 'enabled', 'occurrences', 'fr_apply_to') { my $name = $_; $name =~ s!^fr_!!o; $defaults{$_} = $$p_data{$name}; } if ($$p_data{'apply_to'} eq '2') { my @realm_types = split(m!\,!, $$p_data{'apply_to_str'} ); foreach (@realm_types) { next unless (m!^\d+$!); $defaults{"z$_"} = 1; } } elsif ($$p_data{'apply_to'} eq '3') { my @realms = split(m!\,!, $$p_data{'apply_to_str'} ); foreach (@realms) { $_ = &ud($_); next unless ($_); $defaults{"zz$_"} = 1; } } } else { my $num = 1; my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data ($fr->list_filter_rules()) { if ($$p_data{'name'} =~ m!New Rule (\d+)!i) { $num = ($1 + 1) if ($1 >= $num); } } $defaults{'name'} = "New Rule $num"; } my $name = $defaults{'name'}; $name = &he( $name ); my $name_form = qq!!; if ($system_rules{$name}) { $name_form = qq!$name!; } print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'} EOM my %replace = %::const; $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_1'} = $name_form; my $i = 0; my $realm_list = ''; my $p_realm_data = (); foreach $p_realm_data ($::realms->listrealms('all')) { $i++; $realm_list .= qq!
\n!; } $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_2'} = $realm_list; my $template = &PrintTemplate( 1, 'admin_fr2.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%replace ); print &SetDefaults( $template, \%defaults ); print ""; } return $err; } sub process_queued_pages { my $Realm = $::FORM{'Realm'}; my %Process = (); # Map # Proc0 => Wait # Proc1 => Approve # Proc2 => Deny # Proc3 => Delete foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^R\d+$!); next unless ($::FORM{$_} =~ m!^Proc(\d)_(.*)$!); $Process{$2} = $1; } my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); my $obj_needs_closed = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my ($name, $file) = ($$p_realm_data{'name'}, $$p_realm_data{'file'}); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite( "$file.need_approval" ); next Err if ($err); $obj_needs_closed = 1; my %crawler_results = (); my $b_write_to_file = 0; while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { my @Fields = split(m!\|\|!); next unless ($#Fields > 4); # time, remote_host, error_msg, is_error, url, record, email my $URL = $Fields[4]; if ($Process{$URL}) { my ($is_valid, %pagedata) = &parse_text_record( $Fields[5] ); if ($is_valid) { &compress_hash( \%pagedata ); } else { # init as clean hash; could be a delete command, which won't come with a full record; that's ok: %pagedata = (); } $pagedata{'url'} = $URL; $pagedata{'is_error'} = 0; $pagedata{'record'} = "$Fields[5]\n"; # deny a valid entry if ($Process{$URL} == 2) { $pagedata{'is_error'} = 1; $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; $b_write_to_file = 1; next; } # Delete an invalid URL: elsif ($Process{$URL} == 3) { $pagedata{'is_error'} = 1; $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; $b_write_to_file = 1; next; } # allow a valid entry elsif ($Process{$URL} == 1) { $pagedata{'is_error'} = 0; $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; $b_write_to_file = 1; next; } } # those other records can just stay there: print { $$p_whandle } $_; } if ($b_write_to_file) { my ($total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = (0, 0, 0, 0); ($err, $total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = &update_realm( $Realm, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); $err = $obj->Merge(); $obj_needs_closed = 0; next Err if ($err); $::realms->setpagecount($Realm, $total_records, 1); $err = &SaveLinksToFileEx( $p_realm_data, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); &pppstr(289, $total_records, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records ); } else { &pppstr(418); } my $URL = ''; my @localname = ( $::str[426], $::str[427], $::str[142], $::str[430], ); foreach $URL (sort keys %crawler_results) { my $ref_pagedata = $crawler_results{$URL}; if ($$ref_pagedata{'sub status msg'}) { &ppstr(174, "$localname[$Process{$URL}] URL '" . &he($URL) . "' - $$ref_pagedata{'sub status msg'}" ); } else { &ppstr(174, "$localname[$Process{$URL}] URL '" . &he($URL) . "'" ); } } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } # If something went wrong, then close the file without committing changes: if ($obj_needs_closed) { $err = $obj->Cancel(); if ($err) { &ppstr(29,$err); } } } sub present_queued_pages { my $err = ''; Err: { my ($Realm) = @_; my $Start = ($::FORM{'Start'}) ? $::FORM{'Start'} : 1; my $End = $Start + $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'} - 1; my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref( $Realm ); next Err if ($err); my $file = $$p_realm_data{'file'}; my $display_html = ''; my $Count = 0; my $obj = &LockFile_new(); my $p_rhandle = (); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read( "$file.need_approval" ); next Err if ($err); my %shown_urls = (); my @allow_change = (); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { my @Fields = split(m!\|\|!, &Trim($_)); # time, remote_host, error_msg, is_error, url, record, email my $URL = $Fields[4]; # just show these guys once; skip duplicates next if ($shown_urls{$URL}); $shown_urls{$URL}++; my $html_status = ''; my ($index_time, $index_host, $index_error) = ($Fields[0], $Fields[1], $Fields[2]); my $str_index_time = &FormatDateTime( $index_time, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ); my ($t1, $t2) = ('Allow', 'Deny'); my $is_error = ($Fields[3]) ? 1 : 0; my %pagedata = (); unless ($is_error) { my $is_valid = 1; ($is_valid, %pagedata) = &parse_text_record( $Fields[5] ); next unless ($is_valid); } $Count++; next if ($Count < $Start); next if ($Count > $End); my $html_url = &he( $URL ); my $user_html = ''; if ($Fields[6]) { my $user_email = &he( $Fields[6] ); $user_html = " - $user_email"; } if ($is_error) { $html_status = &StandardVersion( 'rank' => $Count, 'url' => $URL, 'title' => "Remove: " . &he($URL), 'description' => $Fields[2], ); ($t1, $t2) = ('Remove', 'Ignore'); my $text_user = &pstr(419, $index_host); $display_html .= <<"EOM";

$str_index_time - $text_user $user_html.


$::str[430] $html_status

EOM } else { $html_status = &AdminVersion( 'rank' => $Count, %pagedata, ); push(@allow_change, $Count); my $text_user = &pstr(419,$index_host); $display_html .= <<"EOM";

$str_index_time - $text_user $user_html.



EOM } } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); if ($Start > $Count) { &pppstr(420); } else { my $link = "$::const{'admin_url'}&Realm=" . &ue( $Realm ) . "&Action=$::FORM{'Action'}&subaction=ShowPending&Start="; my ($jump_sum, $jumptext) = &str_jumptext( $Start, $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}, $Count, $link, 1 ); print $jump_sum; print $jumptext; my $is_okay = (scalar @allow_change) ? 'true' : 'false'; print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'}

$::str[421] - '$Realm'


$::str[430] - $::str[423].
$::str[142] - $::str[423].
$::str[427] - $::str[424]
$::str[426] - $::str[425]


EOM print $jumptext; } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } } sub anonadd_main { my $err = ''; Err: { if (not $::Rules{'allowanonadd'}) { $err = $::str[173]; next Err; } elsif (0 == $::realms->realm_count('has_no_base_url')) { $err = &pstr( 552, $::str[431] ); next Err; } LimitSubmitRate: { last unless $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use rate'}; my @submit_times = split(m!\.!, $::Rules{'allowanonadd: recent submit times'}); # format: newest.new.medium.old.oldest my $submit_count = scalar @submit_times; last if ($submit_count < $::Rules{'allowanonadd: max rate'}); # not enough data to block my $time_of_nth_submission = $submit_times[ $::Rules{'allowanonadd: max rate'} - 1 ]; my $five_min = 5 * 60; if (($::private{'script_start_time'} - $time_of_nth_submission) < $five_min) { $err = &pstr( 557, $::Rules{'allowanonadd: max rate'} ); next Err; } } if ((exists($::FORM{'Realm'})) and ((exists($::FORM{'URL'})) or (exists($::FORM{'b_submit'})))) { # validate 'Realm' existence: my $p_realm; ($err, $p_realm) = $::realms->hashref( $::FORM{'Realm'} ); next Err if ($err); unless ($p_realm->{'is_open_realm'}) { $err = "realm '$p_realm->{'html_name'}' is not an open realm"; next Err; } my $failpoint = 0; ValidateFormSignature: { last unless $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use form-signature'}; unless ((exists($::FORM{'keynames'})) and ($::FORM{'keynames'} =~ m!^(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})(\w{3})$!)) { $failpoint = 1; next; } my @names = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); # reverse the aliases: $::FORM{'URL'} = $::FORM{$names[1]}; $::FORM{'EMAIL'} = $::FORM{$names[2]}; my $timestamp = $::FORM{$names[3]}; my $signature = $::FORM{$names[4]}; if (($::private{'script_start_time'} - $timestamp) > 20 * 60) { $failpoint = 2; next; } my $audit_sig = ''; my $index; foreach $index (0..4) { my $char8 = ''; $char8 .= substr( $timestamp, 2 * $index, 2 ); $char8 .= substr( $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use form-signature'}, 6 * $index, 6 ); my $salt = substr( $signature, 13 * $index, 13 ); $audit_sig .= crypt( $char8, $salt ); } if ($audit_sig ne $signature) { $failpoint = 3; next; } # full decoys: if (exists $::FORM{$names[5]}) { $failpoint = 4; next; } if (exists $::FORM{$names[6]}) { $failpoint = 5; next; } # either-or decoy: if ((exists $::FORM{$names[7]}) and (exists $::FORM{$names[0]})) { $failpoint = 6; next; } if ((not exists $::FORM{$names[7]}) and (not exists $::FORM{$names[0]})) { $failpoint = 7; next; } last; } continue { $err = qq!invalid form signature. Please visit the submission form and try again (failpoint $failpoint)!; next Err; } $::const{'is_cmd'} = 0; $err = &s_AddURL(1, $::FORM{'Realm'}, $::FORM{'URL'}); next Err if ($err); LimitSubmitRate: { last unless $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use rate'}; my @submit_times = split(m!\.!, $::Rules{'allowanonadd: recent submit times'}); # format: newest.new.medium.old.oldest my $submit_count = scalar @submit_times; if ($submit_count >= $::Rules{'allowanonadd: max rate'}) { splice( @submit_times, $::Rules{'allowanonadd: max rate'} - 1 ); } my $new = join( '.', ($::private{'script_start_time'}, @submit_times) ); $err = &WriteRule( 'allowanonadd: recent submit times', $new ); next Err if ($err); } } my ($count, $html_hidden, $html_tr) = $::realms->html_select_ex('is_open_realm', $::FORM{'Realm'} ); my $hidden = ''; my ($n, $v); while (($n, $v) = &he(each %::FORM)) { next unless ($n =~ m!^p:!); $hidden .= qq!\n!; } if (($::Rules{'default search terms'}) and (not ($::FORM{'EMAIL'}))) { $::FORM{'EMAIL'} = 'you@yourhost.tld'; } my %defaults = %::FORM; $defaults{'URL'} = $::FORM{'URL'} || 'http://'; my %alias_field_names = ('URL' => 'URL','EMAIL' => 'EMAIL'); my %inserted_form_elements = (); CreateFormSignature: { last unless $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use form-signature'}; my $timestamp = substr($::private{'script_start_time'},0,10); # limit to 10 chars $timestamp = ('0' x (10 - length($timestamp))) . $timestamp; # 0-pad for earlier times my @charset = (0..9,'a'..'z','A'..'Z'); # create eight unique random 3-character strings: my %uniq = (); my @names = (); while ($#names < 8) { my $ran = ''; $ran .= $charset[int(rand(@charset))]; $ran .= $charset[int(rand(@charset))]; $ran .= $charset[int(rand(@charset))]; next if exists $uniq{$ran}; push(@names,$ran); $uniq{$ran} = 1; } my $signature = ''; my $index; foreach $index (0..4) { my $char8 = ''; $char8 .= substr( $timestamp, 2 * $index, 2 ); $char8 .= substr( $::Rules{'allowanonadd: use form-signature'}, 6 * $index, 6 ); my $salt = $charset[int(rand(@charset))] . $charset[int(rand(@charset))]; $signature .= crypt( $char8, $salt ); } %alias_field_names = ( 'URL' => $names[1], 'EMAIL' => $names[2], 'time' => $names[3], 'sig' => $names[4], ); $defaults{'keynames'} = join( '', @names ); $defaults{$names[3]} = $timestamp; $defaults{$names[4]} = $signature; $defaults{$names[1]} = $::FORM{'URL'} || 'http://'; $defaults{$names[2]} = $::FORM{'EMAIL'}; $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; # full decoys: $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; $inserted_form_elements{ qq~~ } = 1; # either-or decoy: $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; $inserted_form_elements{ qq!! } = 1; } my $input = qq!!; if ($::Rules{'multi-line add-url form - visitors'}) { $input = qq!!; } $hidden .= join('', keys %inserted_form_elements); print &SetDefaults( <<"EOM", \%defaults );


$hidden $html_hidden



EOM last Err; } return $err; } sub admin_main { my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; #changed 0056 IPLimit: { last IPLimit unless (($::private{'visitor_ip_addr'}) and ($::private{'allow_admin_access_from'})); # patterns must be of the format a.b.c.d or a.b.c.* or a.b.* or a.* if ($::private{'allow_admin_access_from'} =~ m![^0-9\.\s\*]!) { my $hstr = &he($::private{'allow_admin_access_from'}); $err = "string 'allow_admin_access_from' can only contain numbers, spaces, dots, and asterisks. An example of a valid string is '123.45.6.*'. Your string is currently set to '$hstr' which includes characters from outside the allowed set"; next Err; } my @patterns = split(m!\s+!, $::private{'allow_admin_access_from'}); foreach (@patterns) { s!\.!\\\.!g; s!\*!\.\*!g; last IPLimit if ($::private{'visitor_ip_addr'} =~ m!^$_$!); } $err = "access denied to admin functions. Your IP address $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'} is not among the list of allowed addresses. The list of allowed addresses is controlled with the 'allow_admin_access_from' variable within the source code"; next Err; } $| = 1; my $action = (exists $::FORM{'Action'}) ? $::FORM{'Action'} : ''; if ($action ne 'NavBar') { #changed 0045 -- is this folder writable? my $w_test = 'is_writable.txt'; if ((-e $w_test) and (not unlink($w_test))) { $err = &pstr(54, $w_test, $!); next Err; } unless (open( FILE, ">$w_test" )) { $err = &pstr(472, $!); next Err; } close(FILE); unlink($w_test); } $::const{'is_cmd'} = ((exists($::FORM{'interface'})) and ($::FORM{'interface'} eq 'cmdline')) ? 1 : 0; if (exists($::FORM{'fdrk_audit'})) { ®key_verify(); last Err; } my ($is_auth, $form_password, $url_password) = &Authenticate( $::Rules{'password'} ); last Err unless ($is_auth); # Initialize network client cache: my %nc_cache = (); $::private{'p_nc_cache'} = \%nc_cache; $::const{'AdminForm'} = qq!
\n\n$form_password!; $::const{'admin_url'} .= $url_password; if ($ENV{'FDSE_NO_EXEC'}) { eval 'eval $FDSE_CALLBACK_SUB;'; last Err; } my %admin_replace = %::const; my $b_use_frames = 1; if ($::Rules{'no frames'}) { $b_use_frames = 0; } elsif ((exists($::FORM{'nf'})) and ($::FORM{'nf'})) { $b_use_frames = 0; $::const{'admin_url'} .= '&nf=1'; $::const{'AdminForm'} .= qq!\n!; } elsif (&query_env('HTTP_HOST') =~ m!\.netfirms\.com$!) { $b_use_frames = 0; } if ($b_use_frames) { my $nav_scroll = ''; #' scrolling="yes"'; unless ($action) { my $act = (exists $::FORM{'A2'}) ? $::FORM{'A2'} : 'AdminPage'; my $cachetime = 60 * $::Rules{'security: session timeout'}; &header_print( "Cache-Control: max-age=$cachetime, private" ); print <<"EOM"; FDSE: Admin Page EOM if ($::const{'dir'} eq 'ltr') { print <<"EOM"; EOM } else { print <<"EOM"; EOM } print <<"EOM"; <body dir="$::const{'dir'}"><p>Login successful. Click to <a href="$::const{'admin_url'}&amp;nf=1">visit admin page</a>.</p></body> EOM last Err; } } my $admin_style = <<'EOM'; EOM if ($action eq 'NavBar') { $admin_replace{'copyright'} =~ s! navbar $admin_style




$admin_replace{'copyright'} $::str[352]
EOM last Err; } &header_print(); $admin_replace{'ue_msg'} = &pstr(325, "$::const{'help_file'}1162.html" ); $admin_replace{'ue_msg'} =~ s!\"!\\\"!g; # escape quotes " for Javascript if (not $::const{'is_cmd'}) { my $warn_uncontrolled_exit = &pstr(325, "$::const{'help_file'}1162.html" ); $warn_uncontrolled_exit =~ s!\"!\\\"!g; # escape quotes " for Javascript print <<"EOM"; FDSE: Admin Page $admin_style
EOM $::private{'html_footer'} = <<"EOM";

EOM } $| = 0; unless ($b_use_frames) { $::const{'copyright'} =~ s!
! !g; $::private{'html_footer'} = $::const{'copyright'} . $::private{'html_footer'}; print <<"EOM";
$::str[96] $::str[327]
EOM } if ($action =~ m!^Add\s?URL$!) { # allow for single URL, this will need to be cleaned up. my @addresses_to_index = (); if (defined($::FORM{'URL'})) { push(@addresses_to_index, $::FORM{'URL'}); } else { while (defined($_ = each %::FORM)) { next unless (m!^(A|AddLink)\d+$!); push(@addresses_to_index, $::FORM{$_}); } } if (($::FORM{'EntireSite'}) and ('1' eq $::FORM{'EntireSite'})) { $::FORM{'StartTime'} = $::private{'script_start_time'} - 5; $action = $::FORM{'Action'} = 'CrawlEntireSite'; $::FORM{'LimitPattern'} = '^' . quotemeta(&get_web_folder($::FORM{'URL'})); } $err = &s_AddURL(0, $::FORM{'Realm'}, @addresses_to_index); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($action eq 'Rewrite') { &ui_Rewrite(); } elsif ($action eq 'UL') { &ui_License(); } elsif ($action eq 'Review') { &ui_ReviewIndex(); } elsif ($action eq 'SI') { &ui_sysinfo(); } elsif ($action eq 'BCST') { $err = &ui_BCST(); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($action eq 'rebuild') { &ui_Rebuild(); } elsif ($action eq 'CrawlEntireSite') { &s_CrawlEntireSite($::FORM{'Realm'}); } elsif ($action eq 'ViewLog') { &ui_ViewStats(); } elsif ($action eq 'UserInterface') { &ui_UserInterface(); } elsif ($action eq 'Edit') { $err = &ui_EditRecord(); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($action eq 'DeleteRecord') { &ui_DeleteRecord(); } elsif ($action eq 'FilterRules') { &ui_FilterRules(); } elsif ($action eq 'GeneralRules') { $err = &ui_GeneralRules(); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($action eq 'manage_data_storage') { &ui_DataStorage(); } elsif ($action eq 'AdPage') { $err = &ui_ManageAds(); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($action eq 'AddForbidSite') { my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new(); my $p_data = $fr->{'Forbid Sites'}; my $p_array = ($::FORM{'URL'} =~ m!\.\*!) ? $$p_data{'p_strings'} : $$p_data{'p_litstrings'}; push(@$p_array,$::FORM{'URL'}); $err = $fr->frwrite(); next Err if ($err); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[95]

EOM &ppstr(174, &pstr(466,&he($::FORM{'URL'})) ); } elsif ($action eq 'PS') { &ui_PersonalSettings(); } elsif ($action eq 'ManageRealms') { $err = &ui_ManageRealms(); next Err if ($err); } else { &ui_AdminPage(); } last Err; } return $err; } sub get_web_folder { my ($err, $clean, $host, $port, $path, $query, $frag, $folder) = &uri_parse(@_); return $folder; } sub ui_ManageAds { my $err = ''; Err: { my $subaction = $::FORM{'SA'} || ''; my %sub_desc = ( '' => $::str[152], 'RC' => $::str[147], 'WA' => $::str[362], ); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[145] / $sub_desc{$subaction}

EOM my $default_text = qq~

~; if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { $err = $::str[158]; next Err; } if ($subaction eq 'RC') { # clear everything: my $curtime = time(); my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('ads.xml'); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { s!start_date\=\"(.*?)\"!start_date\=\"$curtime\"!mg; print { $$p_whandle } $_; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); unless (opendir(DIR,'.')) { $err = &pstr(63,'.',$!); next Err; } foreach (readdir(DIR)) { next unless (m!^ads_hitcount_\d+\.txt$!); $err = &WriteFile($_,0); next Err if ($err); } closedir(DIR); &ppstr(174,$::str[129]); last Err; } # Load ad info from file: my ($place_str, $body_str, @p_Ads) = ('', ''); my $FileText = ''; # default if (-e 'ads.xml') { ($err, $FileText) = &ReadFile('ads.xml'); next Err if ($err); } $FileText =~ s!\015|\012! !sg; my $ads_ver = 1; if ($FileText =~ m! version=\"(\d+)!s) { $ads_ver = $1; } if ($FileText =~ m!(.*)!s) { $body_str = $1; } foreach (split(m!(.*)!s; my $strParams = $1; my %Params = (); if ($ads_ver > 1) { $Params{'='} = &Trim(&ud($2)); } else { $Params{'='} = &Trim($2); } while ($strParams =~ m!^\s*(.*?)=\"(.*?)\"(.*)$!s) { if ($ads_ver > 1) { $Params{&ud($1)} = &ud($2); } else { $Params{$1} = $2; } $strParams = $3; } push(@p_Ads, \%Params); } if ($subaction eq 'save-ads') { my $new = qq!\015\012!; my $record = "\t" . '' . "\015\012\t\t" . '%s' . "\015\012\t" . '' . "\015\012"; my $i = 1; while (defined($::FORM{"weight_$i"})) { my $AdText = &Trim($::FORM{"content_$i"}); if (($AdText) and ($AdText ne $default_text)) { my $Advert = $p_Ads[$i - 1]; my $start_date = time(); if (($Advert) and ($$Advert{'start_date'})) { $start_date = $$Advert{'start_date'}; } my $pos_str = ''; for (1..4) { $pos_str .= " $_" if ($::FORM{"pos:$i:$_"}); } $new .= sprintf( $record, int($i), int($::FORM{"weight_$i"}) || 0, &ue($::FORM{"keywords_$i"}), int($start_date) || 0, &ue($pos_str), int($::FORM{"kw_$i"}) || 0, &ue($AdText) ); } $i++; } $new .= ''; $err = &WriteFile('ads.xml',$new); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'save-pos') { $err = &WriteRule('ui: search form display', 2 * $::FORM{'sfp2'} + $::FORM{'sfp1'} ); next Err if ($err); my $new = '\015\012"; $new .= $body_str; $new .= ''; $err = &WriteFile('ads.xml',$new); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); last Err; } my %replace = %::const; $replace{'total_ads'} = scalar @p_Ads; $replace{'total_positions'} = 0; my %defaults = (); for (1..4) { if ($place_str =~ m!$_!) { $defaults{"adplace$_"} = 1; $replace{'total_positions'}++; } } my $CurAdsText = ''; my $demo_ads = ''; my $OldestTime = 0; my $TotalImp = 0; my $AdId = 0; my $Advert; foreach $Advert (@p_Ads) { my $AdText = &he($$Advert{'='}); $AdId++; my $imp = 0; if (open( FILE, " =~ m!(\d+)!); close(FILE); } $TotalImp += $imp; if ($OldestTime == 0) { $OldestTime = $$Advert{'start_date'}; } elsif ($OldestTime > $$Advert{'start_date'}) { $OldestTime = $$Advert{'start_date'}; } my $StartDate = &FormatDateTime( $$Advert{'start_date'}, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ); my $str_ago = &get_age_str( time() - $$Advert{'start_date'} ); my $imp_rate = &FormatNumber( (86400 * $imp / ( 1 + time() - $$Advert{'start_date'} ) ), 4, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); my %record_defaults = ( "keywords_$AdId" => $$Advert{'keywords'} || '', "kw_$AdId" => $$Advert{'kw'} || 0, "weight_$AdId" => $$Advert{'weight'} || 0, "content_$AdId" => $$Advert{'='} || '', ); my @ch = ('','','','',''); for (1..4) { $record_defaults{"pos:$AdId:$_"} = (($$Advert{'placement'}) and ($$Advert{'placement'} =~ m!$_!)) ? 1 : 0; } my $description = &pstr(101, $imp, $StartDate, $str_ago ); $description .= "
" . &pstr(149, $imp_rate ); my $show = $$Advert{'='}; $demo_ads .= <<"EOM";

EOM $CurAdsText .= &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%record_defaults);
$AdId. $description
$::str[151]: $::str[150]:

$::str[363]: 1. 2. 3. 4.

EOM } $AdId++; my $x3 = 0; my $html_default_text = &he($default_text); for $x3 ($AdId, ($AdId + 1)) { $CurAdsText .= <<"EOM";
$::str[151]: $::str[150]:

$::str[363]: 1. 2. 3. 4.

EOM } unless (($replace{'total_ads'}) and ($replace{'total_positions'})) { &ppstr(53,$::str[262]); } elsif ($TotalImp) { my $StartDate = &FormatDateTime( $OldestTime, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ); my $str_ago = &get_age_str( time() - $OldestTime ); my $imp_rate = &FormatNumber( ( 86400 * $TotalImp / ( 1 + time() - $OldestTime ) ), 4, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); my $description = &pstr(101, $TotalImp, $StartDate, $str_ago ); $description .= '
' . &pstr(149, $imp_rate ); print "


\n"; } $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_1'} = $CurAdsText; $replace{'HTML_BLOCK_2'} = $demo_ads; $defaults{'sfp1'} = $::Rules{'ui: search form display'} % 2; $defaults{'sfp2'} = ($::Rules{'ui: search form display'} < 2) ? 0 : 1; my $template = &PrintTemplate( 1, 'admin_ads.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%replace ); print &SetDefaults($template,\%defaults); last Err; } return $err; } sub migrate_log { #revcompat 0029 my $err = ''; Err: { print "


\n"; my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.log.txt'); next Err if ($err); my %timecache = (); my %Record = (); my $i = 1; while (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { next if (m!^\r?$!); # skip blank lines if (m!^(\w+)\:\t(.*)$!) { $Record{$1} = $2; if ($1 eq 'Found') { foreach (keys %Record) { $Record{$_} =~ s!\,|\n|\r|\015|\012! !g; $Record{$_} =~ s!\s+! !g; $Record{$_} =~ s!^ !!o; $Record{$_} =~ s! $!!o; } my $time = ''; if ($Record{'Time'} =~ m!^\s*\w+\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$!) { my ($mon_str, $mday, $hh, $mm, $ss, $yyyy) = (lc($1), $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); $time = &timelocal($ss,$mm, $hh, $mday, $mon_str, $yyyy, \%timecache); #print "Time is $time - $Record{'Time'} - " . scalar localtime($time) . "
\n" if ($i < 100); } else { &ppstr(53, &pstr(104, $Record{'Time'} )); } my $logline = "$Record{'Host'} ,$time,$Record{'Time'},," . &he($Record{'Terms'}) . ",,$Record{'Found'},,\n"; print { $$p_whandle } $logline; $i++; if (($i % 500) == 0) { &ppstr(105, $i ); print "
\n"; } %Record = (); } } else { print { $$p_whandle } $_; $i++; if (($i % 500) == 0) { &ppstr(105, $i ); print "
\n"; } } } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } #/revcompat } sub ui_ViewStats { local $_; my @FieldNames = ( $::str[125], $::str[126], $::str[127], $::str[128], $::str[161], $::str[130], $::str[131], $::str[132], $::str[133], $::str[134], $::str[135], $::str[136], $::str[137], 'Interface language', ); my %rev_FieldNames = (); my $i = 0; foreach (@FieldNames) { $rev_FieldNames{$_} = $i; $i++; } my $err = ''; Err: { # either list or group: my $subaction = lc($::FORM{'subaction'}); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[106] / EOM if ($subaction =~ m!^(dbm|list|group)$!) { my $url = "$::const{'admin_url'}&Action=ViewLog"; foreach ('subaction','ob','orderby','sort','file') { next unless (defined($::FORM{$_})); $url .= "&$_=" . &ue($::FORM{$_}); } print qq!View Log

\n!; } else { print "$::str[152]

\n"; } unless ($subaction) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[110] EOM if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { print '

'; } else { print <<"EOM"; $::str[111]

EOM print <<"EOM" if ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'});

Graphs can also be made based on the DBM files:

EOM } print '
'; my @settings = ('logging: enable'); push(@settings, 'logging: display most popular' ) if ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}); $err = &ui_GeneralRules( $::str[106], 'ViewLog', @settings ); next Err if ($err); my $csvkb = 0; if (-e 'search.log.txt') { $csvkb = &FormatNumber( int((1023 + (-s 'search.log.txt')) / 1024), 0, 0, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); } my $dbmkb = 0; my $basefile; foreach $basefile ('dbm_strlog_top','dbm_strlog_top') { my $ext; foreach $ext ('', '.dir', '.pag', '.db') { my $file = $basefile . $ext; next unless (-e $file); $dbmkb += -s $file; } } $dbmkb = &FormatNumber( int((1023 + $dbmkb) / 1024), 0, 0, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); my $str = &pstr(98, 'Logging: Display Most Popular' ); print <<"EOM";
$::const{'AdminForm'} $str
$::str[430] Format Log File $::str[153]
CSV searchdata/search.log.txt $csvkb KB
DBM searchdata/dbm_strlog * $dbmkb KB

EOM last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'delete') { my $delcount = 0; if ($::FORM{'del:csv'}) { $err = &WriteFile('search.log.txt',''); next Err if ($err); &ppstr( 174, &pstr( 383, 'search.log.txt' ) ); $delcount++; } if ($::FORM{'del:dbm'}) { if (not $::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { &pppstr(347, $::str[328] ); } else { eval { foreach ('dbm_strlog_top','dbm_strlog_all') { my %hash = (); dbmopen( %hash, $_, 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, $_, $! ); %hash = (); # clear dbmclose(%hash); &ppstr( 174, &pstr( 383, $_ ) ); } }; if ($@) { &ppstr(53, &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ) ); } $delcount++; } } unless ($delcount) { $err = $::str[354]; next Err; } last Err; } my $focus = lc($::FORM{'focus'}); $focus = 'id' unless ($focus); # name of a field my $query = 0; if ($::FORM{'orderby'} =~ m!^\d+$!) { $query = $::FORM{'orderby'}; } #change 0049 - queries on string date-time (3) are internally handled as 2, the Unix datetime $query = 2 if ($query == 3); my $field_name = $FieldNames[$query]; my $AsciiSort = not ($query =~ m!^(0|2|6|7|8)$!); my %Groups = (); my $ptr = 0; #DBM-based sorts if ($subaction eq 'dbm') { unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } unless (defined($::FORM{'file'})) { $err = "parameter 'file' missing"; next Err; } my $file = $::FORM{'file'}; unless ($file =~ m!^dbm_strlog_(all|top)$!) { $err = "file must match ^dbm_strlog_(all|top)\$"; next Err; } eval { my %str = (); dbmopen( %str, $file, 0666 ) || die &pstr( 44, $file, $! ); my $count = 1; print "

This file '$file' was initialized on " . &FormatDateTime( $str{'++'}, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ) . ".

\n" if ($str{'++'}); my $obkey = (($::FORM{'ob'}) and ($::FORM{'ob'} eq 'key')) ? 1 : 0; my $rev = (($::FORM{'sort'}) and ($::FORM{'sort'} eq 'rev')) ? 1 : 0; my $nsort = $rev ? 'n' : 'rev'; print <<"EOM"; EOM my $max_value = $str{'+++'} || 100; my $total = 0; my $p_raw = sub { my ($name, $value, $p_count) = @_; my $b_last = 0; if ($name !~ m!^\++$!) { $total += $value; my $width = 1 + int( 120 * $value / $max_value ); print <<"EOM"; EOM $$p_count++; if (($file eq 'dbm_strlog_top') and ($$p_count > $::Rules{'logging: display most popular'})) { $b_last = 1; } } return $b_last; }; if ($obkey) { if ($rev) { foreach (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %str) { last if &{ $p_raw }( $_, $str{$_}, \$count ); } } else { foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %str) { last if &{ $p_raw }( $_, $str{$_}, \$count ); } } } else { if ($rev) { foreach (sort { $str{$a} <=> $str{$b} || $b cmp $a } keys %str) { last if &{ $p_raw }( $_, $str{$_}, \$count ); } } else { foreach (sort { $str{$b} <=> $str{$a} || $a cmp $b } keys %str) { last if &{ $p_raw }( $_, $str{$_}, \$count ); } } } print <<"EOM";
Frequency $::str[112]
$value $name

Handled $total total records.

EOM }; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ); next Err; } } else { unless (-e 'search.log.txt') { $err = &pstr(155,'search.log.txt'); next Err; } # Migrate log file format if necessary: if (open(LOGFILE, ")) { $ptr++; my $full_record = "$ptr,$_"; push(@table, $full_record); $focus_term = (split(m!\,!, $full_record))[$query]; push(@SortField, $focus_term); } close(LOGFILE); if ($AsciiSort) { @Newtable = @table[sort{ $SortField[$a] cmp $SortField[$b] } 0..$#table]; } else { @Newtable = @table[sort{ $SortField[$b] <=> $SortField[$a] } 0..$#table]; } if (($::FORM{'sort'}) and ($::FORM{'sort'} eq 'rev')) { @Newtable = reverse @Newtable; } print <<"EOM";


EOM my $separ = ''; my $name = (); foreach $name ((@FieldNames)[0,1,3..8]) { $separ .= "\n"; if (($::FORM{'orderby'} eq $rev_FieldNames{$name}) and (not ($::FORM{'sort'}))) { print ""; } else { print ""; } } print "\n"; my $matchcount = 0; my $i = 0; my @Fields = (); foreach (@Newtable) { @Fields = split(m!,!); if ($i % 2) { print ''; } else { print ''; } my @diplay_fields = @Fields[0,1,3..8]; $matchcount += $Fields[7]; $diplay_fields[7] = &FormatNumber( $diplay_fields[7], 0, 0, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); printf( qq!\n!, @diplay_fields ); $i++; if (($i % 200) == 0) { print "
"; &pppstr(105,$i); print qq!$separ\n!; } } print '
'; &pppstr(139, $ptr ); if ($matchcount) { &pppstr(138, &FormatNumber( ($matchcount / $ptr), 2, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ) ); } } elsif ($subaction eq 'group') { my $name_align_right = ($AsciiSort) ? 0 : 1; unless (open( LOGFILE, ")) { $ptr++; my $full_record = "$ptr,$_"; if (($query > 9) and ($query < 13)) { # time-based grouping my $unixtime = (split(m!\,!, $full_record))[2]; if ($query == 10) { # linear day my ($mon, $day, $year) = (localtime($unixtime))[4,3,5]; $year += 1900; $mon++; $mon = "0$mon" if (length($mon) == 1); $day = "0$day" if (length($day) == 1); $Groups{"$year/$mon/$day"}++; } elsif ($query == 11) { # hour of day my $hour = (localtime($unixtime))[2]; $Groups{$hour}++; } elsif ($query == 12) { # day of week my $wday = (localtime($unixtime))[6]; $Groups{$wday}++; } next; } $focus_term = (split(m!\,!, $full_record))[$query]; if ($query == 9) { my $Terms = (split(m!\,!, $full_record))[5]; foreach (split(m!\s+!, lc($Terms))) { $Groups{$_}++; } } elsif ($query == 13) { my $interface_lang = (split(m!\,!, $full_record))[9]; $interface_lang =~ s!\r|\n!!sg; $Groups{$interface_lang}++; } else { $Groups{lc($focus_term)}++; } } close(LOGFILE); if (($query > 9) and ($query < 13)) { if ($query == 10) { $AsciiSort = 1; } elsif ($query == 11) { $AsciiSort = 0; $name_align_right = 1; } elsif ($query == 12) { $AsciiSort = 0; $name_align_right = 0; } } print <<"EOM";


EOM print qq!\n!; my $by_value = (($::FORM{'ob'}) and ($::FORM{'ob'} eq 'value')); my $ascending = (($::FORM{'sort'}) and ($::FORM{'sort'} eq 'rev')); $err = &PrintOrderedHash( \%Groups, $by_value, $AsciiSort, $ascending, $query, $name_align_right ); next Err if ($err); print '
'; &pppstr(139, $ptr ); } } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29,$err); } } sub PrintOrderedHash { my ($p_hash, $by_value, $ascii_sort, $ascending, $date_map, $name_align_right) = @_; my $err = ''; my $max_value = 1; my ($name, $value) = (); while (($name, $value) = each %$p_hash) { $max_value = $value if ($value > $max_value); } my $template1 = ' $value $name
\n'; if ($name_align_right) { $template1 = ' $value $name
\n'; } my $template2 = ' $value $name
\n'; if ($name_align_right) { $template2 = ' $value $name
\n'; } my $descriptor = ''; if ($ascending) { $descriptor .= 'reverse '; } my $comp_op = "<=>"; if ($ascii_sort) { $comp_op = "cmp"; } if ($by_value) { $descriptor .= 'sort {$$p_hash{$b} <=> $$p_hash{$a} || $a ' . $comp_op . ' $b} keys %$p_hash'; } else { $descriptor .= 'sort {$a ' . $comp_op . ' $b} keys %$p_hash'; } # Initialize all fields for the cyclic date hashes: if ($date_map == 12) { foreach (0..6) { $$p_hash{$_} = 0 unless ($$p_hash{$_}); } } elsif ($date_map == 11) { foreach (0..23) { $$p_hash{$_} = 0 unless ($$p_hash{$_}); } } my @Weekdays = ( $::str[25], $::str[24], $::str[28], $::str[7], $::str[6], $::str[5], $::str[22], ); my @HourNames = ('midnight', '1:00 AM', '2:00 AM', '3:00 AM', '4:00 AM', '5:00 AM', '6:00 AM', '7:00 AM', '8:00 AM', '9:00 AM', '10:00 AM', '11:00 AM', 'noon', '1:00 PM', '2:00 PM', '3:00 PM', '4:00 PM', '5:00 PM', '6:00 PM', '7:00 PM', '8:00 PM', '9:00 PM', '10:00 PM', '11:00 PM'); if ($date_map !~ m!^\d+!) { $date_map = 0; } my $code = <<"EOM"; my \$i = 0; foreach ($descriptor) { my (\$name, \$value) = (\$_, \$\$p_hash{\$_}); if (\$date_map == 12) { \$name = \$Weekdays[\$name]; } elsif (\$date_map == 11) { \$name = \$HourNames[\$name]; } my \$width = 1 + int((120 * \$value) / \$max_value); if (\$i % 2) { print qq!$template1!; } else { print qq!$template2!; } \$i++; } EOM eval $code; die $@ if $@; return $err; } sub is_valid_filename { my ($file) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { # make sure it only contains \w characters and '.' my $filechars = $file; $filechars =~ s!\w!!g; # strip all alphanumerics and _ $filechars =~ s!\.!!o; # strip up to one '.' if ($filechars) { # uh-oh - other characters remain $err = &pstr(54, &he($file), 'invalid characters' ); next Err; } } return $err; } sub delete_index_file { my ($file) = @_; my $hfile = &he($file); my $err = ''; Err: { $err = &is_valid_filename($file); next Err if ($err); # Delete the file and any associated files, if they exist. Continue on failure. &untaintme(\$file); local $_; foreach ('', '.working_copy', '.exclusive_lock_request', '.need_approval', '.pagecount', '.temp_file_list.txt') { next unless (-e "$file$_"); unless (unlink("$file$_")) { &ppstr(29, &pstr(54, "$hfile$_", $! ) ); } else { &ppstr(174, &pstr(383, "$hfile$_" ) ); } } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub ui_ManageRealms { my $err = ''; Err: { my $is_update = 0; if ((exists $::FORM{'is_update'}) and ($::FORM{'is_update'})) { $is_update = 1; } my ($file, $base_dir, $base_url, $limit_pattern) = (); # so... what's the plan? my $subaction = ''; if ($::FORM{'Delete'}) { $subaction = 'DeleteRealm'; } elsif ($::FORM{'subaction'}) { $subaction = $::FORM{'subaction'}; } my $Name = ''; if (($subaction eq 'Edit') and (not $::FORM{'Write'}) and (not defined($::FORM{'is_update'}))) { # We need to load defaults: $is_update = 1; $::FORM{'is_update'} = 1; $Name = $::FORM{'Realm'}; $::FORM{'orig_name'} = $Name; my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref( $Name ); next Err if ($err); ($file, $base_dir, $base_url) = ($$p_realm_data{'file'}, $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'}, $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}); $::FORM{'is_runtime'} = $$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}; $::FORM{'type'} = $$p_realm_data{'type'}; if ($$p_realm_data{'is_filefed'}) { $::FORM{'is_filefed'} = 1; $::FORM{'start_url'} = $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}; } if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} > 3) { $::FORM{'is_local'} = 1; } if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} > 2) { $::FORM{'is_website'} = 1; } $limit_pattern = $$p_realm_data{'limit_pattern'}; } if (($subaction eq 'Create') and (not defined($::FORM{'is_update'}))) { $::FORM{'is_update'} = 0; my ($temp_err,$clean, $host, $port) = &uri_parse(&get_absolute_url()); if (not $temp_err) { $base_url = 'http://' . $host . (($port == 80) ? '' : ":$port"); } } if ($subaction eq 'Create') { # What is my local path? $base_dir = $base_dir || &api_get_webroot(0); } # Admin banner: print "

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / "; if ($subaction eq 'DeleteRealm') { print $::str[430]; } elsif ($subaction eq 'Create') { print qq!$::str[94]!; } elsif ($subaction eq 'Edit') { print $::str[368]; } else { print $::str[152]; } print "

\n"; if ($subaction eq 'DeleteRealm') { my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Delete'} ); next Err if ($err); my $realm_id = $$p_realm_data{'realm_id'}; my $realm_name = $$p_realm_data{'name'};#keep - we won't be able to query p_realm_data later! my $index_file = $$p_realm_data{'file'}; $::realms->remove( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, 1 ); $err = $::realms->save_realm_data(); next Err if ($err); # Deal with the remaining data: &ppstr(174, $::str[177] ); my $delcount = 0; ($err, $delcount) = &DeleteFromPending( $realm_name ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(178,$delcount,'search.pending.txt')); # Deal with file data: if ($::Rules{'delete index file with realm'}) { &delete_index_file( $index_file ); } else { if (($index_file) and (-e $index_file)) { &pppstr(176, $index_file, int((1023 + (-s $index_file))/1024) ); # is this a valid file name, according to our check in DelFile? only offer to delete the file if the check will pass: # make sure it only contains \w characters and '.' my $filechars = $index_file; $filechars =~ s!\w!!g; # strip all alphanumerics and _ $filechars =~ s!\.!!o; # strip up to one '.' if ($filechars) { # uh-oh - other characters remain # no offer to delete } else { print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'}


EOM } } } last Err; } elsif ($subaction eq 'DelFile') { &delete_index_file( $::FORM{'File'} ); if ($::FORM{'ad'}) { $err = &WriteRule('delete index file with realm',1); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174,&pstr(404,'delete index file with realm',1)); } last Err; } elsif (($subaction eq 'Create') or ($subaction eq 'Edit')) { if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { if ($subaction eq 'Create') { if ($::realms->realm_count('all')) { $err = "only one realm is allowed in Freeware mode"; next Err; } } } my ($defname, $deffile) = $::realms->get_default_name(); unless ($file) { $file = $deffile; } unless ($Name) { $Name = $defname; } unless ($::FORM{'type'}) { # default realm type: $::FORM{'type'} = $::Rules{'use socket routines'} ? 3 : 4; } $base_url = 'http://' unless ($base_url); $base_url = 'http://' if ($::FORM{'type'} == 6); my %defaults = ( 'type' => $::FORM{'type'}, 'name' => $Name, 'is_update' => $::FORM{'is_update'}, 'is_website' => 0, 'is_filefed' => 0, 'is_local' => 0, 'is_runtime' => 0, 'file' => $file, 'base_url2' => $base_url, 'base_url3' => $base_url, 'base_url4' => $base_url, 'base_url5' => $base_url, 'base_dir4' => $base_dir, 'base_dir5' => $base_dir, 'limit_pattern' => $limit_pattern, ); my $table_header = $is_update ? $::str[368] : $::str[94]; my $submit_button = $is_update ? $::str[362] : $::str[94]; my $h_orig_name = &he( $::FORM{'orig_name'} ); my $b_allow_filtered_realms = (($::Rules{'show advanced commands'}) or ($defaults{'type'} == 6)); unless ($::FORM{'Write'}) { # prevent people from switching to/from runtime type of realm my $b_only_runtime = 0; my $b_no_runtime = 0; if ($is_update) { if ($::FORM{'type'} == 5) { $b_only_runtime = 1; } else { $b_no_runtime = 1; } if (($::FORM{'type'} != 4) and ($::FORM{'type'} != 5) and (not $::Rules{'use socket routines'})) { # special case -- user has disabled sockets, but they are editing an existing realm that # depends on sockets. Make sure that all realm types are present $::Rules{'use socket routines'} = 1; } } print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults); $::const{'AdminForm'}


EOM # open realms: print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults) if ((not $::private{'is_freeware'}) and (not $b_only_runtime) and ($::Rules{'use socket routines'})); EOM # filtered realms: print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults) if ((not $::private{'is_freeware'}) and ($b_allow_filtered_realms) and (not $b_only_runtime) and ($::Rules{'use socket routines'})); EOM my $limit_pattern_visible = <<"EOM"; EOM my $limit_pattern_hidden = qq!!; my $website_realm_rows = 2; if ($::Rules{'show advanced commands'}) { $limit_pattern_hidden = ''; $website_realm_rows++; } else { $limit_pattern_visible = ''; } # file-fed realms and website realms (crawler): print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults) if ((not $b_only_runtime) and ($::Rules{'use socket routines'})); $limit_pattern_visible EOM # website realms (file system): print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults) if (not $b_only_runtime); EOM # runtime realms: print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults) unless ($b_no_runtime); EOM print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults);
$::str[166]: $limit_pattern_hidden

EOM } if ($::FORM{'Write'}) { my ($base_url, $base_dir) = ('', ''); my $Name = $::FORM{'name'}; if ($Name =~ m!^(all|include-by-name)$!i) { $err = &pstr(441,$Name); next Err; } my $File = $::FORM{'file'}; my $type = $::FORM{'type'}; my ($is_runtime, $is_filefed) = (0, 0); if ($type == 6) { $base_url = 'http://filtered:1/'; } elsif ($type == 5) { $is_runtime = 1; $File = 'RUNTIME'; $base_url = $::FORM{'base_url5'}; $base_dir = $::FORM{'base_dir5'}; } elsif ($type == 4) { # oka $base_url = $::FORM{'base_url4'}; $base_dir = $::FORM{'base_dir4'}; } elsif ($type == 3) { $base_url = $::FORM{'base_url3'}; } elsif ($type == 2) { $is_filefed = 1; $base_url = $::FORM{'base_url2'}; } elsif ($type == 1) { # cool } else { $err = "invalid type - $type"; next Err; } if (($type > 3) and ($::private{'is_demo'})) { $err = $::str[435]; next Err; } #changed 0035 - this occurs when somebody chooses "Edit" a RUNTIME realm and they toggle the # radio buttons to change type, but don't type in a new filename. Also if somebody # enters the otherwise reserved word "runtime" we should point them in a different direction if ((uc($File) eq 'RUNTIME') and ($type != 5)) { my ($defname, $deffile) = $::realms->get_default_name(); $File = $deffile; } unless ($Name) { $err = &pstr(21, $::str[428] ); next Err; } unless ($File) { $err = &pstr(21, $::str[369] ); next Err; } # use all forward slashes: $base_dir =~ s!\\!/!g; if ($type != 1) { ($err, $base_url) = &uri_parse($base_url); next Err if ($err); } # do not allow delimiters within the values: for ($Name, $File, $base_dir, $base_url) { if (m!(\r|\n|\||\012|\015)!) { my $bad = &he($1); $err = &pstr(75,&he($_),$bad); next Err; } } #0054: -T compat if ($File =~ m!\.\.!) { $err = "realm file name cannot contain '..' substring"; next Err; } &untaintme( \$File ); &untaintme( \$base_dir ); if (($type == 4) or ($type == 5)) { unless (opendir(DIR, $base_dir)) { $err = &pstr(63, &he($base_dir), $! ); next Err; } closedir(DIR); } unless ($is_runtime) { # don't bother with LockFile here, because index file is not yet being hammered by multiple processes: if (open( FILE, ">>$File" )) { close(FILE); chmod($::private{'file_mask'},$File); } else { $err = &pstr(42, &he($File), $! ); next Err; } } if ($::FORM{'limit_pattern'}) { $err = &check_regex($::FORM{'limit_pattern'}); next Err if ($err); } my $realm_id = 0; my $page_count = 0; my $p_realm_data = (); # Is this really an update operation? If so, retain the 'realm_id' - that's kinda important: if ($is_update) { ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref( $::FORM{'orig_name'} ); unless ($err) { $realm_id = $$p_realm_data{'realm_id'}; $page_count = $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } else { $err = ''; # clear } } if ($::FORM{'orig_name'}) { $::realms->remove( $::FORM{'orig_name'}, 0 ); } $::realms->remove( $Name, 0 ); $::realms->add( $realm_id, $Name, $::Rules{'sql: enable'}, $File, $is_runtime, $base_dir, $base_url, '', $page_count, $is_filefed, $type, ($::FORM{'limit_pattern'} || '') ); $err = $::realms->save_realm_data(); next Err if ($err); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($Name); next Err if ($err); #changed 0050 update realm-specific filter rules on a rename op: if (($is_update) and ($::FORM{'orig_name'} ne $Name)) { my $url_orig = &ue($::FORM{'orig_name'}); my $is_changed = 0; my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new(); my $p_fr = (); foreach $p_fr ($fr->list_filter_rules()) { next unless ($$p_fr{'apply_to'} == 3); # only realm-specific rules $is_changed += scalar ($$p_fr{'apply_to_str'} =~ s!(^|,)$url_orig($|,)!$1$$p_realm_data{'url_name'}$2!g); } if ($is_changed) { $err = $fr->frwrite(); next Err if ($err); } } if ($is_update) { &ppstr(174, $::str[114] ); } else { &ppstr(174, &pstr(372, &he($Name) ) ); } Pending: { # update the pending pages file because we may have just added or removed a non-empty index file, and we need to # sync the contents of pending.txt with that data # we may have renamed a realm, and we need to sync the realm name last Pending if ($File eq 'RUNTIME'); my @NewRecords = (); my $new_record_count = 0; my $url_realm = &ue( $Name ); my $Time = $::private{'script_start_time'}; last Pending unless (open( FILE, "<$File" )); binmode(FILE); while (defined($_ = )) { next unless (m! u= (.*?) t=!); push(@NewRecords, "$1 $url_realm $Time\n"); } close(FILE); $new_record_count = 1 + $#NewRecords; if ($new_record_count) { &pppstr(373, $new_record_count, $File ); } my $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); my ($p_rhandle, $p_whandle); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my @OldRecords = (); # This is horribly innefficient code and must be optimized # Read in all of the entries except those tied to name or orig_name my $exclude = ''; if (($::FORM{'orig_name'}) and ($::FORM{'orig_name'} ne $Name)) { $exclude = '(' . quotemeta( $::FORM{'orig_name'} ) . '|' . quotemeta( $Name ) . ')'; } else { $exclude = quotemeta($Name); } while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next if (m! $exclude !); push(@OldRecords, $_); } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); undef($obj); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my ($Current, $Previous) = ('', ''); my ($CurrentNum, $PreviousNum) = (0, 0); foreach (sort (@OldRecords, @NewRecords)) { next unless m!^(.*?) (.*?) (\d+)$!; $Current = "$1 $2"; $CurrentNum = $3; if ($Current ne $Previous) { my $data = "$Current "; $data .= (($CurrentNum > $PreviousNum) ? $CurrentNum : $PreviousNum); $data .= "\n"; print { $$p_whandle } $data; } $Previous = $Current; $PreviousNum = $CurrentNum; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); $::realms->setpagecount($Name, $new_record_count, 1); if ($new_record_count) { &ppstr(174, &pstr(179, $new_record_count,'search.pending.txt')); } } # offer "Click to rebuild": if (($$p_realm_data{'type'} != 5) and ($$p_realm_data{'has_base_url'})) { &pppstr(330, "$::const{'admin_url'}&Action=rebuild&Realm=$$p_realm_data{'url_name'}"); } if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6) { # Filtered Realm # create a realm-specific Filter Rule, if none exist # link to the realm-specific Filter Rule my $fname = "$$p_realm_data{'name'} - limit"; my $b_has_rule = 0; my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new(); my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data ($fr->list_filter_rules()) { if ($fname eq $$p_data{'name'}) { $b_has_rule = 1; last; } } unless ($b_has_rule) { my @limits = (); $err = $fr->add_filter_rule( 0, $fname, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, $$p_realm_data{'url_name'} . ',', \@limits, \@limits, ); next Err if ($err); } my ($ufname, $hfname) = (&ue($fname), &he($fname)); print qq!

This Filtered Realm must be restricted by filter rules to prevent it from indexing the entire web.

The rule $hfname has been created as a sample rule to get you started.

That filter rule is disabled by default. Before enabling it, you must enter some strings or patterns to describe the type of URL's that you would like to include in this realm.

\n!; } last Err; } last Err; } print <<"EOM";


EOM my $p_realm_data = (); my (@filefed, @open_realms, @filtered_realms, @website_realms, @runtime_realms) = (); my @realms = (); @realms = $::realms->listrealms('all'); foreach $p_realm_data (@realms) { if ($$p_realm_data{'is_filefed'}) { push(@filefed, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 1) { push(@open_realms, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6) { push(@filtered_realms, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { push(@runtime_realms, $p_realm_data); } else { push(@website_realms, $p_realm_data); } } @realms = $::realms->listrealms('is_error'); if (@realms) { &ppstr(29, $::str[180] ); foreach $p_realm_data (@realms) { print "

$$p_realm_data{'html_name'} - $$p_realm_data{'err'}.

"; &ppstr(182, "$::str[411]", "$::str[430]" ); print "

\n"; } } if (@open_realms) { my $n_actions = 2; $n_actions++ if ($::realms->{'need_approval'}); my $suggest_rules = &pstr(107, "$::str[162]" ); print <<"EOM";




EOM print ''; &print_realm_table_header(); foreach $p_realm_data (@open_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); } print '

'; } if (@filtered_realms) { my $n_actions = 2; $n_actions++ if ($::realms->{'need_approval'}); print <<"EOM";



EOM print ''; &print_realm_table_header(); foreach $p_realm_data (@filtered_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); } print '

'; } if (@website_realms) { print <<"EOM";



EOM print ''; &print_realm_table_header(); foreach $p_realm_data (@website_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); } print '

'; } if (@runtime_realms) { print <<"EOM";



EOM print ''; &print_realm_table_header(); foreach $p_realm_data (@runtime_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); } print '

'; } if (@filefed) { print <<"EOM";



EOM print ''; &print_realm_table_header(); foreach $p_realm_data (@filefed) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); } print '

'; } $err = &ui_GeneralRules( $::str[327], 'ManageRealms', 'show advanced commands', 'delete index file with realm' ); next Err if ($err); last Err; } return $err; } sub print_realm_table_header { my ($name) = @_; print "$::str[190]"; print defined($name) ? $name : $::str[428]; print ''; print <<"EOM"; $::str[153] $::str[156] $::str[113] $::str[146] EOM } sub print_realm_table_row { my ($p_realm_data) = @_; my $index_size_bytes = 0; my $pages = '
'; my $size = '
'; my $lastmodtime = '-'; if ($$p_realm_data{'has_file'}) { $index_size_bytes = -s $$p_realm_data{'file'}; $size = &FormatNumber( (1023 + $index_size_bytes) / 1024, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); my $lastmodt = (stat($$p_realm_data{'file'}))[9]; $lastmodtime = &FormatDateTime( $lastmodt, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ); $lastmodtime .= '
' . &get_age_str( time() - $lastmodt ); } unless ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { $pages = &FormatNumber( $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); } my $h_base_url = (($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 1) or ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6)) ? '-' : $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}; #changed 0054 - substr to 65 chars if (64 < length($h_base_url)) { $h_base_url = substr($h_base_url,0,64) . '...'; } $h_base_url = &he($h_base_url); #changed 0056 - substr to 65 chars for name as well my $hname = $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}; if (64 < length($$p_realm_data{'name'})) { $hname = &he( substr($$p_realm_data{'name'},0,64) . '...' ); } print <<"EOM"; $::str[411] $hname
$h_base_url EOM print <<"EOM"; $size KB $pages $lastmodtime EOM print <<"EOM"; $::str[154] EOM print <<"EOM" if ($$p_realm_data{'need_approval'}); - $::str[427] EOM print <<"EOM"; $::str[430] EOM if ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { print '
'; } else { print <<"EOM"; $::str[123] - $::str[124] EOM } print ''; return $index_size_bytes; } sub ui_AdminPage { print qq!

$::str[96] / $::str[443]

\n!; &pppstr(348, "$::const{'help_file'}1150.html" ); my $err = ''; Err: { if ($::Rules{'sql: enable'}) { print qq!

Warning: mysql data storage support has been removed from FDSE. See this help file for more information and for instructions on how to upgrade.

This warning appears because the SQL: Enable General Setting is checked.

!; } my $i = 0; $err = $::realms->{'last_realm_err'}; next Err if ($err); my $p_realm_data = (); my (@filefed, @open_realms, @filtered_realms, @website_realms, @runtime_realms) = (); my @realms = (); @realms = $::realms->listrealms('all'); foreach $p_realm_data (@realms) { if ($$p_realm_data{'is_filefed'}) { push(@filefed, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 1) { push(@open_realms, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6) { push(@filtered_realms, $p_realm_data); } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { push(@runtime_realms, $p_realm_data); } else { push(@website_realms, $p_realm_data); } } @realms = $::realms->listrealms('is_error'); if (@realms) { &ppstr(29, $::str[180] ); foreach $p_realm_data (@realms) { print "

$$p_realm_data{'html_name'} - $$p_realm_data{'err'}.

\n"; &pppstr(182, "$::str[411]", "$::str[430]" ); } } #changed 0054 -- allow website, file-fed, filtered, and open realms to use Add New URL form my $count = 0; my $ChooseRealmLine = ''; my $p_data; foreach $p_data ($::realms->listrealms('all')) { next if (($$p_data{'type'} == 4) or ($$p_data{'type'} == 5)); my $type = ''; if ($$p_data{'type'} == 1) { $type = $::str[553]; } elsif ($$p_data{'type'} == 2) { $type = $::str[554]; } elsif ($$p_data{'type'} == 3) { $type = $::str[550]; } $type .= ': ' if $type; $ChooseRealmLine .= qq!\n!; $count++; } my $ref_manage_realms = &pstr(371, qq!$::str[327]! ); # the "Add New URL" form appears in all non-Freeware versions and in Freeware if there are valid realms which can accept # single URL additions (count > 0) if (((not $::private{'is_freeware'}) or ($count)) and ($::Rules{'use socket routines'})) { if (not $::private{'is_freeware'}) { $ChooseRealmLine .= qq!\n!; } my $input = qq!!; if (($::Rules{'show advanced commands'}) or (not $::Rules{'multi-line add-url form - admin'})) { $input = qq!!; } print <<"EOM";



$::const{'AdminForm'} EOM print <<"EOM" if ($count); EOM print <<"EOM" if ($::Rules{'show advanced commands'}); EOM print <<"EOM";
$::str[74]: $input


EOM } # the "Add New Site" form: if (((not $::private{'is_freeware'}) or (0 == $::realms->realm_count('all'))) and ($::Rules{'use socket routines'})) { print <<"EOM";




EOM } print <<"EOM";




EOM print '' if (@open_realms or @filtered_realms or @website_realms or @runtime_realms or @filefed); my $total_size = 0; my $total_pages = 0; my $realm_count = 0; if (@open_realms) { &print_realm_table_header($::str[431]); foreach $p_realm_data (@open_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); $total_size += &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); $realm_count++; $total_pages += $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } } if (@filtered_realms) { &print_realm_table_header($::str[268]); foreach $p_realm_data (@filtered_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); $total_size += &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); $realm_count++; $total_pages += $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } } if (@website_realms) { &print_realm_table_header($::str[474]); foreach $p_realm_data (@website_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); $total_size += &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); $realm_count++; $total_pages += $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } } if (@runtime_realms) { &print_realm_table_header($::str[339]); foreach $p_realm_data (@runtime_realms) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); $total_size += &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); $realm_count++; $total_pages += $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } } if (@filefed) { &print_realm_table_header($::str[489]); foreach $p_realm_data (@filefed) { next if ($$p_realm_data{'is_error'}); $total_size += &print_realm_table_row($p_realm_data); $realm_count++; $total_pages += $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; } } if ($realm_count) { $total_size = &FormatNumber( (1023 + $total_size) / 1024, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); $total_pages = &FormatNumber( $total_pages, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); print <<"EOM"; EOM } print '

Totals Size Pages

$total_size KB $total_pages

' if (@open_realms or @filtered_realms or @website_realms or @runtime_realms or @filefed); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } print <<"EOM";

EOM } sub ui_PersonalSettings { my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[183] EOM my $subaction = $::FORM{'subaction'} || ''; if ($subaction eq 'SaveData') { print " / $::str[362]

\n"; if ($::FORM{'admin notify: sendmail program'}) { my $b_is_valid = 0; foreach (@::sendmail) { $b_is_valid = 1 if ($_ eq $::FORM{'admin notify: sendmail program'}); } unless ($b_is_valid) { $err = &pstr(144, &he($::FORM{'admin notify: sendmail program'}) ); next Err; } } foreach ('admin notify: email address', 'admin notify: smtp server', 'admin notify: sendmail program') { $err = &WriteRule($_,$::FORM{$_} || ''); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(404,&he($_, $::FORM{$_}))); } foreach ('security: session timeout') { $err = &WriteRule($_,$::FORM{$_} || 0); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(404,&he($_,$::FORM{$_}))); } if (($::FORM{'op'}) and ($::FORM{'np'}) and ($::FORM{'cp'})) { if ($::private{'is_demo'}) { &ppstr(53, $::str[435] ); last Err; } my $seed = 'sX'; if ($::FORM{'np'} ne $::FORM{'cp'}) { &ppstr(29, $::str[285] ); } elsif ($::Rules{'password'} eq crypt($::FORM{'op'}, $seed)) { # well, okay so far: my $newpass = crypt($::FORM{'np'}, $seed); $err = &WriteRule( 'password', $newpass ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, $::str[293] ); } else { &ppstr(29, $::str[181] ); } } last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'TestMail') { print qq! / $::str[168]

\n!; my $test_msg = <<"EOM"; Hello! This is a test message from your search engine. The following options were used to send it: Email address: $::Rules{'admin notify: email address'} SMTP server: $::Rules{'admin notify: smtp server'} Sendmail Program: $::Rules{'admin notify: sendmail program'} EOM my $trace = ''; ($err, $trace) = &SendMailEx( 'handler_order' => '12', 'to' => $::Rules{'admin notify: email address'}, 'from' => $::Rules{'admin notify: email address'}, 'host' => $::Rules{'admin notify: smtp server'}, 'pipeto' => $::Rules{'admin notify: sendmail program'}, 'p_nc_cache' => $::private{'p_nc_cache'}, 'use standard io' => $::Rules{'use standard io'}, 'subject' => "Test Message from search engine", 'message' => $test_msg, ); next Err if ($err); $trace = &he( $trace ); &ppstr(174, $::str[116] ); print qq!


\n!; last Err; } print <<"EOM"; / $::str[152]

$::const{'AdminForm'} EOM $::const{'sendmail_options'} = ''; foreach (sort @::sendmail) { next unless (m!^(\S+)!); next unless (-e $1); $::const{'sendmail_options'} .= ''; } my $text = &PrintTemplate( 1, 'admin_personal.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%::const ); print &SetDefaults($text, \%::Rules); print ''; last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub ui_BCST { my $err = ''; Err: { &handlers_init( 1 ); # load all handlers... my $sa = &he($::FORM{'sa'} || ''); if ($sa eq '') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[159] / Binary Converters - Setup and Test

Enabled Converters

The following table lists all binary-to-HTML handlers:

EOM my $b_disabled = 0; my $p_handler; foreach $p_handler (@{ $::private{'handlers'} }) { my $str_enabled = $p_handler->{'enabled'} ? 'x' : 'no'; $b_disabled++ unless $p_handler->{'enabled'}; my $test_link = 'n/a'; if (exists($p_handler->{'test_syntax'})) { $test_link = qq!Syntax Test!; } print <<"EOM"; EOM } print '
Enabled Name Extension Pattern Content-Type Pattern Actions
$str_enabled $p_handler->{'name'} $p_handler->{'extension_pattern'} $p_handler->{'content_type_pattern'} $test_link Help
'; if ($b_disabled) { print "

To enable one of the disabled handlers, click the corresponding Help link.

\n"; } my $test_realm_name = 'Binary Conversion Test'; my $ue_name = &ue($test_realm_name); my $adv_test = qq!
  1. Create Test Realm

    DO NOT click the "rebuild" link after creating the test realm. Instead, return to this page and move to the next step.

    • Click here to automatically create a realm that searches the test binaries on xav.com.

    • Or, to test on your own content, go to the Create New Realm interface. Create a realm named "$test_realm_name". Configure the realm to index your binary files.

  2. Index Test Realm

    Create a realm named "$test_realm_name" first. Then return to this page and reload it.

!; my $p_realm; ($err, $p_realm) = $::realms->hashref( $test_realm_name ); if ($err) { # no realm exists... $err = ''; } else { $adv_test = qq!
  1. Create Test Realm

    Click here to edit the "$test_realm_name" realm. Make sure it includes binary files.

  2. Index Test Realm

    Click here to index all files in the "$test_realm_name" realm. This indexing will be done with the "debug=1" flag, which causes extra status messages to be printed. These extra status messages should help you determine whether the conversion is working.

!; } print <<"EOM";

Integration Test

Click here to cross-reference enabled binary converters with related General Settings. This will confirm that your system is configured to discover all binary file types that it knows how to read.

Advanced Test

The Syntax Test and Integration Test actions only perform basic validation of the settings. Before you can be sure the converters are working, you need to test them on actual binary files.


EOM last Err; } if ($sa eq 'test') { my $hname = &he($::FORM{'name'}); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[159] / Binary Converters - Setup and Test / $hname

EOM my $p_handler; foreach $p_handler (@{ $::private{'handlers'} }) { next unless ($::FORM{'name'} eq $p_handler->{'name'}); if (not exists($p_handler->{'test_syntax'})) { $err = "binary handler '$hname' does not have a test routine"; next Err; } $err = &{ $p_handler->{'test_syntax'} }( 1 ); next Err if ($err); last Err; } $err = "binary handler '$hname' not found in handler array"; next Err; } if ($sa eq 'crossref') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[159] / Binary Converters - Setup and Test / Integration Test

EOM my @file_extensions_supported = (); my @file_extensions_not = (); my $p_handler; foreach $p_handler (@{ $::private{'handlers'} }) { my $hname = &he($p_handler->{'name'}); my $ext_pattern = $p_handler->{'extension_pattern'}; if (not $p_handler->{'enabled'}) { push(@file_extensions_not, $ext_pattern ); print "

File extension pattern $ext_pattern not supported because binary converted is not enabled.

\n"; next; } if (exists($p_handler->{'test_syntax'})) { my $test_err = &{ $p_handler->{'test_syntax'} }( 0 ); if ($test_err) { push( @file_extensions_not, $ext_pattern ); print "

File extension pattern $ext_pattern not supported because syntax test returns error '$test_err'.

\n"; next; } } push( @file_extensions_supported, $ext_pattern ); print "

File extension pattern $ext_pattern supported.

\n"; } my $warnings = 0; my $hext = &he($::Rules{'ext'}); my @exts = split(m!\s+!, $::Rules{'ext'}); my $ext; # do any of these allowed extensions match an unsupported handler? foreach $ext (@exts) { foreach (@file_extensions_not) { if ($ext =~ m!$_!i) { print qq!

Warning: General Setting Ext contains extension '$ext' which pattern matches to '$_', but that pattern is not supported. File extension '$ext' should be removed.

\n!; $warnings++; } } } my $pattern; Pattern: foreach $pattern (@file_extensions_supported) { # is there some 'Ext' setting to match this? foreach $ext (@exts) { if ($ext =~ m!$pattern!i) { # okay, all good next Pattern; } } print qq!

Warning: there is a binary converter available for extension pattern $pattern, but no file extensions in General Setting Ext match this pattern. You should add extensions for this binary type.

\n!; $warnings++; } if ($warnings == 0) { print "

Success: confirmed that General Setting Ext is configured properly.

\n"; } $warnings = 0; $hext = &he($::Rules{'crawler: ignore links to'}); @exts = split(m!\s+!, $::Rules{'crawler: ignore links to'}); # do any of these allowed extensions match a supported handler? foreach $ext (@exts) { foreach (@file_extensions_supported) { if ($ext =~ m!$_!i) { print qq!

Warning: General Setting Crawler: Ignore Links To contains extension '$ext' which pattern matches to '$_'. A converter is defined for that pattern, and so the extension should not be ignored. File extension '$ext' should be removed from this General Setting.

\n!; $warnings++; } } } Pattern: foreach $pattern (@file_extensions_not) { # is there some 'Ext' setting to match this? foreach $ext (@exts) { if ($ext =~ m!$pattern!i) { # okay, all good next Pattern; } } print qq!

Warning: General Setting Crawler: Ignore Links To does not include an extension for unsupported pattern $pattern. You should add a file extension to this General Setting so that this unsupported binary type is ignored.

\n!; $warnings++; } if ($warnings == 0) { print "

Success: confirmed that General Setting Crawler: Ignore Links To is configured properly.

\n"; } last Err; } $err = "subaction '$sa' not defined for this interface"; next Err; } return $err; } sub ui_sysinfo { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[159] / $::str[92]

EOM &pppstr(488, $], $^X, $^O, &query_env('SERVER_SOFTWARE')); my $xpdf = $::private{'pdf utility folder'} ? $::private{'pdf utility folder'} : '[none]'; print <<"EOM";
Data Folder: $::private{'support_dir'} $::str[432]


EOM foreach (sort keys %ENV) { my ($name, $value) = &he( $_, $ENV{$_} ); print qq!\n!; } print "
"; print <<"EOM";

Perl libraries loaded

EOM foreach (sort keys %INC) { my ($name, $value) = &he( $_, $INC{$_} ); print qq!\n!; } print "
"; } sub ui_GeneralRules { my ($name, $action, @settings) = @_; # FORM{'gr1'} takes prec -> name # FORM{'gr0'} takes prec -> action # initialize: $::FORM{'gr1'} = &he($name || $::FORM{'gr1'} || ''); $::FORM{'gr0'} = &he($action || $::FORM{'gr0'} || ''); my $ugr1 = &ue($::FORM{'gr1'}); my $top_name = $name || $::FORM{'gr1'} || $::str[159]; my $top_action = $action || $::FORM{'gr0'} || 'GeneralRules'; my $err = ''; Err: { my %setting_info = ( # 'lc_name' => [ $desc_string, $b_handled_by_general_settings_interface, $b_require_rebuild_after_change; 0->no; 1->should 2->must ], 'allowbinaryfiles' => [ $::str[490], 1, 1 ], 'allowsymboliclinks' => [ $::str[491], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: days til refresh' => [ $::str[492], 1, 0 ], 'crawler: follow offsite links' => [ $::str[493], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: follow query strings' => [ $::str[494], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: ignore links to' => [ $::str[495], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: max pages per batch' => [ $::str[496], 1, 0 ], 'crawler: max redirects' => [ $::str[497], 1, 0 ], 'crawler: minimum whitespace' => [ $::str[498], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: rogue' => [ $::str[499], 1, 1 ], 'crawler: user agent' => [ $::str[549], 1, 0 ], 'default match' => [ $::str[501], 0, 0 ], 'delete index file with realm' => [ $::str[502], 0, 0 ], 'ext' => [ $::str[503], 1, 1 ], 'forbid all cap descriptions' => [ $::str[504], 1, 1 ], 'forbid all cap titles' => [ $::str[505], 1, 1 ], 'handling url search terms' => [ $::str[506], 0, 0 ], 'hits per page' => [ $::str[507], 0, 0 ], 'ignore words' => [ $::str[508], 1, 2 ], 'index alt text' => [ $::str[509], 1, 1 ], 'index links' => [ $::str[510], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: auto description' => [ $::str[511], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: description' => [ $::str[512], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: file' => [ $::str[513], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: keywords' => [ $::str[514], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: text' => [ $::str[515], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: title' => [ $::str[516], 1, 1 ], 'max characters: url' => [ $::str[517], 1, 1 ], 'max index file size' => [ $::str[518], 1, 0 ], 'minimum page size' => [ $::str[519], 1, 1 ], 'multiplier: description' => [ $::str[520], 1, 0 ], 'multiplier: keyword' => [ $::str[521], 1, 0 ], 'multiplier: title' => [ $::str[522], 1, 0 ], 'multiplier: url' => [ $::str[523], 1, 0 ], 'no frames' => [ $::str[524], 0, 0 ], 'parse fdse-index-as header' => [ $::str[525], 1, 1 ], 'redirector' => [ $::str[526], 1, 0 ], 'sql: enable' => [ $::str[527], 1, 0 ], 'show examples: enable' => [ $::str[528], 0, 0 ], 'show examples: number to display' => [ $::str[529], 0, 0 ], 'sorting: default sort method' => [ $::str[530], 0, 0 ], 'sorting: randomize equally-relevant search results' => [ $::str[531], 0, 0 ], 'time interval between restarts' => [ $::str[532], 1, 0 ], 'timeout' => [ $::str[533], 1, 0 ], 'trustsymboliclinks' => [ $::str[534], 1, 1 ], 'use standard io' => [ $::str[535], 1, 0 ], 'wildcard match' => [ $::str[536], 1, 0 ], 'logging: enable' => [ $::str[537], 0, 0 ], 'sorting: time sensitive' => [ $::str[538], 0, 0 ], 'multi-line add-url form - admin' => [ $::str[539], 1, 0 ], 'multi-line add-url form - visitors' => [ $::str[540], 1, 0 ], 'network timeout' => [ $::str[541], 1, 0 ], 'user language selection' => [ $::str[542], 0, 0 ], 'logging: display most popular' => [ $::str[543], 0, 0 ], 'default search terms' => [ $::str[544], 0, 0 ], 'show advanced commands' => [ $::str[545], 0, 0 ], 'use dbm routines' => [ $::str[546], 1, 0 ], 'use socket routines' => [ $::str[547], 1, 0 ], 'default substring match' => [ $::str[548], 0, 0 ], 'refresh time delay' => [ $::str[558], 1, 0 ], ); # Load Fluid Dynamics Rules object: my $FDR = &FD_Rules_new(); my $r_defaults = $FDR->get_defaults(); my $sa = $::FORM{'subaction'} || ''; # Print the header, *unless* this is an inline-list request (only those requests have $name initialized) unless ($name) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $top_name EOM if ($::FORM{'Edit'}) { my $html_name = &he( $::FORM{'Edit'} ); print " / $html_name"; } if ($sa eq 'Write') { print " / $::str[362]

\n"; } else { print " / $::str[152]

\n"; } } if ($::FORM{'Edit'}) { my $name = $::FORM{'Edit'}; my $lc_name = lc($name); my $html_name = &he($name); my $type = $$r_defaults{$lc_name}[1]; if ($sa eq 'Write') { if (($lc_name eq 'no frames') and ($::private{'is_demo'})) { &ppstr(53, $::str[435] ); last Err; } my $value = $::FORM{'VALUE'}; if ($type == 1) { $value = ($value) ? 1 : 0; } # strip line breaks, as promised: $value =~ s!(\n|\r|\015|\012)! !sg; my $b_changed = ($::Rules{$lc_name} ne $value) ? 1 : 0; $err = &WriteRule( $lc_name, $value ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(404,$html_name,&he($value))); if (($b_changed) and ($setting_info{$lc_name}) and ($setting_info{$lc_name}->[2])) { if (1 == $setting_info{$lc_name}->[2]) { print '

' . $::str[329] . '

'; } else { print '

' . $::str[109] . '

'; } } last Err; } my $value = $::Rules{$lc_name}; my $def_value = $$r_defaults{$lc_name}[0]; my @type_desc = ( 0, $::str[392], $::str[393], $::str[394], $::str[395], $::str[396], ); my $minmax = ''; if ($type == 3) { $minmax = " ($::str[405] " . $$r_defaults{$lc_name}[2] . "; $::str[406] " . $$r_defaults{$lc_name}[3] . ")"; } my %defaults = ( 'VALUE' => $::Rules{$lc_name}, ); print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'} EOM my $description = $setting_info{$lc_name}->[0]; # if Boolean checkbox value: if ($type == 1) { print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults);


EOM # option to restore default with single click: if ($value ne $def_value) { &pppstr(401, "$::str[193]" ); } else { print "


\n"; } } # otherwise, if not a Boolean value (string/int/text): else { my $form_element = ''; if ((40 < length($value)) or (40 < length($def_value))) { $form_element = ''; } elsif (($type == 2) or ($type == 3)) { $form_element = ''; } print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults);
$::str[159]: $html_name
$::str[428]: $html_name
$::str[45]: $description
$::str[157]: $type_desc[$type]$minmax
$::str[90]: $form_element

EOM if ($value ne $def_value) { $defaults{'VALUE'} = $def_value; print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults); $::const{'AdminForm'}
$::str[97]: $form_element

EOM } else { print "


\n"; } print "

" . $::str[403] . "

\n"; } last Err; } my $show_all_opt = 0; unless (@settings) { $show_all_opt = 1; foreach (keys %setting_info) { next unless ($setting_info{$_}->[1]); push(@settings,$_); } } my %show_settings = (); foreach (@settings) { $show_settings{$_} = 1; } if ($show_all_opt) { print '

'; &ppstr(488, $], $^X, $^O, &query_env('SERVER_SOFTWARE')); print "
[ $::str[358] ]

\n"; print <<"EOM";

$::str[486]: Binary Converters - Setup and Test

$::str[486]: $::str[473]

EOM } my $lc_name; foreach $lc_name (sort keys %setting_info) { next unless ($show_settings{$lc_name}); my $name = &Capitalize($lc_name); my $url_name = &ue($name); my $html_name = &he($name); my $default = $$r_defaults{$lc_name}[0]; my $current_val = $::Rules{$lc_name}; my $def = ''; if ($current_val eq $default) { $def = " ($::str[234]) "; } else { $def = " ($::str[223]) "; } my $display_val = $current_val; if (length($current_val) > 15) { $display_val = substr($current_val, 0, 12) . "..."; } $display_val = &he($display_val); my $description = $setting_info{$lc_name}->[0]; print "

[ $::str[411] ] $html_name = $display_val $def

\n"; } last Err; } return $err; } sub update_file { my ($realm, $ref_crawler_results) = @_; my ($total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = (0, 0, 0, 0); my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($realm); next Err if ($err); unless ($$p_realm_data{'file'}) { $err = &pstr(141, $$p_realm_data{'html_realm'} ); next Err; } my $obj = &LockFile_new(); my ($p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); next Err if ($err); my $TempFile = $obj->get_wname(); WriteF: { my $ref_data = (); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { # compare whether an existing entry is there: next unless (m!u= (.*?) t=!); # skip invalid lines and isolate URL my $record_url = $1; if ($ref_data = $$ref_crawler_results{$record_url}) { if ($$ref_data{'b_write_to_temp'}) { # oh, this crawler result is a write-to-temp... do nothing here } else { if (($$ref_data{'is_error'}) or ($$ref_data{'experienced'})) { $$ref_data{'sub status msg'} = $::str[408]; $deleted_records++; next; } $$ref_data{'experienced'} = 1; if ($$ref_data{'is_update'}) { # Create a new replacement record: if (m!^(\d+) (\d+) (\d+) u= .*? t= .*? d= .*? uM= .*? uT= .*? uD= .*? uK= .*? h= (.*?) l= (.*)!) { my ($promote, $dd, $mm, $yyyy) = unpack('A2A2A2A4', $1); $$ref_data{'lastmodtime'} = $2; $$ref_data{'lastindex'} = $3; $$ref_data{'text'} = $4; $$ref_data{'links'} = $3; #$$ref_data{'promote'} = $promote; $$ref_data{'dd'} = $dd; $$ref_data{'mm'} = $mm; $$ref_data{'yyyy'} = $yyyy; } #revcompat - older yet support record format elsif (m!^(\d+) u= .*? t= .*? d= .*? uM= .*? uT= .*? uD= .*? uK= .*? h= (.*?) l= (.*)!) { my ($promote, $dd, $mm, $yyyy) = unpack('A2A2A2A4', $1); #$$ref_data{'promote'} = $promote; $$ref_data{'dd'} = $dd; $$ref_data{'mm'} = $mm; $$ref_data{'yyyy'} = $yyyy; $$ref_data{'text'} = $2; $$ref_data{'links'} = $3; } #/revcompat else { &ppstr(29, $::str[409] ); next; } } $$ref_data{'is_update'} = 1; my ($temp_err_msg, $text_record) = &text_record_from_hash( $ref_data ); if ($temp_err_msg) { &ppstr(29, $temp_err_msg ); next; } $_ = $text_record; $$ref_data{'sub status msg'} = $::str[312]; $updated_records++; } } unless (print { $$p_whandle } $_) { $err = &pstr(43, $TempFile, $!); next WriteF; } $total_records++; } #end changes my ($URL, $ref_pagedata) = (); while (($URL, $ref_pagedata) = each %$ref_crawler_results) { next if (($$ref_pagedata{'is_error'}) or ($$ref_pagedata{'is_update'}) or ($$ref_pagedata{'b_write_to_temp'})); if ($$ref_pagedata{'record'}) { unless (print { $$p_whandle } $$ref_pagedata{'record'}) { $err = &pstr(43,$TempFile,$!); next WriteF; } } else { my ($temp_err_msg, $record) = &text_record_from_hash( $ref_pagedata ); if ($temp_err_msg) { $$ref_pagedata{'sub status msg'} = $temp_err_msg; next; } else { unless (print { $$p_whandle } $record) { $err = &pstr(43,$TempFile,$!); next WriteF; } } } unless ($$ref_pagedata{'sub status msg'}) { $$ref_pagedata{'sub status msg'} = $::str[407]; } $new_records++; $total_records++; } last WriteF; } # was there an error during the write? if so that's too bad - better abort and call it a day if ($err) { my $cancel_msg = $obj->Cancel(); if ($cancel_msg) { $err .= "

$::str[73]: $cancel_msg"; } next Err; } # has our file grown too big? my $TempSize = -s $TempFile; # zero max size negates size checking if (($::Rules{'max index file size'}) and ($TempSize > $::Rules{'max index file size'})) { # The temp file is too big - abort everything: my $max_size = &FormatNumber( $::Rules{'max index file size'}, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); $TempSize = &FormatNumber( $TempSize , 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); $err = &pstr(410, $max_size, $$p_realm_data{'file'}, $TempSize ); my $cancel_msg = $obj->Cancel(); if ($cancel_msg) { $err .= "

$::str[73]: $cancel_msg"; } next Err; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); $err = $::realms->setpagecount($realm, $total_records, 1); next Err if ($err); } return ($err, $total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records); } sub update_realm { return &update_file(@_); } sub query_realm { my ($realm, $query_pattern, $start_pos, $max_results, $ref_crawler_results) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { $err = &check_regex($query_pattern); next Err if ($err); my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($realm); next Err if ($err); if ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { return &query_runtime(@_); } else { return &query_file(@_); } } return $err; } sub query_runtime { my ($realm, $query_pattern, $start_pos, $max_results, $ref_crawler_results) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { $err = &check_regex($query_pattern); next Err if ($err); my ($p_realm_data) = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($realm); next Err if ($err); my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new($p_realm_data); my $gf = &GetFiles_new(); $err = $gf->create_file_list( 'base_dir' => $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'}, 'base_url' => $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}, 'fr' => \$fr, 'tempfile' => "runtime.file_list. " . int(100 * rand()) . ".txt", 'verbose' => 0, ); next Err if ($err); if ($start_pos) { $gf->resume_file_position( $start_pos ); } my $count = 0; my $record_err_msg = ''; while ($count < $max_results) { my ($lastmodt, $size, $fullfile, $basefile, $url) = $gf->get_next_file(); last unless ($url); my %pagedata = (); ($record_err_msg,$url) = &pagedata_from_file( $fullfile, $url, \%pagedata, \$fr ); if ($record_err_msg) { # &ppstr(29, $record_err_msg ); } else { $$ref_crawler_results{$url} = \%pagedata; $count++; } } $err = $gf->quit(0); } return $err; } sub query_file { my ($realm, $query_pattern, $start_pos, $max_results, $ref_crawler_results) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { $err = &check_regex($query_pattern); next Err if ($err); my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); my ($p_realm_data) = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($realm); next Err if ($err); my $file = $$p_realm_data{'file'}; $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read( $file ); next Err if ($err); my $linecount = -1; while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next if (($query_pattern) and (not m! u= $query_pattern t= !)); $linecount++; next if ($linecount < $start_pos); last if ($linecount >= ($start_pos + $max_results)); my ($is_valid, %pagedata) = &parse_text_record($_); if ($is_valid) { my $URL = $pagedata{'url'}; $$ref_crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; } } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); } return $err; } sub get_remote_host { unless (exists $::private{'remote_host'}) { $::private{'remote_host'} = &query_env('REMOTE_HOST'); if ((!$::private{'remote_host'}) || ($::private{'remote_host'} =~ m!^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$!)) { if ($::private{'visitor_ip_addr'} =~ m!^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$!) { $::private{'remote_host'} = (gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',$1,$2,$3,$4),2))[0] || $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'}; } } $::private{'remote_host'} = lc($::private{'remote_host'}); } return $::private{'remote_host'}; } sub get_absolute_url { my $URL = ''; my $script_name = &query_env('SCRIPT_NAME','/'); if ($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}) { $URL = 'http://' . &query_env('HTTP_HOST') . $script_name; } elsif ($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}) { $URL = 'http://' . &query_env('HTTP_HOST') . $script_name; } elsif ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { $URL = &query_env('HTTP_REFERER'); $URL =~ s!(\?|\$\|\#)(.*)!!o; } return $URL; } sub print_AddURL_nav_header { my ($b_anon, $action) = @_; if ((not $b_anon) and (not $::const{'is_cmd'}) and ($action ne 'rebuild')) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[443] / $::str[442]

EOM } } sub s_AddURL { my ($b_IsAnonAdd, $Realm, @addr_strings) = @_; my @AddressesToIndex = (); #changed 0054; support multi-line inputs local $_; foreach (@addr_strings) { foreach (split(m!\r|\n|\015|\012!s)) { my $addr = &Trim($_); next unless ($addr); if ($addr =~ m!^\w+://!) { # good; explicit proto } else { $addr = "http://$addr"; } push( @AddressesToIndex, $addr ); } } my $action = $::FORM{'Action'} || ''; &print_AddURL_nav_header( $b_IsAnonAdd, $action ); my $p_realm_data = (); my $err = ''; Err: { if (($Realm) or ($b_IsAnonAdd)) { ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($Realm); next Err if ($err); } elsif (($::FORM{'CreateSelectRealm'}) and (not $b_IsAnonAdd)) { my $url; ($err, $url) = &uri_parse($::FORM{'URL'}); next Err if ($err); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->get_website_realm($url); next Err if ($err); } else { # changed 0064: get_open_realm should always auto-create new realm...s ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->get_open_realm(); next Err if ($err); $Realm = $$p_realm_data{'name'}; } $::FORM{'Realm'} = $$p_realm_data{'name'}; #0035 for benefit of &AdminVersion later if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 3) { if (length($$p_realm_data{'limit_pattern'})) { $::FORM{'LimitPattern'} = $$p_realm_data{'limit_pattern'}; } else { $::FORM{'LimitPattern'} = '^' . quotemeta(&get_web_folder($$p_realm_data{'base_url'})); } } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 5) { $err = &pstr(277, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}); next Err; } if (($b_IsAnonAdd) and ($::Rules{'allowanonadd: require user email'})) { $err = &CheckEmail( $::FORM{'EMAIL'} ); next Err if ($err); } # Initialize and validate FORM-based integers: foreach ('Batch','PagesDone','LimitIndexed','LimitFailed','LimitPending') { $::FORM{$_} = 0 unless exists $::FORM{$_}; next if ($::FORM{$_} =~ m!^\d+$!); $err = "parameter '$_' not numeric"; next Err; } foreach ('DaysPast') { $::FORM{$_} = 0 unless exists $::FORM{$_}; next if (($::FORM{$_} =~ m!^\d*\.?\d*$!) and ($::FORM{$_} ne '.')); $err = "parameter '$_' not numeric"; next Err; } my $NextLink = ''; if (($action eq 'CrawlEntireSite') or ($::FORM{'LimitPattern'})) { $::FORM{'Batch'}++; print "\n

" . &pstr(186,&he($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}), $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ) . "
\n"; &ppstr(189, $::FORM{'Batch'} ); print ' '; &ppstr(191, $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'}, $::FORM{'LimitFailed'}, $::FORM{'LimitPending'} ); print "

\n\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'rebuild') { $::FORM{'Batch'}++; print "\n

" . &pstr(185, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ) . "
\n"; &ppstr(188, $::FORM{'DaysPast'} ) if ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}); &ppstr(189, $::FORM{'Batch'} ); print ' '; &ppstr(191, $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'}, $::FORM{'LimitFailed'}, $::FORM{'LimitPending'} ); print "

\n\n"; } else { print "\n

" . &pstr(187, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ) . "

\n\n"; } $::FORM{'PerBatch'} = $::FORM{'PerBatch'} || $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}; $::FORM{'PerBatch'} = $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'} if ($::FORM{'PerBatch'} > $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}); my (@spidered_links, @crawled_pages, %crawler_results, %Response) = (); if (($::FORM{'istimeout'}) and (not $b_IsAnonAdd)) { # shoot... they suffered a timeout... # Are the already only trying one at a time? if so, and if they have multiple addresses waiting, delete the first in the queue: &ppstr(53, $::str[390] ); if (($::FORM{'PerBatch'} == 1) and ($#AddressesToIndex > 0)) { my $URL = $AddressesToIndex[0]; &pppstr(389, $URL ); @AddressesToIndex = (); #@AddressesToIndex[1..$#AddressesToIndex]; #changed 0054 push(@crawled_pages, $URL); my $hURL = &he($URL); my %pagedata = ( 'is_error' => 1, 'url' => $URL, 'err' => 'operation timed out', 'html listing' => "
1. $::str[73]: $hURL
operation timed out
", 'sub status msg' => '', 'b_write_to_temp' => 0, ); $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; } else { # reduce the workload by 50% if that would keep at least 1 URL my $test = int( $::FORM{'PerBatch'} / 2 ); if ($test > 0) { &pppstr(388, $::FORM{'PerBatch'}, $test ); $::FORM{'PerBatch'} = $test; } } } elsif ($::FORM{'PerBatch'} < $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}) { &pppstr(387, $::FORM{'PerBatch'}, $::FORM{'PerBatch'} + 1 ); $::FORM{'PerBatch'}++; } if ((not $::const{'is_cmd'}) and (($action eq 'rebuild') or ($action eq 'CrawlEntireSite'))) { $NextLink = &admin_link( 'PerBatch' => $::FORM{'PerBatch'}, 'Action' => $action, 'LimitPattern' => $::FORM{'LimitPattern'}, 'Batch' => $::FORM{'Batch'}, 'DaysPast' => $::FORM{'DaysPast'}, 'StartTime' => $::FORM{'StartTime'}, 'Realm' => $$p_realm_data{'name'}, ); my $message = &pstr(325, "$::const{'help_file'}1162.html" ); $message =~ s!\"!\\\"!g; # escape quotes " for Javascript print <<"EOM"; EOM &pppstr(192, qq!$::str[193]! ); } print "


\n" unless ($::const{'is_cmd'}); my $crawler = &Crawler_new(); my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new($p_realm_data); my $b_continue = 1; my $b_write_to_index = 1; my $b_write_to_temp = 0; my $default_approval_required = 0; if (($b_IsAnonAdd) and ($::Rules{'require anon approval'})) { $default_approval_required = 1; $b_write_to_index = 0; $b_write_to_temp = 1; } my ($trailer, $URL) = ('', '', '', '', '', '', ''); my ($pux_err,$source_url,$clean) = (); if ((1 <= $::Rules{'timeout'}) and ($::Rules{'timeout'} <= 12)) { $::Rules{'timeout'} += 10; } my $index_count = 0; my $no_network_errs = 0; my ($is_denied, $require_approval, $promote_val, $filter_err_msg, $no_update_on_redirect, $b_index_nofollow, $b_follow_noindex); $| = 1; ADDRESS: foreach (@AddressesToIndex) { my %pagedata = ( 'realm_id' => $$p_realm_data{'realm_id'}, 'url' => '', 'final url' => '', 'is_error' => 0, 'err' => '', 'require_approval' => $default_approval_required, 'is_intermediate' => 0, 'record' => '', 'html listing' => '', 'sub status msg' => '', 'b_write_to_temp' => $b_write_to_temp, # set default ); $b_continue = 1; $source_url = $URL = &Trim($_); CrawlErr: { if ((($index_count - $no_network_errs) >= $::FORM{'PerBatch'}) or ($no_network_errs >= (5 * $::FORM{'PerBatch'}))) { $trailer = "
"; if ($b_IsAnonAdd) { $trailer .= "The crawler cannot index more than $::FORM{'PerBatch'} links at one time."; } else { $trailer .= &pstr(196, $::FORM{'PerBatch'}, &admin_link( 'Action' => 'GeneralRules', 'Edit' => 'Crawler: Max Pages Per Batch', )); } $trailer .= "
\n"; $b_continue = 0; next CrawlErr; } # check elapsed time - we budget 10 seconds for file operations, after crawling is done: my $elapsed_time = time - $::private{'script_start_time'}; if (($::Rules{'timeout'}) and ($elapsed_time > ($::Rules{'timeout'} - 10))) { $trailer = "
"; $trailer .= &pstr(198, $elapsed_time ); $trailer .= "
\n"; $b_continue = 0; next CrawlErr; } # apply input filter: $URL = &rewrite_url( 0, $URL ); # the purpose of this call is to convert $URL to its "clean" form # we don't worry about error handling, because $crawler->webrequest will do that for us ($pux_err, $clean) = &uri_parse($URL); if (not $pux_err) { $URL = $clean; } my $hURL = &he($URL); $index_count++; ($is_denied, $require_approval, $promote_val, $filter_err_msg, $no_update_on_redirect, $b_index_nofollow, $b_follow_noindex) = $fr->check_filter_rules( $URL, '', 1); if ($is_denied) { $pagedata{'html listing'} = "
$index_count. $::str[73]: $hURL
$::str[73]: " . &he($filter_err_msg) . ".
"; $pagedata{'is_error'} = 1; $pagedata{'err'} = &he($filter_err_msg); $no_network_errs++; next CrawlErr; } my $stime = time(); if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print STDERR "$URL... "; } else { print "-> $::str[195] '$hURL'... "; } %Response = $crawler->webrequest( 'page' => $URL, 'limit' => $::FORM{'LimitPattern'}, ); my $duration = time() - $stime; if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print STDERR "$duration sec\n"; print STDERR "\t$::str[73]: $Response{'err'}.\n" if ($Response{'err'}); print STDERR "\t$::str[202]: $Response{'final_url'}\n" if ($Response{'total_requests'} > 1); } else { &ppstr(204, $duration ); print "
\n"; } if ($no_update_on_redirect) { $pagedata{'url'} = $URL; } else { $pagedata{'url'} = $Response{'final_url'}; } #changed 0054 - search.pending.txt rewrite bug fix if ($URL ne $source_url) { my $ref_redirects = $Response{'ref_redirects'}; my @array = ($source_url, @$ref_redirects); @$ref_redirects = (); # zero anon array in mem $ref_redirects = 0; # zero refcount $Response{'ref_redirects'} = \@array; $Response{'total_requests'}++; } if ($Response{'total_requests'} > 1) { my $ref_redirects = $Response{'ref_redirects'}; $pagedata{'redirects'} = &he("$::str[202]: " . join(' => ', @$ref_redirects)); # Log the fact that these URLs will redirect to other places: my @redirects = @$ref_redirects; if ($no_update_on_redirect) { #kill the first entry: my $len = scalar @redirects; @redirects = @redirects[1..($len-1)]; } else { # kill the last entry: pop(@redirects); } foreach (@redirects) { next if (defined($crawler_results{$_})); my %pd = ( 'url' => $_, 'is_error' => 1, 'is_intermediate' => 1, 'err' => $::str[203], 'require_approval' => $default_approval_required, ); push(@crawled_pages, $_); $crawler_results{$_} = \%pd; } } $URL = $Response{'final_url'} unless ($no_update_on_redirect); $hURL = &he($URL); if ($Response{'err'}) { $pagedata{'html listing'} = "
$index_count. $::str[73]: $hURL
$::str[73]: $Response{'err'}.
"; $pagedata{'is_error'} = 1; $pagedata{'err'} = $Response{'err'}; next CrawlErr unless ($Response{'no_index_but_follow'}); # stick around a little longer if we wanna parse links } ($is_denied, $require_approval, $promote_val, $filter_err_msg, $no_update_on_redirect, $b_index_nofollow, $b_follow_noindex) = $fr->check_filter_rules( $URL, $Response{'text'}, 0); if (($is_denied) or ($b_follow_noindex)) { if ($b_follow_noindex) { $Response{'no_index_but_follow'} = 1; $filter_err_msg = $::str[87]; } $pagedata{'html listing'} = "
$index_count. $::str[73]: $hURL
$::str[73]: " . &he($filter_err_msg) . ".
"; $pagedata{'is_error'} = 1; $pagedata{'err'} = &he($filter_err_msg); next CrawlErr unless ($Response{'no_index_but_follow'}); # stick around a little longer if we wanna parse links } if ($b_index_nofollow) { next CrawlErr if ($Response{'no_index_but_follow'}); $Response{'no_follow'} = 1; } if (($require_approval) or (($b_IsAnonAdd) and ($::Rules{'require anon approval'}))) { $b_write_to_temp = 1; $pagedata{'b_write_to_temp'} = 1; # save this record to temp file only unless ($Response{'no_index_but_follow'}) { $pagedata{'require_approval'} = 1; $pagedata{'err'} = &he( $filter_err_msg ); if ($b_IsAnonAdd) { $pagedata{'sub status msg'} = $::str[199]; } else { $pagedata{'sub status msg'} = "$::str[356] - $filter_err_msg"; } } } my $Text = $Response{'text'}; if ($Response{'lastmodt'}) { $pagedata{'lastmodtime'} = $Response{'lastmodt'}; } my $b_extract_links = $Response{'no_follow'} ? 0 : 1; &parse_html_ex($Text, $Response{'final_url'}, $b_extract_links, \@spidered_links, \%pagedata); $pagedata{'size'} = $Response{'size'} || length($Text); next CrawlErr if ($Response{'no_index_but_follow'}); # all we wanted was to populate \@spidered_links &compress_hash( \%pagedata ); $pagedata{'promote'} = $promote_val; } last unless ($b_continue); push(@crawled_pages, $URL) unless (defined($crawler_results{$URL})); $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; } if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print "\n$::str[201]\n"; } else { print "


\n"; } $| = 0; # If we're a filefed realm, discard all the spidered links: if ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 2) { @spidered_links = (); } elsif ($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}) { my @new_links = (); my $pattern = $::FORM{'LimitPattern'}; foreach (@spidered_links) { next unless (m!$pattern!i); push(@new_links, $_); } @spidered_links = @new_links; } my (@LN, @LVN, @LVO, @LE) = (); my ($total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = ('', 0, 0, 0, 0); if ($b_write_to_index) { ($err, $total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = &update_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, \%crawler_results); next Err if ($err); $err = &SaveLinksToFileEx( $p_realm_data, \%crawler_results, \@spidered_links, \@LN, \@LVN, \@LVO, \@LE ); next Err if ($err); } my $approval_count = 0; if ($b_write_to_temp) { my $user_email = $::FORM{'EMAIL'} || ''; my ($obj, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_whandle) = $obj->Append( $$p_realm_data{'file'} . '.need_approval' ); next Err if ($err); foreach (@crawled_pages) { my $p_pagedata = $crawler_results{$_}; next unless ($$p_pagedata{'require_approval'}); my ($temp_err_msg, $text_record) = ('', ''); unless ($$p_pagedata{'is_error'}) { ($temp_err_msg, $text_record) = &text_record_from_hash($p_pagedata); if ($temp_err_msg) { &ppstr(29, $temp_err_msg ); next; } # strip line breaks: $text_record =~ s!\n|\r|\015|\012!!g; $text_record =~ s!\|\|!\|\|!sg; } my $Record = join('||', $::private{'script_start_time'}, &get_remote_host(), $$p_pagedata{'err'}, $$p_pagedata{'is_error'}, $$p_pagedata{'url'}, $text_record, $user_email); print { $$p_whandle } $Record . "\n"; $approval_count++; } $err = $obj->FinishAppend(); next Err if ($err); } if (($b_IsAnonAdd) and ($::Rules{'allowanonadd: log'})) { my $user_email = $::FORM{'EMAIL'} || ''; my ($obj, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_whandle) = $obj->Append( 'submissions.csv' ); next Err if ($err); # write schema as first line unless (-s 'submissions.csv') { print { $$p_whandle } "perl_time,human_time,remote_host,remote_addr,visitor_email,URL,realm,error,\n"; } foreach (@crawled_pages) { my $p_pagedata = $crawler_results{$_}; my $record = ''; my $field; foreach $field ( $::private{'script_start_time'}, &FormatDateTime( $::private{'script_start_time'}, $::Rules{'ui: date format'} ), &get_remote_host(), $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'}, $user_email, $$p_pagedata{'url'}, $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $$p_pagedata{'err'}, ) { if ($field =~ m!\"|\015|\012!) { $field =~ s!\"!""!sg; $field = qq!"$field"!; } $record .= "$field,"; } print { $$p_whandle } "$record\n"; } $err = $obj->FinishAppend(); next Err if ($err); } if (($b_IsAnonAdd) and ($::Rules{'allowanonadd: notify admin'})) { MailAdmin: { last MailAdmin unless (($::Rules{'admin notify: smtp server'}) or ($::Rules{'admin notify: sendmail program'})); last MailAdmin unless ($::Rules{'admin notify: email address'}); my $URL = &get_absolute_url(); my $mail_message = ''; $mail_message .= "$::str[205]\015\012\015\012"; $mail_message .= "Visitor Information:\015\012" . '-' x 20 . "\015\012"; $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[206])) . $::str[206] . ": $::FORM{'EMAIL'}\015\012"; $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[207])) . $::str[207] . ": $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'}\015\012"; $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[85])) . $::str[85] . ": " . &get_remote_host() . "\015\012"; $mail_message .= "\015\012"; $mail_message .= "Submitted Page Information:\015\012"; $mail_message .= '-' x length("Submitted Page Information:") . "\015\012"; $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[161])) . $::str[161] . ": $$p_realm_data{'name'}\015\012"; $mail_message .= "\015\012"; my $LastURL = ''; foreach (@crawled_pages) { my $p_pagedata = $crawler_results{$_}; $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[74])) . $::str[74] . ": $$p_pagedata{'url'}\015\012"; if ($$p_pagedata{'err'}) { $mail_message .= ' ' x (10 - length($::str[73])) . $::str[73] . ": $$p_pagedata{'err'}\015\012"; } elsif ($$p_pagedata{'require_approval'}) { $mail_message .= " - $::str[356]\015\012"; } else { $mail_message .= " - OK\015\012"; } $mail_message .= "\015\012"; $LastURL = $$p_pagedata{'url'}; } $mail_message .= "\015\012" . '-' x 78 . "\015\012\015\012"; if ($approval_count) { $mail_message .= "$::str[356]:\n\t$URL?ApproveRealm=$$p_realm_data{'url_name'}"; } else { $mail_message .= $::str[381]; } $mail_message .= <<"EOM"; Fluid Dynamics Search Engine $URL?Mode=Admin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOM foreach (sort keys %::FORM) { next if (m!^(Mode|Match|PagesDone|PerBatch|EMAIL|Realm|URL|Terms|maxhits|p:pm|q|terms)$!); $mail_message .= "$_: $::FORM{$_}\015\012\015\012"; } # Use end-user-address *if* it is valid: my $from_addr = $::Rules{'admin notify: email address'}; unless (&CheckEmail( $::FORM{'EMAIL'} )) { $from_addr = $::FORM{'EMAIL'}; } &SendMailEx( 'handler_order' => '12', 'to' => $::Rules{'admin notify: email address'}, 'to name' => 'FDSE Administrator', 'from' => $from_addr, 'host' => $::Rules{'admin notify: smtp server'}, 'pipeto' => $::Rules{'admin notify: sendmail program'}, 'p_nc_cache' => $::private{'p_nc_cache'}, 'use standard io' => $::Rules{'use standard io'}, 'subject' => &pstr(209, $LastURL ), 'message' => $mail_message, ); } } my $i = 0; ADDRESS: foreach (@crawled_pages) { last if ($::const{'is_cmd'}); my $p_pagedata = $crawler_results{$_}; next if ($$p_pagedata{'is_intermediate'}); $i++; if ($$p_pagedata{'html listing'}) { print $$p_pagedata{'html listing'}; } elsif ($b_IsAnonAdd) { print &StandardVersion('rank' => $i, %$p_pagedata); } else { print &AdminVersion('rank' => $i, %$p_pagedata); } print "

[ " . $$p_pagedata{'redirects'} . " ]

\n" if ($$p_pagedata{'redirects'}); print "

[ " . $$p_pagedata{'sub status msg'} . " ]

\n" if ($$p_pagedata{'sub status msg'}); } print $trailer; if ($b_write_to_index) { &pppstr(289, $total_records, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records ); } last Err if ($b_IsAnonAdd); last Err if ($::const{'is_cmd'}); if (($action eq 'rebuild') or ($action eq 'CrawlEntireSite')) { $NextLink .= "&PagesDone=" . ($::FORM{'PagesDone'} + $index_count); my $advice = &pstr(211, $::Rules{'time interval between restarts'}, $NextLink ); print <<"EOM";



EOM last Err; } #changed 0054 -- allow website, file-fed, filtered, and open realms to use Add New URL form my $count = 0; my $ChooseRealmLine = ''; my $p_data; foreach $p_data ($::realms->listrealms('all')) { next if (($$p_data{'type'} == 4) or ($$p_data{'type'} == 5)); my $type = ''; if ($$p_data{'type'} == 1) { $type = $::str[553]; } elsif ($$p_data{'type'} == 2) { $type = $::str[554]; } elsif ($$p_data{'type'} == 3) { $type = $::str[550]; } $type .= ': ' if $type; $ChooseRealmLine .= qq!\n!; $count++; } if (not $::private{'is_freeware'}) { $ChooseRealmLine .= qq!\n!; } my $formtag = $::const{'AdminForm'}; $formtag =~ s! name="?F1"?!!sg; my $input = ''; if ($::Rules{'multi-line add-url form - visitors'}) { $input = ''; } print <<"EOM";



$formtag EOM my %defaults = ( 'Realm' => $Realm, ); print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM", \%defaults); EOM print <<"EOM";
$::str[74]: $input

EOM my $LinkCount = $#LN + $#LVO + $#LVN + $#LE + 4; unless ($LinkCount) { print "


\n"; last Err; } print <<"EOM";




EOM if ($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}) { my $hval = &he($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}); print qq!\n!; } print <<"EOM";
EOM $LinkCount = 1; if (@LN) { print "


\n"; foreach (sort @LN) { my $html_url = &he( $_ ); print qq! $html_url
\n!; $LinkCount++; } } if (@LE) { print "


\n"; foreach (sort @LE) { my $html_url = &he( $_ ); print qq! $html_url
\n!; $LinkCount++; } } if (@LVO) { &pppstr(218, $::Rules{'crawler: days til refresh'} ); foreach (sort @LVO) { my $html_url = &he( $_ ); print qq! $html_url
\n!; $LinkCount++; } } if (@LVN) { &pppstr(219, $::Rules{'crawler: days til refresh'} ); foreach (sort @LVN) { my $html_url = &he( $_ ); print qq! $html_url
\n!; $LinkCount++; } } print "
"; last Err; } return $err; } sub admin_link { local $_; my (%params) = @_; my $link = $::const{'admin_url'}; my ($name, $value) = (); while (($name, $value) = each %params) { $link .= '&' . &ue($name) . '=' . &ue($value); } return $link; } sub SaveLinksToFileEx { my ($p_realm_data, $ref_crawler_results, $ref_spidered_links, $ref_links_new, $ref_links_visited_fresh, $ref_links_visited_old, $ref_links_error) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { unless (($p_realm_data) and ('HASH' eq ref($p_realm_data))) { $err = &pstr(21, 'p_realm_data' ); next Err; } # ONLY save those code-0 links if we're a website realm with crawler discovery or we're LimitEntireSite mode: my $b_save_waiting_links = 0; if (($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 3) or (($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}) and ($::FORM{'Action'}) and ($::FORM{'Action'} eq 'CrawlEntireSite'))) { $b_save_waiting_links = 1; } elsif ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 6) { $b_save_waiting_links = 1; } my $url_realm = $$p_realm_data{'url_name'}; my %return_status = (); my $b_return_status_info = 0; if (($ref_spidered_links) and ($ref_links_new) and ($ref_links_visited_fresh) and ($ref_links_visited_old) and ($ref_links_error)) { $b_return_status_info = 1; } my @Global = (); # Take all pages indexed during this round and assign them a value of the # current time if they were successful and a 2 if they failed. my %written = (); my ($name, $value); while (($name, $value) = each %$ref_crawler_results) { if ($$value{'is_error'}) { push( @Global, "$name $url_realm 2" ); } else { push( @Global, "$name $url_realm $::private{'script_start_time'}" ); } $written{$name} = 1; } if (($ref_spidered_links) and ('ARRAY' eq ref($ref_spidered_links))) { # Add all saved links to this array with a 0 numeric index. Also create an # associative array of them for later comparisons: foreach (@$ref_spidered_links) { next if ($written{$_}); push( @Global, "$_ $url_realm 0" ); $return_status{$_} = 0; $written{$_} = 1; } } last Err unless (@Global); # don't bother if we have nothin to work with... my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite( 'search.pending.txt' ); next Err if ($err); my $b_compare = 1; my $maxi = $#Global; @Global = sort @Global; my $i = 0; my ($insert_url, $insert_realm, $insert_code) = ('','',0); if ($Global[$i] =~ m!^(.+) (\S+) (\d+)$!) { ($insert_url, $insert_realm, $insert_code) = ($1, $2, $3); } my ($last_url, $last_realm, $last_code) = ('', '', 0); my ($cur_url, $cur_realm, $cur_code) = ('', '', 0); my $b_get_next_line = 1; my $file_done = 0; while (1) { if ($b_get_next_line) { if (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next unless (m!^(.+) (\S+) (\d+)$!); ($cur_url, $cur_realm, $cur_code) = ($1, $2, $3); } elsif ($i <= $maxi) { $file_done = 1; $cur_url = 'z'; $b_get_next_line = 0; } else { last; } } else { $b_get_next_line = 1; # unless the incoming records explicitly reset it to 0 } # If we are different than our predecessors, we print out predecessors and take on their role. We are now pred and will be compared to new input # If we are the same, then we resolve which us of is superior, and loop next, without printing # This is done to weed out multiple sequential duplicates in the pending file if (($file_done) or ("$last_url $last_realm" ne "$cur_url $cur_realm")) { if ($b_compare) { # Right before we print, we check whether we should insert the current insert record. # If the current record falls before this one, we insert clean # If the current insert record is equal to this one, we fight it out and winner writes if ("$insert_url $insert_realm" lt "$last_url $last_realm") { # okay, insert clean: print { $$p_whandle } "$insert_url $insert_realm $insert_code\n" if (($b_save_waiting_links) or ($insert_code)); $i++; if ($i > $maxi) { $b_get_next_line = 1; $b_compare = 0; } else { $Global[$i] =~ m!^(.+) (\S+) (\d+)$!; ($insert_url, $insert_realm, $insert_code) = ($1, $2, $3); $b_get_next_line = 0; # give the next guy in @Global a chance next; } } elsif ("$insert_url $insert_realm" eq "$last_url $last_realm") { $last_code = $insert_code if (($insert_code > $last_code) or ($insert_code == 2)); $return_status{$insert_url} = $last_code if (defined($return_status{$insert_url})); $i++; if ($i > $maxi) { $b_get_next_line = 1; $b_compare = 0; } else { $Global[$i] =~ m!^(.+) (\S+) (\d+)$!; ($insert_url, $insert_realm, $insert_code) = ($1, $2, $3); $b_get_next_line = 0; # give the next guy in @Global a chance next; } } } print { $$p_whandle } "$last_url $last_realm $last_code\n" if (($last_url) and ($last_url ne 'z')); ($last_url, $last_realm, $last_code) = ($cur_url, $cur_realm, $cur_code); } else { $last_code = $cur_code if ($cur_code > $last_code); } $b_get_next_line = 1; } # end loop print { $$p_whandle } "$last_url $last_realm $last_code\n" if (($last_url) and ($last_url ne 'z')); $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); last Err unless ($b_return_status_info); my $cut_age = $::private{'script_start_time'} - (86400 * $::Rules{'crawler: days til refresh'}); my $url; while (($url, $value) = each %return_status) { if ($value == 0) { push( @$ref_links_new, $url ); } elsif ($value == 2) { push( @$ref_links_error, $url ); } elsif ($value < $cut_age) { push( @$ref_links_visited_old, $url ); } else { push( @$ref_links_visited_fresh, $url ); } } } return $err; } sub get_age_str { my ($age) = @_; my $age_str = ''; $age += 59; # round up if ($age > (2 * 86400)) { $age_str = &pstr(220, int($age / 86400) ); } elsif ($age > (100 * 60)) { $age_str = &pstr(222, int($age / 3600) ); } else { $age_str = &pstr(221, int($age / 60) ); } $age_str; } sub realm_interact { my ($p_realm_data, $p_code) = @_; %$p_code = (); $::private{'embedded_err_msg'} = ''; # Start-up routines: $$p_code{'init'} = <<'EOM'; $obji = &LockFile_new(); ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}, $p_rhandlei, $p_whandlei) = $obji->ReadWrite( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); EOM $$p_code{'resume'} = <<'EOM'; $obji = &LockFile_new(); ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}, $p_rhandlei, $p_whandlei) = $obji->Resume( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); EOM # Shut-down routines: $$p_code{'finish'} = <<'EOM'; $::private{'embedded_err_msg'} = $obji->Merge(); EOM $$p_code{'abort'} = <<'EOM'; $::private{'embedded_err_msg'} = $obji->Cancel(); EOM $$p_code{'suspend'} = <<'EOM'; $::private{'embedded_err_msg'} = $obji->Suspend(); EOM # Getnext code: $$p_code{'get_next'} = <<'EOM'; unless ($index_is_done) { while (1) { unless (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandlei))) { $index_is_done = 1; last; } if (m!^(\d+) (\d+) (\d+).+?u= (.*?) t=!) { ($i_url, $i_lastmodt) = ($4, $2); $i_line++; $record = $_; last; } } } EOM $$p_code{'insert'} = $$p_code{'update'} = <<'EOM'; my ($xrecord_err, $xrecord) = &text_record_from_hash( \%pagedata ); if ($xrecord_err) { &ppstr(29,$xrecord_err); } else { unless (print { $$p_whandlei } $xrecord) { $write_err = &pstr(43, $obji->{'wname'}, $! ); } $pagecount++; } EOM $$p_code{'delete'} = <<'EOM'; # do nothing EOM $$p_code{'preserve'} = <<'EOM'; unless (print { $$p_whandlei } $record) { $write_err = &pstr(43, $obji->{'wname'}, $! ); } $pagecount++; EOM } sub UpdateIndex { my ($p_realm_data) = @_; my $err = ''; my $is_complete = 0; Err: { local $_; # Create a list of all files and their last modified times: my $i_line = 0; my $a_line = 0; my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new($p_realm_data); my $gf = &GetFiles_new(); $err = $gf->create_file_list( 'base_dir' => $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'}, 'base_url' => $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}, 'fr' => \$fr, 'tempfile' => $$p_realm_data{'file'} . ".temp_file_list.txt", 'verbose' => 1, ); &pppstr(224, $gf->{'count'}, $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'} ); # Open the realm index file for purposes of looping through it and re-writing it: my %code = (); &realm_interact( $p_realm_data, \%code ); my ($obji, $p_rhandlei, $p_whandlei, $record, $record_err, $pagecount, $write_err) = (); eval $code{'init'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } # Okay, proceed through the double parallel loop my ($a_url, $a_file, $a_lastmodt) = ('', '', 0); my ($i_url, $i_lastmodt) = ('', 0); my $index_is_done = 0; my $getnext = 2; $| = 1; my ($size, $basefile) = (); my $i_url_prev = ''; my %crawler_results = (); my %valid = ( 'is_error' => 0, ); my %invalid = ( 'is_error' => 1, ); # $a_url and $a_lastmodt refer to the *actual* sorted files in the folder # $i_url and $i_lastmodt refer to the contents of the current index file, which may be out-of-date DREAD: while (1) { last if ($write_err); my %pagedata = (); if ($getnext == 2) { ($a_lastmodt, $size, $a_file, $basefile, $a_url) = $gf->get_next_file(); last DREAD unless ($a_url); $a_line++; $i_url_prev = $i_url; eval $code{'get_next'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } } elsif ($getnext == 1) { ($a_lastmodt, $size, $a_file, $basefile, $a_url) = $gf->get_next_file(); last DREAD unless ($a_url); $a_line++; } elsif ($getnext == 0) { $i_url_prev = $i_url; eval $code{'get_next'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } } if ($i_url lt $i_url_prev) { # fatal/die - alpha sort lost eval $code{'cancel'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } $err = $::str[225] . ' (' . &he($i_url) . ' versus previous ' . &he($i_url_prev) . ')'; next Err; } my $action = ''; if ($a_url eq $i_url) { if ($a_lastmodt != $i_lastmodt) { $record_err = (&pagedata_from_file( $a_file, $a_url, \%pagedata, \$fr ))[0]; if ($record_err) { &ppstr(29, &he($a_url) . ' - ' . $record_err); print "\n\n"; $action = 'delete'; } else { &pppstr(226, $a_url ); $pagedata{'lastindex'} = $::private{'script_start_time'}; $action = 'update'; } } else { $action = 'preserve'; } $getnext = 2; } elsif (($a_url lt $i_url) or ($index_is_done)) { $getnext = 1; my $index_url = ''; ($record_err, $index_url) = &pagedata_from_file( $a_file, $a_url, \%pagedata, \$fr ); if ($record_err) { &ppstr(29, &he($a_url) . ' - ' . $record_err); print "\n\n"; } else { &pppstr(227, &he($a_url) ); $pagedata{'lastindex'} = $::private{'script_start_time'}; $action = 'insert'; $crawler_results{$index_url} = \%valid; } } elsif ($a_url gt $i_url) { &pppstr(228, &he($i_url) ); $getnext = 0; $action = 'delete'; $crawler_results{$a_url} = \%invalid; } if ($action) { eval $code{$action}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } } } $err = $gf->quit(0); next Err if ($err); $is_complete = 1; if ($write_err) { &ppstr(29, $write_err ); eval $code{'abort'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } last Err; } eval $code{'finish'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } $err = &SaveLinksToFileEx( $p_realm_data, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); $err = $::realms->setpagecount( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $pagecount, 1 ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, $::str[229] ); last Err; } return ($err, $is_complete); } sub BuildIndex { my ($p_realm_data) = @_; my $is_complete = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { my $start_pos = 0; if (($::FORM{'StartFile'}) and ($::FORM{'StartFile'} =~ m!^\d+$!)) { $start_pos = $::FORM{'StartFile'}; } # These hashes are used later to update pending.txt via SaveLinksToFileEx my %crawler_results = (); my %valid = ('is_error' => 0); my %invalid = ('is_error' => 1); # This loads the generic realm update code, which will be eval'ed: my $i_line = $start_pos; my %code = (); &realm_interact( $p_realm_data, \%code ); my ($obji, $p_rhandlei, $p_whandlei, $record, $record_err, $pagecount, $write_err) = (); if ($start_pos > 0) { eval $code{'resume'}; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } } else { eval $code{'init'}; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } } die $@ if $@; $| = 1; &pppstr(391, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); my $fr = &fdse_filter_rules_new($p_realm_data); &pppstr(487, &he($::Rules{'ext'}), "$::const{'admin_url'}&Action=GeneralRules&Edit=Ext" ); my $gf = &GetFiles_new(); $err = $gf->create_file_list( 'base_dir' => $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'}, 'base_url' => $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}, 'fr' => \$fr, 'tempfile' => $$p_realm_data{'file'} . ".temp_file_list.txt", 'use_existing' => 1, 'verbose' => 1, ); next Err if ($err); $::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'} = $gf->{'count'}; &pppstr(224, $::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'}, $$p_realm_data{'base_dir'} ); if ($start_pos) { &pppstr(230, $start_pos ); $gf->resume_file_position( $start_pos ); } else { print "


"; } $::FORM{'truecount'} = 0 unless ($::FORM{'truecount'}); my $NextLink = "$::const{'admin_url'}&Action=rebuild&TotalValidFiles=$::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'}&Realm=$$p_realm_data{'url_name'}"; &pppstr(192, qq!$::str[193]! ); my $infile_count = $start_pos; my $success_count = $start_pos; my $intro = <<"EOM"; EOM my $b_table_open = 0; my ($lastmodt, $size, $abs_file, $basename, $URL) = (); while (1) { ($lastmodt, $size, $abs_file, $basename, $URL) = $gf->get_next_file(); $infile_count++; last unless ($URL); if ((0 == $b_table_open) and (not $::const{'is_cmd'})) { print $intro; $b_table_open = 1; } my %pagedata = (); my $index_url = ''; ($err, $index_url) = &pagedata_from_file( $abs_file, $URL, \%pagedata, \$fr ); if ($err) { # Is Error... if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print "$::str[73]: '$basename' - $err.\n"; } else { print qq!\n!; } next; } my $html_Size = &FormatNumber( $pagedata{'size'}, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); my $fileage = &get_age_str( time() - $pagedata{'lastmodtime'} ); if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { print "URL $URL...\n"; } else { my @var = &he($basename,$URL); print <<"EOM"; EOM } $crawler_results{$index_url} = \%valid; eval $code{'insert'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } last if ($write_err); $success_count++; $::FORM{'truecount'}++; my $duration = time() - $::private{'script_start_time'}; if ($::Rules{'timeout'}) { last if ($duration > $::Rules{'timeout'}); } if (($::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'}) and (0 == $success_count % 10) and (not $::const{'is_cmd'})) { my $percent = &FormatNumber( 100 * $success_count / $::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'}, 2, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ); $| = 1; print "
$::str[113] $::str[153] $::str[369] $::str[74]
$::str[73]: '$basename' - $err.
$fileage $html_Size bytes $var[0] $var[1]
"; $b_table_open = 0; &pppstr(233, "$percent%", $success_count, $::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'}, $duration, $::Rules{'timeout'} ); $| = 0; } } print '' if ($b_table_open); if ($write_err) { $err = $gf->quit(0); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(29, $write_err ); eval $code{'abort'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } last Err; } elsif ($infile_count < ($::FORM{'TotalValidFiles'} - 1)) { $err = $gf->quit(1); next Err if ($err); eval $code{'suspend'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } $NextLink .= "&truecount=$::FORM{'truecount'}&StartFile=$infile_count"; my $advice = &pstr(211, $::Rules{'time interval between restarts'}, $NextLink ); print <<"EOM";



EOM &pppstr(105, &FormatNumber( $::FORM{'truecount'}, 0, 1, 0, 1, $::Rules{'ui: number format'} ) ); } else { $err = $gf->quit(0); next Err if ($err); eval $code{'finish'}; die $@ if $@; if ($::private{'embedded_err_msg'}) { $err = $::private{'embedded_err_msg'}; next Err; } $err = $::realms->setpagecount($$p_realm_data{'name'}, $::FORM{'truecount'}, 1); delete $::FORM{'truecount'}; next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, $::str[229] ); $is_complete = 1; } $err = &SaveLinksToFileEx( $p_realm_data, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); &pppstr(232, time() - $::private{'script_start_time'} ); last Err; } return ($err, $is_complete); } sub AdminVersion { my %pagedata = @_; my $ue_url = &ue( $pagedata{'url'} ); my $type = 1; my $ue_realm = ''; my ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); if ((not $err) and ($p_realm_data)) { $ue_realm = $$p_realm_data{'url_name'}; $type = $$p_realm_data{'type'}; } if ($type == 5) { # runtime - $pagedata{'admin_options'} = ''; } elsif ($type == 4) { # file-system; edit, delete, no crawl $pagedata{'admin_options'} = <<"EOM"; [ $::str[411] | $::str[430] ] EOM } else { $pagedata{'admin_options'} = <<"EOM"; [ $::str[411] | $::str[444] | $::str[430] ] EOM } $pagedata{'redirector'} = "$::const{'script_name'}?NextLink="; return &StandardVersion(%pagedata); } sub ui_ReviewIndex { my $err = ''; Err: { my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my $start_pos = $::FORM{'Start'} || 1; my $max_results_to_show = $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}; print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[154] '$$p_realm_data{'html_name'}'

EOM my %crawler_results = (); $err = &query_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, '', $start_pos - 1, $max_results_to_show, \%crawler_results); next Err if ($err); my $URL = ''; my $total = $start_pos - 1 + scalar (keys %crawler_results); my $linkhits = "$::const{'admin_url'}&Realm=$$p_realm_data{'url_name'}&Action=Review&Start="; my $b_is_exact_count = 1; my $maximum = $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}; if (($total) and (not ($$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}))) { $maximum = $total; $b_is_exact_count = 0; } my ($jump_sum, $jumptext) = &str_jumptext( $start_pos, $max_results_to_show, $maximum, $linkhits, $b_is_exact_count ); my $Count = $start_pos; my $nresults = scalar (keys %crawler_results); if ($nresults) { print $jump_sum; print $jumptext; foreach (sort (keys %crawler_results)) { my $p_data = $crawler_results{$_}; $$p_data{'rank'} = $Count; print &AdminVersion(%$p_data); $Count++; } print $jump_sum; print $jumptext; } else { print "


\n"; } if ($Count < ($start_pos + $max_results_to_show)) { print "

$::str[236]: $::str[238].

\n"; } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub ui_UserInterface { my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $subaction = $::FORM{'subaction'} || ''; my %subactions = ( '' => $::str[152], 'EditTemplate' => $::str[411], 'SaveTemplate' => $::str[362], 'SaveSettings' => $::str[362], 'Write' => $::str[362], 'IL' => $::str[351], ); if (defined($subactions{$subaction})) { print "

$::str[96] / $::str[165] / $subactions{$subaction}

\n"; } my %name_to_file = ( 'Link Line 1' => 'linkline1.txt', 'Link Line 2' => 'linkline2.txt', 'Line Listing' => 'line_listing.txt', 'Main Footer' => 'footer.htm', 'Main Header' => 'header.htm', 'Search Form' => 'searchform.htm', 'Search Tips' => 'tips.htm', 'Style Sheet' => 'style.inc', ); my %name_to_desc = ( 'Line Listing' => $::str[237], 'Main Footer' => $::str[239], 'Main Header' => $::str[240], 'Search Form' => $::str[241], 'Search Tips' => $::str[242], 'Style Sheet' => $::str[243], 'Link Line 1' => $::str[171], 'Link Line 2' => $::str[169], ); if ($subaction eq 'IL') { # install language pack... my @langfiles_over = ( 'admin_ads.txt', 'admin_fr.txt', 'admin_fr2.txt', 'admin_pass1.txt', 'admin_pass2.txt', 'admin_personal.txt', 'admin_ui.txt', 'strings.txt', ); my @langfiles_preserve_old = ( 'linkline1.txt', 'linkline2.txt', 'searchform.htm', 'tips.htm', ); my $foldername = $::FORM{'fn'}; if ($foldername =~ m!\W!) { $err = &pstr(350,&he($foldername)); next Err; } unless (-d "templates/$foldername") { unless (mkdir("templates/$foldername",0777)) { $err = &pstr(349,&he("templates/$foldername"),$!); next Err; } chmod(0777, "templates/$foldername"); # for good measure - sometimes needed } &pppstr(347, &pstr(346, $foldername, $::VERSION)); my $base_path = "http://www.xav.com/latest/translator/$::VERSION/$foldername"; # temporarily set some overrides $::Rules{'crawler: rogue'} = 1; $::Rules{'max characters: file'} = &max($::Rules{'max characters: file'},16777216); $::Rules{'crawler: max redirects'} = 6; $::Rules{'minimum page size'} = 0; my $crawler = &Crawler_new(); my $langfile; foreach $langfile (@langfiles_over) { print "

-> $::str[195] $langfile...

\n"; my %webrq = $crawler->webrequest( "page" => "$base_path/$langfile" ); if ($webrq{'err'}) { &ppstr(29, $webrq{'err'} ); &pppstr(345, $base_path, "searchdata/templates/$foldername"); last Err; } $err = &WriteFile( "templates/$foldername/$langfile", $webrq{'text'} ); next Err if ($err); } foreach $langfile (@langfiles_preserve_old) { if (-e "templates/$foldername/$langfile") { &pppstr(347, &pstr(344, $langfile)); next; } print "

-> $::str[195] $langfile...

\n"; my %webrq = $crawler->webrequest( "page" => "$base_path/$langfile" ); if ($webrq{'err'}) { &ppstr(29, $webrq{'err'} ); &pppstr(345, $base_path, "searchdata/templates/$foldername"); last Err; } $err = &WriteFile( "templates/$foldername/$langfile", $webrq{'text'} ); next Err if ($err); } &ppstr(174, &pstr(343, $foldername)); my $cache = 'valid_languages_cache.txt'; if (-e $cache) { unlink($cache); } last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'EditTemplate') { my $template = $::FORM{'template'}; my $html_template = &he( $template ); unless ($name_to_file{ $template }) { $err = &pstr(244, $html_template ); next Err; } my $text = ''; my $file = ''; if (-e "templates/$::Rules{'language'}/$name_to_file{ $template }") { $file = "templates/$::Rules{'language'}/$name_to_file{ $template }"; } elsif (-e "templates/$name_to_file{ $template }") { $file = "templates/$name_to_file{ $template }"; } else { $err = &pstr(245, $name_to_file{ $template } ); next Err; } ($err, $text) = &ReadFile( $file ); next Err if ($err); # Collapse multiple line breaks: $text =~ s!\015\012!\012!sg; $text =~ s!\015!\012!sg; $text =~ s!\012+!\n!sg; $text = &he( $text ); my $html_file = &he( $file ); my $descr = &pstr(246, $html_template, $html_file ); print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'}


Click here to view the default text for this template (offsite link; opens in new window).

EOM last Err; } elsif ($subaction eq 'SaveTemplate') { if ($::private{'is_demo'}) { &ppstr(53, $::str[435] ); last Err; } my $template = $::FORM{'template'}; unless ($name_to_file{ $template }) { $err = &pstr(244, &he($template) ); next Err; } my $file = "templates/$::Rules{'language'}/$name_to_file{ $template }"; if ((-e "templates/$name_to_file{ $template }") and (not (-e $file))) { $file = "templates/$name_to_file{ $template }"; } $err = &WriteFile( $file, $::FORM{'filetext'} ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(469,$name_to_file{$template})); last Err; } elsif ($subaction eq 'SaveSettings') { if ($::private{'is_demo'}) { &ppstr(53, $::str[435] ); last Err; } my $old_lang = $::Rules{'language'}; my $new_lang = $::FORM{'language'}; $::FORM{'ui: search form display'} = 2 * $::FORM{'sfp2'} + $::FORM{'sfp1'}; foreach ('language', 'ui: number format', 'ui: date format','ui: search form display') { if (not defined($::FORM{$_})) { $err = "invalid argument - required parameter '$_' is not defined"; next Err; } $err = &WriteRule($_, $::FORM{$_}); next Err if ($err); } if ($old_lang ne $new_lang) { &ppstr( 174, &pstr(357, &he( $old_lang, $new_lang ) ) ); } &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); last Err; } elsif ($subaction eq 'SS2') { print "

$::str[96] / $::str[165] / $::str[473] / $::str[362]

\n"; if ($::private{'is_demo'}) { &ppstr(53, $::str[435] ); last Err; } my $b_need_rebuild = 0; foreach ('character conversion: accent insensitive', 'character conversion: case insensitive') { $b_need_rebuild = 1 if ($::Rules{$_} ne $::FORM{$_}); $err = &WriteRule($_, $::FORM{$_}); next Err if ($err); } &ppstr(174,$::str[114]); print '

' . $::str[109] . '

' if ($b_need_rebuild); last Err; } elsif ($subaction eq 'viewmap') { print "

$::str[96] / $::str[165] / $::str[473]

\n"; my $ex = '&' . 'uuml'; print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM",\%::Rules);

$::str[473] ($::str[432])

$::str[481] $::str[60]
m$ex;ller == mueller
m$ex;ller != mueller
$::str[481] $::str[60]
Miller == miller
Miller != miller


  1. $::str[484]

  2. $::str[483]


EOM &create_conversion_code(1); last Err; } print "


\n"; print "


\n"; $err = &ui_GeneralRules( $::str[165], 'UserInterface', 'default match', 'default search terms', 'default substring match', 'hits per page', 'show examples: enable', 'show examples: number to display', 'handling url search terms', 'no frames', 'sorting: randomize equally-relevant search results', 'sorting: default sort method', 'sorting: time sensitive', 'user language selection', ); next Err if ($err); my %support_lang = ( 'ar' => 'العربية', 'bs' => 'Bosanski', 'dutch' => 'Nederlands', 'english' => 'English', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'french' => 'Français', 'german' => 'Deutsch', 'italian' => 'Italiano', 'lv' => 'Latviski', 'nb' => 'Norsk-bokmål', 'portuguese' => 'Português', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'ru' => 'Ьяээцфх', 'sl' => 'Slovenski', 'spanish' => 'Español', 'sr' => 'Srpski', 'sv' => 'Svenska', 'tl' => 'Tagalog', 'tr' => 'Türkçe', ); my $lang_opt = ''; if (opendir(DIR, 'templates')) { my @folders = sort readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach (@folders) { next unless (-e "templates/$_/strings.txt"); unless (open(FILE, ", ); close(FILE); if ($ver =~ m!^VERSION $::VERSION!) { $lang_opt .= qq!
!; delete $support_lang{$_}; } else { $lang_opt .= qq![$::str[340]] !; $lang_opt .= "$selfname / $_
" . &pstr(341,$ver) . "
"; delete $support_lang{$_}; } } } foreach (sort keys %support_lang) { $lang_opt .= qq![$::str[340]] !; $lang_opt .= "$support_lang{$_} / $_
"; $support_lang{$_} = 0; } my $abs_url = &get_absolute_url(); my $code = &str_search_form( $abs_url ); # Collapse multiple line breaks: $code =~ s!\015\012!\012!sg; $code =~ s!\015!\012!sg; my $template_list = ''; foreach (sort keys %name_to_desc) { my $url_name = &ue( $_ ); my $lang = $::Rules{'language'}; my $basefile = $name_to_file{ $_ }; unless (-e "templates/$::Rules{'language'}/$basefile") { $lang = '-'; } $template_list .= qq!$_$lang$name_to_desc{$_}
\n!; } print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'} EOM my %defaults = %::const; $defaults{'html_language_options'} = $lang_opt; $defaults{'html_templates'} = $template_list; $::Rules{'search_code'} = $code; $::Rules{'simple_code'} = <<"EOM";
EOM if ($::Rules{'default search terms'}) { my $ht = &he($::Rules{'default search terms'}); $::Rules{'simple_code'} =~ s!name="Terms"!name="Terms" value="$ht"!s; } $::Rules{'link_code'} = '

' . $::str[470] . " $::str[46]" . '

'; $defaults{'html_search_code'} = $code; $defaults{'html_simple_code'} = $::Rules{'simple_code'}; $defaults{'html_link_code'} = $::Rules{'link_code'}; my $text = &PrintTemplate( 1, 'admin_ui.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%defaults ); $::Rules{'sfp1'} = $::Rules{'ui: search form display'} % 2; $::Rules{'sfp2'} = ($::Rules{'ui: search form display'} < 2) ? 0 : 1; print &SetDefaults($text, \%::Rules); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub save_custom_metadata { my ($url, %metadata) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } eval { my %custom = (); dbmopen( %custom, 'custom_metadata', 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, 'custom_metadata', $! ); if (%metadata) { my $str = ''; my @pairs = (); foreach (keys %metadata) { push(@pairs, "$_=" . &ue($metadata{$_}) ); } $str = join( ' ', @pairs ); $custom{$url} = $str; } else { delete $custom{$url}; } dbmclose( %custom ); }; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ); } last Err; } return $err; } sub ui_EditRecord { my $err = ''; Err: { my $sa = $::FORM{'sa'} || ''; if ($sa eq 'save_all') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / Persist All Metadata / $::str[362]

EOM unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } eval { my %custom = (); dbmopen( %custom, 'custom_metadata', 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, 'custom_metadata', $! ); my $p_realm; foreach $p_realm ($::realms->listrealms('has_index_data')) { my $count = 0; print "

Status: opening realm $p_realm->{'html_name'}.

\n"; open(FILE, "<$p_realm->{'file'}") || die $!; binmode(FILE); while (defined($_ = )) { next unless (m!^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(\d+) (\d+) (\d+) u= (.+?) t= (.*?) d= (.*?) uM= (.*?) uT= (.*?) uD= (.*?) uK= (.*?) h=!); my $url = $8; my %metadata = ( 'title' => $9, 'description' => $10, 'keywords' => $14, ); my @pairs = (); foreach (keys %metadata) { push(@pairs, "$_=" . &ue($metadata{$_}) ); } $custom{$url} = join( ' ', @pairs ); $count++; } close(FILE); print "

Status: finished with $count records.

\n"; } dbmclose( %custom ); }; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ); } else { print "

Success: saved all metadata as persistent customizations.

\n"; } last Err; } if ($sa eq 'delete_all') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / Delete All Customizations / $::str[362]

EOM unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } eval { my %custom = (); dbmopen( %custom, 'custom_metadata', 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, 'custom_metadata', $! ); %custom = (); dbmclose( %custom ); }; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ); } else { print "

Success: deleted all persistent customizations.

\n"; } last Err; } if ($sa eq 'write') { my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my ($old_url,$new_url) = ('', ''); ($err,$old_url) = &uri_parse($::FORM{'EditURL'}); next Err if ($err); ($err,$new_url) = &uri_parse($::FORM{'url'}); next Err if ($err); my $uurl = &ue($new_url); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[324] / $::str[362]

EOM foreach ('title','description','keywords') { $::FORM{$_} = '' unless (defined($::FORM{$_})); $::FORM{$_} =~ s!\r|\n|\=!!sg; $::FORM{$_} =~ s!\!>!sg; $::FORM{$_} =~ s!\"!"!sg; } my %crawler_results = (); my %pagedata; if ($old_url ne $new_url) { # Okay, they're doing a rename. well this is a little more tricky # lookup a full %pagedata hash on the old record # build a new insert %pagedata hash with the new meta-info # build a 'is_error' %pagedata hash forl the old url $err = &query_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, quotemeta($old_url), 0, 1, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); unless ($crawler_results{$old_url}) { $err = &pstr(249,&he($old_url),$$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); next Err; } #end changes # updated record: my $p_pagedata = $crawler_results{$old_url}; %pagedata = %$p_pagedata; $pagedata{'is_error'} = 0; $pagedata{'url'} = $new_url; $pagedata{'title'} = $::FORM{'title'}; $pagedata{'description'} = $::FORM{'description'}; $pagedata{'keywords'} = $::FORM{'keywords'}; # kill record: my %kill = ( 'is_error' => 1, 'url' => $old_url, ); $crawler_results{ $old_url } = \%kill; } else { %pagedata = ( 'is_error' => 0, 'is_update' => 1, 'url' => $new_url, 'new_url' => $new_url, 'title' => $::FORM{'title'}, 'description' => $::FORM{'description'}, 'keywords' => $::FORM{'keywords'}, ); } $pagedata{'size'} = $::FORM{'size'}; unless ($pagedata{'size'} =~ m!^\d+$!) { $err = &pstr(69,'size',0,999999); next Err; } $pagedata{'promote'} = $::FORM{'promote'}; unless ($pagedata{'promote'} =~ m!^\d+$!) { $err = &pstr(69,'promote',1,99); next Err; } $crawler_results{$new_url} = \%pagedata; my ($total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = (0, 0, 0, 0); ($err, $total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = &update_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); &pppstr(289, $total_records, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records ); my $html_code = &he(<<"EOM"); $pagedata{'title'} .... EOM &ppstr(53, $::str[252] ); print <<"EOM";

EOM last Err unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}); my %persist_meta = (); if ($::FORM{'persist_title'}) { $persist_meta{'title'} = $pagedata{'title'}; } if ($::FORM{'persist_description'}) { $persist_meta{'description'} = $pagedata{'description'}; } if ($::FORM{'persist_keywords'}) { $persist_meta{'keywords'} = $pagedata{'keywords'}; } $err = &save_custom_metadata( $new_url, %persist_meta ); next Err if ($err); last Err; } my $query_pattern = $::FORM{'query_pattern'}; $query_pattern = defined($query_pattern) ? $query_pattern : ''; my $html_query_pattern = &he( $query_pattern ); if ($query_pattern) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[263]

EOM $err = &check_regex($query_pattern); next Err if ($err); $query_pattern = ".*$query_pattern.*" unless ($query_pattern =~ m!\.\*!); my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my %crawler_results = (); $err = &query_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $query_pattern, 0, 1000000, \%crawler_results ); # changed 0072 next Err if ($err); my @match_urls = sort (keys %crawler_results); my $query_count = scalar @match_urls; &pppstr(273, &he($query_pattern), $query_count ); last Err if ($query_count == 0); my $x = 0; foreach (@match_urls) { $x++; print &AdminVersion( 'rank' => $x, %{ $crawler_results{$_} }, ); } last Err; } if ($sa eq 'delete') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[323] / $::str[95]

EOM unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } local $_; foreach (keys %::FORM) { next unless (m!^del:(.+)$!); my $url = $1; $err = &save_custom_metadata( $url ); next Err if ($err); } &ppstr(174,$::str[267]); print $::str[322]; last Err; } if ($sa eq 'list') { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[323] / $::str[152]

EOM unless ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}) { $err = $::str[328]; next Err; } eval { my %data_by_url = (); my %realm_by_url = (); dbmopen( %data_by_url, 'custom_metadata', 0666 ) || die &pstr( 43, 'custom_metadata', $! ); my $count = scalar keys %data_by_url; my ($obj, $p_rhandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next unless (m!^(\S+) (\S+) (\d+)(\r|\n|\015|\012)$!s); if ((defined($data_by_url{$1})) and ($3 > 2)) { $realm_by_url{$1} = $2; } } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); unless ($count) { print "


\n"; } else { print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'} EOM foreach (sort keys %data_by_url) { my $uurl = &ue($_); my $hurl = &he($_); if (defined($realm_by_url{$_})) { print <<"EOM"; EOM } else { print <<"EOM"; EOM } my $data = $data_by_url{$_}; foreach (sort (split(m! !s, $data))) { next unless (m!^(.+)=(.*?)$!); my ($attrib, $value) = ($1, &he(&ud($2))); print <<"EOM"; EOM } } print <<"EOM";
$::str[74] Actions
$attrib: $value

EOM dbmclose( %data_by_url ); print $::str[322]; } }; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(20, &he($@), "$::const{'help_file'}1169.html" ); next Err; } last Err; } elsif (($::FORM{'URL'}) and ($::FORM{'URL'} ne 'http://')) { my $EditURL; ($err,$EditURL) = &uri_parse($::FORM{'URL'}); next Err if ($err); my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my $uurl = &ue($EditURL); print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[324] / $::str[152]

EOM my $file = $$p_realm_data{'file'}; if ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { $err = $::str[248]; next Err; } my $pattern = quotemeta($EditURL); my %crawler_results = (); $err = &query_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $pattern, 0, 1, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); unless (%crawler_results) { $err = &pstr(249,&he($EditURL),$$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); next Err; } my $r_pagedata = $crawler_results{$EditURL}; # this is just to set the checkbox defaults properly in the edit form... my %metadata = (); $err = &load_custom_metadata($EditURL, \%metadata); next Err if ($err); foreach ('title','description','keywords') { next unless (defined($metadata{$_})); $$r_pagedata{"persist_$_"} = 1; } print '
'; print &AdminVersion('rank' => 1, %$r_pagedata); print '
'; print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM",$r_pagedata); $::const{'AdminForm'}
$::str[153]: bytes

EOM print &SetDefaults(<<"EOM",$r_pagedata) if ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'});


EOM print <<"EOM";




EOM } else { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[99] / $::str[152]

EOM my ($count, $html_hidden, $html_tr) = $::realms->html_select_ex('has_index_data', '', 'fdtan', 120); unless ($count) { $err = $::str[257]; next Err; } print <<"EOM";


$::str[161]: EOM my $p_temp_data = (); foreach $p_temp_data ($::realms->listrealms('has_index_data')) { print "" . &he( $$p_temp_data{'name'} ) . " ($$p_temp_data{'pagecount'})
\n"; } print <<"EOM";

$::const{'AdminForm'} $html_hidden $html_tr


EOM &pppstr(247, "$::const{'admin_url'}&Action=Edit&sa=list") if ($::Rules{'use dbm routines'}); } last Err; } return $err; } sub DeleteFromPending { my ($realm, $p_urls) = @_; my $delcount = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $pattern = '^('; if (($p_urls) and ('ARRAY' eq ref($p_urls))) { foreach (@$p_urls) { $pattern .= quotemeta($_) . '|'; } $pattern =~ s!\|$!!o; $pattern .= ') '; } else { $pattern .= '.*) '; } if ($realm) { $pattern .= quotemeta(&ue($realm)); } else { $pattern .= '(\S+)'; } $pattern .= ' \d+$'; my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { if (m!$pattern!o) { $delcount++; next; } print { $$p_whandle } $_; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); } return ($err, $delcount); } sub ui_DeleteRecord { my $err = ''; Err: { unless ($::FORM{'Realm'}) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[95] / $::str[152]

EOM my ($count, $html_hidden, $html_tr) = $::realms->html_select_ex('has_index_data', '', 'fdtan', 120); unless ($count) { $err = $::str[257]; next Err; } print <<"EOM";


$::str[161]: EOM my $p_temp_data = (); foreach $p_temp_data ($::realms->listrealms('has_index_data')) { print qq!$$p_temp_data{'html_name'} ($$p_temp_data{'pagecount'})
\n!; } print <<"EOM";

$::const{'AdminForm'} $html_hidden $html_tr


EOM last Err; } my @urls_to_delete = (); while (defined($_ = each %::FORM)) { next unless (m!^URL\d*$!); push(@urls_to_delete, $::FORM{$_}); } my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my $query_pattern = $::FORM{'query_pattern'}; $query_pattern = defined($query_pattern) ? $query_pattern : ''; my $html_query_pattern = &he( $query_pattern ); my %pagedata = (); my %crawler_results = (); if (@urls_to_delete) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[95] / $::str[430]

EOM my $URL = ''; foreach $URL (@urls_to_delete) { my %pagedata = ( 'url' => $URL, 'is_error' => 1, ); $crawler_results{$URL} = \%pagedata; } my ($total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = (0, 0, 0, 0); ($err, $total_records, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records) = &update_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); my $delcount = 0; ($err, $delcount) = &DeleteFromPending( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, \@urls_to_delete ); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(178,$delcount,'search.pending.txt')); print "
\n"; foreach $URL (sort keys %crawler_results) { my $r_pagedata = $crawler_results{$URL}; if ($$r_pagedata{'sub status msg'}) { print "URL '" . &he($URL) . "' - $$r_pagedata{'sub status msg'}
\n"; } else { print "$::str[73]: "; &ppstr(249, &he($URL), $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); print ".
\n"; } } print "
\n"; &pppstr(289, $total_records, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $new_records, $updated_records, $deleted_records ); my $default_forbid_url = $urls_to_delete[0]; if ($query_pattern) { $default_forbid_url = $query_pattern; } $default_forbid_url = &he($default_forbid_url); &ppstr(269, '
<meta name="robots" content="none" />
', <<"EOM"); $::const{'AdminForm'}

EOM # did this guy just do a single deletion? advertise our new multiple delete feature: if ((1 == scalar @urls_to_delete) and (not $query_pattern)) { my $temp_url = $urls_to_delete[0]; print "


\n"; my $x = 0; while (1) { $x++; last if ($x > 10); if ($temp_url =~ m!^http://(.*)/!) { $temp_url = "http://$1"; print "

$::str[271] " . &he($temp_url) . "/.*.

\n"; next; } last; } } last Err; } if ($query_pattern) { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[327] / $::str[95] / $::str[263]


EOM $err = &check_regex($query_pattern); next Err if ($err); $query_pattern = ".*$query_pattern.*" unless ($query_pattern =~ m!\.\*!); my %crawler_results = (); $err = &query_realm( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $query_pattern, 0, 1000000, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); my @kill_us = sort (keys %crawler_results); my $query_count = scalar @kill_us; &pppstr(273, &he($query_pattern), $query_count ); last Err if ($query_count == 0); print <<"EOM"; $::const{'AdminForm'}


EOM my $x = 0; foreach (@kill_us) { $x++; my $hurl = &he($_); print qq! $hurl
\n!; } print <<"EOM";


EOM last Err; } last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub s_CrawlEntireSite { local $_; my ($Realm) = @_; my @ReIndex = (); my ($Count, $Limit) = (0, 2 * $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}); # limit is 2*; we send extra since URL's kicked out by first-pass filter rules aren't counted against total my $is_complete = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { $::FORM{'LimitFailed'} = $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'} = $::FORM{'LimitPending'} = 0; my ($obj, $p_rhandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new(); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my $matchRealm = quotemeta( &ue($Realm) ); my $cutTime = $::FORM{'StartTime'}; if ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}) { $cutTime -= (86400 * $::FORM{'DaysPast'}); } my $qm_limit = $::FORM{'LimitPattern'}; while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next unless (m!^(.*?) $matchRealm (\d+)!); my ($URL, $time) = ($1, $2); next unless ($URL =~ m!$qm_limit!i); if ($time == 2) { $::FORM{'LimitFailed'}++; } elsif ($time >= $cutTime) { $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'}++; } else { $::FORM{'LimitPending'}++; push(@ReIndex,$URL) unless ($Count > $Limit); $Count++; } } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); unless (@ReIndex) { &print_AddURL_nav_header( 0, $::FORM{'Action'} || '' ); &ppstr(174, $::str[276] ); $is_complete = 1; last Err; } $err = &s_AddURL(0, $Realm, @ReIndex); next Err if ($err); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } return ($err, $is_complete); } sub ui_Rebuild { my $realm = $::FORM{'Realm'} || ''; my ($err, $is_complete) = ('', 0); my $b_clear_err = 1; if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { $::Rules{'timeout'} = 0; # no timeout in command-line rebuilds delete $::FORM{'LimitPattern'}; # changed 0062 while (1) { ($err, $is_complete) = &rebuild_realm( $realm, $b_clear_err ); last if ($is_complete); $b_clear_err = 0; # don't rebuild on subsequent iterations last if ($err); } } else { # don't clear err if this looks like a secondary request in a multi-request rebuild... $b_clear_err = ((exists($::FORM{'PagesDone'})) or (exists($::FORM{'StartFile'}))) ? 0 : 1; &rebuild_realm( $realm, $b_clear_err ); } } sub rebuild_realm { my ($realm, $b_clear_err) = @_; my $is_complete = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; $::FORM{'LimitFailed'} = $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'} = $::FORM{'LimitPending'} = 0; # Initialize and validate FORM-based integers: foreach ('StartTime') { $::FORM{$_} = 0 unless exists $::FORM{$_}; next if ($::FORM{$_} =~ m!^\d+$!); $err = "parameter '$_' not numeric"; next Err; } foreach ('DaysPast') { $::FORM{$_} = 0 unless exists $::FORM{$_}; next if (($::FORM{$_} =~ m!^\d*\.?\d*$!) and ($::FORM{$_} ne '.')); $err = "parameter '$_' not numeric"; next Err; } if ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { &pppstr(185, $realm ); } else { print qq!

$::str[96] / !; &ppstr(185, &he($realm) ); print "

\n"; } my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($realm); next Err if ($err); if ($b_clear_err) { # clear the error cache: my $error_lines = 0; ($err, $error_lines) = &clear_error_cache(); next Err if ($err); } # What does "rebuild" mean? Well, it depends on the type of realm we're dealing with: my $type = $$p_realm_data{'type'}; if ($type == 5) { # runtime realm; all dynamic data, no index; cannot rebuild $err = &pstr(277, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); $is_complete = 1; next Err; } elsif ($type == 4) { # website realm w/ file system if ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}) { ($err, $is_complete) = &UpdateIndex( $p_realm_data ); } else { ($err, $is_complete) = &BuildIndex( $p_realm_data ); } next Err if ($err); last Err; } # Logic is different is we're rebuilding *all* pages or re-indexing old pages. # For website realms and filefed realms, a "rebuild" includes the full discovery process. A "re-index" only consists of re-indexing known pages that haven't been visited lately. # For "open" realms, the rebuild/re-index is essentially the same except for the time, since there is no discovery process for open realms. unless ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}) { # Okay this is a "rebuild": if ($type == 3) { # a website-realm which is handled via the crawler: unless ($::FORM{'LimitPattern'}) { unless ($::FORM{'StartTime'}) { $::FORM{'StartTime'} = $::private{'script_start_time'} - 5; } if ($$p_realm_data{'limit_pattern'}) { $::FORM{'LimitPattern'} = $$p_realm_data{'limit_pattern'}; } else { $::FORM{'LimitPattern'} = '^' . quotemeta(&get_web_folder($$p_realm_data{'base_url'})); } $err = &s_AddURL(0, $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $$p_realm_data{'base_url'}); next Err if ($err); last Err; } ($err, $is_complete) = &s_CrawlEntireSite($$p_realm_data{'name'}); next Err if ($err); last Err; } } if ($type == 2) { # ahh, a filefed realm # 4 steps: # 1. request start file and extract all links # 2. delete all entries from search.pending.txt; replace them with new links array, using code "10" # 3. delete all index data # 4. initiate normal "index-all-old-pages" process for this realm unless ($::FORM{'StartTime'}) { &pppstr(278, $$p_realm_data{'base_url'} ); my @fresh_links = (); my $crawler = &Crawler_new(); my @saved = ($::Rules{'crawler: follow query strings'}, $::Rules{'crawler: follow offsite links'}, $::Rules{'max characters: file'}, $::Rules{'crawler: rogue'}); ($::Rules{'crawler: follow query strings'}, $::Rules{'crawler: follow offsite links'}, $::Rules{'max characters: file'}, $::Rules{'crawler: rogue'}) = (1, 1, &max($::Rules{'max characters: file'},16777216),1); my %Response = $crawler->webrequest( 'page' => $$p_realm_data{'base_url'} ); if ($Response{'err'}) { $err = $Response{'err'}; next Err; } my %pagedata = (); &parse_html_ex( $Response{'text'}, $Response{'final_url'}, 1, \@fresh_links, \%pagedata); ($::Rules{'crawler: follow query strings'}, $::Rules{'crawler: follow offsite links'}, $::Rules{'max characters: file'}, $::Rules{'crawler: rogue'}) = @saved; my %fresh_uniq_links = (); foreach (@fresh_links) { $fresh_uniq_links{$_}++; } @fresh_links = sort (keys %fresh_uniq_links); my $count = scalar @fresh_links; my %expired_urls = (); &pppstr(279, $count ); # delete all entries: my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); my %orig_times = (); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my $i = 0; my $get_next = 1; my $file_done = 0; my ($u,$r,$c) = (); while (($file_done == 0) or ($fresh_links[$i])) { if (($get_next) and ($file_done == 0)) { if (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { next unless (m!^(.*?) (\S+) (\d+)$!); ($u,$r,$c) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($r eq $$p_realm_data{'url_name'}) { if ($fresh_uniq_links{$u}) { # still valid if ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}) { # preserve original index times $orig_times{$u} = $c; } } else { $expired_urls{$u} = 1; } next; } } else { $file_done = 1; $_ = ''; $u = 'z'; } } $get_next = 1; if (($fresh_links[$i]) and ("$u $r" gt "$fresh_links[$i] $$p_realm_data{'url_name'}")) { my $timecode = defined($orig_times{$fresh_links[$i]}) ? $orig_times{$fresh_links[$i]} : 0; unless (print { $$p_whandle } "$fresh_links[$i] $$p_realm_data{'url_name'} $timecode\n") { $err = &pstr( 43, $obj->{'wname'}, $! ); $obj->Cancel(); next Err; } $i++; $get_next = 0; next; } unless (print { $$p_whandle } $_) { $err = &pstr( 43, $obj->{'wname'}, $! ); $obj->Cancel(); next Err; } } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); # step 3 -- kill expired URL's # delete all expired entries: $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { next unless (m!^.*? u= (.*?) t=!); my $url = $1; next if ($expired_urls{$url}); unless (print { $$p_whandle } $_) { $err = &pstr( 43, $obj->{'wname'}, $! ); $obj->Cancel(); next Err; } } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); } } unless ($::FORM{'StartTime'}) { $::FORM{'StartTime'} = $::private{'script_start_time'} - 5; } my @list = (); my $count = 0; my $age = $::FORM{'StartTime'}; if ($::FORM{'DaysPast'}) { $age -= (86400 * $::FORM{'DaysPast'}); } $err = &GetCrawlList( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $age, 2 * $::Rules{'crawler: max pages per batch'}, \@list, \$count ); next Err if ($err); unless (@list) { # Well, we're done print "


\n"; $is_complete = 1; last Err; } $err = &s_AddURL(0, $$p_realm_data{'name'}, @list ); next Err if ($err); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } return ($err, $is_complete); } sub GetCrawlList { my ( $realm, $age, $max_list_size, $p_list, $p_count) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; #&Assert( 'ARRAY' eq ref( $p_list ) ); #&Assert( 'SCALAR' eq ref( $p_count ) ); my ($obj, $p_rhandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my $pattern = quotemeta( &ue( $realm ) ); $$p_count = 0; while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { next unless (m!^(.*?) $pattern (\d+)!); my ($URL, $time) = ($1, $2); if ($time == 2) { $::FORM{'LimitFailed'}++; } elsif ($time > $age) { $::FORM{'LimitIndexed'}++; } else { $::FORM{'LimitPending'}++; push(@$p_list, $URL) if ($$p_count < $max_list_size); $$p_count++; } } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); } return $err; } sub Authenticate { my ($crypt_pass) = @_; my ($is_auth, $form_password, $url_password) = (1, '', ''); my $sn = &query_env('SCRIPT_NAME'); my $seed = 'sX'; my $test_cookie = '0'; my $session_lifetime = 60 * $::Rules{'security: session timeout'}; my $grace_period = int($session_lifetime / 6); my %auth_tokens = (); my ($status_msg, $public_token) = ('',''); my $pri_token = exists($::FORM{'CP'}) ? $::FORM{'CP'} : ''; my $is_cookies_aware = 0; my $clear_cookie = 0; if (&query_env('HTTP_COOKIE') =~ m!fdse_cp=([^\;]+)!) { $is_cookies_aware = 1; my $auth_cookie = &ud($1); if ($auth_cookie ne $test_cookie) { $pri_token = $auth_cookie; } } my $b_is_api = ((exists($ENV{'FDSE_NO_EXEC'})) and (not exists($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'})) and (not exists($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'})) and (not exists($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}))) ? 1 : 0; if ($b_is_api) { $::const{'is_cmd'} = 1; } my $b_print_status_only = 0; Auth: { # next for auth failure: # changed 0063 if (($b_is_api) and ($::private{'trust_api'})) { last Auth; } if ((exists($::FORM{'Action'})) and ($::FORM{'Action'} eq 'LogOut')) { $status_msg = &pstr(174,$::str[102]); if ($pri_token) { my $cpass = crypt($pri_token, $seed); if ($cpass eq '0') { my $temp_err_msg = "Perl crypt() function returned literal '0' - you have an incomplete Perl crypt installation. If you are running Lunix 2.2.16 with Perl 5.6.1, please upgrade with latest patches or downgrade to Perl 5.6.0"; $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); next Auth; } delete $auth_tokens{$cpass}; &write_tokens(%auth_tokens); # no error check } next Auth; } # Is the user setting a new password? - they will still return AUTH_FAIL, but this will set the text message to an appropriate value: unless ($crypt_pass) { if (($::FORM{'new_pass_1'}) or ($::FORM{'new_pass_2'})) { $::FORM{'new_pass_1'} = $::FORM{'new_pass_1'} || ''; $::FORM{'new_pass_2'} = $::FORM{'new_pass_2'} || ''; $crypt_pass = 1; if ($::FORM{'new_pass_1'} ne $::FORM{'new_pass_2'}) { $status_msg = &pstr(29,$::str[285]); $b_print_status_only = 1; next Auth; } my $cpass = crypt($::FORM{'new_pass_1'}, $seed); if ($cpass eq '0') { my $temp_err_msg = "Perl crypt() function returned literal '0' - you have an incomplete Perl crypt installation. If you are running Linux 2.2.16 with Perl 5.6.1, please upgrade with latest patches or downgrade to Perl 5.6.0"; $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); $b_print_status_only = 1; next Auth; } my ($temp_err_msg) = &WriteRule('password', $cpass); if ($temp_err_msg) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); $b_print_status_only = 1; } else { $status_msg = &pstr(174, $::str[283] ); } } next Auth; } #changed 0054 - let 'Password' override 'CP' if ((exists $::FORM{'Password'}) and (length($::FORM{'Password'}))) { if (crypt($::FORM{'Password'}, $seed) ne $crypt_pass) { $status_msg = &pstr(29,$::str[181]); next Auth; } # the user provided a valid password; give that man a token! $pri_token = ''; foreach (1..8) { $pri_token .= chr(ord('a') + int(rand(26))); } my $cpass = crypt($pri_token, $seed); if ($cpass eq '0') { my $temp_err_msg = "Perl crypt() function returned literal '0' - you have an incomplete Perl crypt installation. If you are running Lunix 2.2.16 with Perl 5.6.1, please upgrade with latest patches or downgrade to Perl 5.6.0"; $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); next Auth; } $public_token = $cpass; ($status_msg, %auth_tokens) = &read_tokens(); if ($status_msg) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, $status_msg); next Auth; } $auth_tokens{$public_token} = time() + $session_lifetime; $status_msg = &write_tokens(%auth_tokens); if ($status_msg) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, $status_msg); next Auth; } last Auth; } if ($pri_token) { ($status_msg, %auth_tokens) = &read_tokens(); if ($status_msg) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, $status_msg); next Auth; } my $cpass = crypt($pri_token, $seed); if ($cpass eq '0') { my $temp_err_msg = "Perl crypt() function returned literal '0' - you have an incomplete Perl crypt installation. If you are running Lunix 2.2.16 with Perl 5.6.1, please upgrade with latest patches or downgrade to Perl 5.6.0"; $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); next Auth; } $public_token = $cpass; unless ($auth_tokens{$public_token}) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, $::str[281]); next Auth; } my $expire_time = $auth_tokens{$public_token}; if ($expire_time < time) { $status_msg = '

' . $::str[284] . '

'; $clear_cookie = 1 if ($is_cookies_aware); next Auth; } elsif (($expire_time - $grace_period) < time) { # this token is about to expire; set a fresh one: $pri_token = ''; foreach (1..8) { $pri_token .= chr(ord('a') + int(rand(26))); } my $cpass = crypt($pri_token, $seed); if ($cpass eq '0') { my $temp_err_msg = "Perl crypt() function returned literal '0' - you have an incomplete Perl crypt installation. If you are running Lunix 2.2.16 with Perl 5.6.1, please upgrade with latest patches or downgrade to Perl 5.6.0"; $status_msg = &pstr(29, "$::str[282] - '$temp_err_msg'" ); next Auth; } $public_token = $cpass; $auth_tokens{$public_token} = time() + $session_lifetime; $status_msg = &write_tokens(%auth_tokens); if ($status_msg) { $status_msg = &pstr(29, $status_msg); next Auth; } } last Auth; } } continue { # AUTH_FAIL unless ($::const{'is_cmd'}) { &header_add( "Set-Cookie: fdse_cp=; path=$sn" ) if ($clear_cookie); &header_print( "Set-Cookie: fdse_cp=$test_cookie; path=$sn" ); print <<"EOM"; Login
EOM unless (($::FORM{'Action'}) and ($::FORM{'Action'} eq 'LogOut')) { my ($name, $value); while (($name, $value) = each %::FORM) { next if ($name =~ m!^(Mode|CP|Password|new_pass_1|new_pass_2)$!); $value = &he($value); print qq!\n!; } } } my %replace = ( 'html_status_msg' => $status_msg, 'pass_value' => $::private{'is_demo'} ? 'password' : '', ); unless ($crypt_pass) { if ($b_is_api) { print "Password not yet defined. Must be set via web-based interface.\n"; } else { &PrintTemplate( 0, 'admin_pass2.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%replace ); } } elsif (($::const{'is_cmd'}) or ($b_print_status_only)) { print $status_msg; } else { &PrintTemplate( 0, 'admin_pass1.txt', $::Rules{'language'}, \%replace ); &pppstr(89, $::const{'help_file'} ); } print <<"FOOTER" unless ($::const{'is_cmd'});

Fluid Dynamics Search Engine v$::VERSION

FOOTER $is_auth = 0; } if ($is_auth) { if ($is_cookies_aware) { &header_add( "Set-Cookie: fdse_cp=" . &ue( $pri_token ) . "; path=$sn" ); } else { $url_password = "&CP=" . &ue($pri_token); $form_password = ''; } } return ($is_auth, $form_password, $url_password); } sub read_tokens { my %tokens = (); my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $text = ''; if (-e 'auth_tokens.txt') { ($err, $text) = &ReadFile('auth_tokens.txt'); next Err if ($err); } foreach (split(m!\015\012!s, $text)) { next unless (m!Token: (\S+); Expires: (\d+)!); $tokens{$1} = $2; } } return ($err,%tokens); } sub write_tokens { my %tokens = @_; my $text = ''; my ($token, $expires) = (); while (($token, $expires) = each %tokens) { next if ($expires < time()); $text .= "Token: $token; Expires: $expires\015\012"; } return &WriteFile('auth_tokens.txt', $text); } sub WriteRule { my $name = $_[0]; my $value = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : 0; my $err = ''; Err: { last Err if ($::Rules{$name} eq $value); my $FDR = &FD_Rules_new(); my ($is_valid, $valid_value) = $FDR->_fdr_validate($name, $value); unless ($is_valid) { $err = &pstr(170,&he($name,$value)); next Err; } $valid_value =~ s!(\r|\n|\015|\012)! !sg; # all line breaks become spaces my $default_value = $FDR->{'r_defaults'}->{$name}->[0]; # changed 0068 - strip defaults my $b_strip = ($valid_value eq $default_value) ? 1 : 0; my $text = ''; my $text_new = ''; if (-e $FDR->{'file'}) { ($err, $text) = &ReadFileL( $FDR->{'file'} ); next Err if ($err); } my $qm_name = quotemeta($name); my $blank_line_count = 0;#changed 0068 - prevent blank-line buildup local $_; foreach (split(m!\n!s, $text)) { next if (m!^\s*$qm_name\s*=!i); if (m!^\s*$!s) { $blank_line_count++; next if ($blank_line_count > 2); } else { $blank_line_count = 0; } $text_new .= "$_\n"; } unless ($b_strip) { $text_new .= "$name=$valid_value\n"; } $err = &WriteFile( $FDR->{'file'}, $text_new ); next Err if ($err); $::Rules{$name} = $valid_value; } return $err; } sub clear_error_cache { my $error_lines = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { if (m! 2$!) { $error_lines++; next; } unless (print { $$p_whandle } $_) { $err = &pstr(43,$obj->get_wname(),$!); $obj->Cancel(); next Err; } } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); last Err; } return ($err, $error_lines); } sub ui_DataStorage { my $err = ''; Err: { print <<"EOM";

$::str[96] / $::str[292] EOM my $status_msg = ''; my $is_error = 0; my $subaction = $::FORM{'subaction'} || ''; if ($subaction eq 'VAO') { print " / Verify Alphabetic Order

\n"; my $p_realm; ($err, $p_realm) = $::realms->hashref( $::FORM{'Realm'} ); next Err if ($err); if ($p_realm->{'type'} != 4) { $err = "subaction $subaction is only available for realms of type $::str[366]"; next Err; } #require my $lib = 'common_test.pl'; delete $INC{$lib}; require $lib; if (&version_test() ne $::VERSION) { $err = "the library '$lib' is not version $::VERSION"; next Err; } #/require $err = &test_file_based_index( $p_realm->{'file'}, 1 ); next Err if ($err); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'ClearError') { print " / $::str[332]

\n"; my $error_lines = 0; ($err, $error_lines) = &clear_error_cache(); next Err if ($err); &ppstr(174, &pstr(178,$error_lines,'search.pending.txt')); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'ReviewPending') { print " / $::str[294]

\n"; my %valid_realms = (); my %true_count = (); my %err_count = (); my $error_count = 0; my $total_count = 0; my %kill_waiting = (); my %wait_count = (); my $p_realm_data = (); foreach $p_realm_data ($::realms->listrealms('all')) { my ($count, $url_name, $html_name) = ($$p_realm_data{'pagecount'}, &ue($$p_realm_data{'name'}), &he($$p_realm_data{'name'})); $valid_realms{$url_name} = $count; $true_count{$url_name} = 0; $wait_count{$url_name} = 0; $err_count{$url_name} = 0; $kill_waiting{$url_name} = ($$p_realm_data{'type'} == 3) ? 0 : 1; } my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); my $invalid_lines = 0; my $old_realms = 0; my $prev_url = ''; local $_; while (defined($_ = readline($$p_rhandle))) { unless (m!^http://(.*) (\S+) (\d+)\r?$!) { next; } my ($url, $realm, $time) = ("http://$1", $2, $3); if ($time == 2) { $error_count++; $err_count{$realm}++; } else { unless ($valid_realms{$realm}) { $realm = &he( &ud( $realm ) ); &ppstr(53, &pstr(295, $realm ) ); $old_realms++; next; } elsif (($time == 0) and ($kill_waiting{$realm})) { next; } if ($url lt $prev_url) { &ppstr(53, $::str[296] ); &pppstr(297, $url, $prev_url ); next; } $true_count{$realm}++ if ($time > 10); $wait_count{$realm}++ if ($time == 0); } $total_count++; $prev_url = $url; print { $$p_whandle } $_; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); if ($invalid_lines) { &pppstr(298, $invalid_lines ); } if ($old_realms) { &pppstr(299, $old_realms ); } &ppstr(174, $::str[355] ); &pppstr(301, $total_count, $error_count ); print <<"EOM"; EOM my ($name, $pagecount, $truecount) = (); while (($name, $pagecount) = each %valid_realms) { my $truecount = $true_count{$name}; my $true_name = &ud( $name ); my $display_name = &he( $true_name ); my $p_realm; ($err, $p_realm) = $::realms->hashref( $true_name ); next Err if ($err); my $action_VAO = ''; if ($p_realm->{'type'} == 4) { $action_VAO = qq! | Verify Alphabetic Order!; } print <<"EOM"; EOM } print <<"EOM";
$::str[428] $::str[146] $::str[302] $::str[303] $::str[304] $::str[305]
$display_name $::str[306] | $::str[307] $action_VAO $truecount $pagecount $wait_count{$name} $err_count{$name}


$::str[308] EOM last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'rmdupe') { print " / $::str[294] / $::str[307]

\n"; my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); if ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { $err = &pstr(277, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); next Err; } # Get a list of all pages in the realm - import them into the pending file my %crawler_results = (); my $count = 0; my $dupes = 0; my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); my %pages = (); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { next unless (m! u= (.+?) t=!); if ($pages{$1}) { &pppstr(310, $1 ); $dupes++; } else { $count++; print { $$p_whandle } $_; } $pages{$1}++; } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); &pppstr(311, $dupes ); &pppstr(313, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $count ); $err = $::realms->setpagecount( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $count, 1); next Err if ($err); last Err; } if ($subaction eq 'sync') { print " / $::str[294] / $::str[306]

\n"; my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $::realms->hashref($::FORM{'Realm'}); next Err if ($err); my $url_realm = $$p_realm_data{'url_name'}; if ($$p_realm_data{'is_runtime'}) { $err = &pstr(277, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'} ); next Err; } # Get a list of all pages in the realm - import them into the pending file my %crawler_results = (); my $count = 0; my ($obj, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = (); my %valid = ( 'is_error' => 0 ); $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle) = $obj->Read( $$p_realm_data{'file'} ); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { next unless (m! u= (.+?) t=!); if ($crawler_results{$1}) { &ppstr(53, $::str[317] ); &pppstr(318); } else { $crawler_results{$1} = \%valid; } $count++; } $err = $obj->Close(); next Err if ($err); print "


\n"; foreach (sort keys %crawler_results) { print &he($_) . "
\n"; } $obj = &LockFile_new( 'create_if_needed' => 1, ); ($err, $p_rhandle, $p_whandle) = $obj->ReadWrite('search.pending.txt'); next Err if ($err); while (defined($_ = readline( $$p_rhandle ))) { if (m!^(.*) $url_realm (\d+)$!) { my ($url, $code) = ($1, $2); if ($code > 2) { unless ($crawler_results{$url}) { &ppstr( 316 , &he($url) ); print "
\n"; } next; } } print { $$p_whandle } $_;#TODO } $err = $obj->Merge(); next Err if ($err); $err = &SaveLinksToFileEx( $p_realm_data, \%crawler_results ); next Err if ($err); &pppstr(313, $$p_realm_data{'html_name'}, $count ); $err = $::realms->setpagecount( $$p_realm_data{'name'}, $count, 1); next Err if ($err); last Err; } print " / $::str[152]

"; # Finish toplink print <<"EOM";


EOM last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub CheckEmail { my ($address) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { unless ($address) { $err = $::str[359]; next Err; } unless ($address =~ m!^(.+?)\@(.+?)$!) { $err = &pstr(360, $address ); next Err; } } return $err; } sub SendMailEx { my %params = @_; my $basename = ''; my $full_message = ''; my $trace = ''; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $p_nc_cache = (); if ($params{'p_nc_cache'}) { $p_nc_cache = $params{'p_nc_cache'}; } else { my %nc_cache = (); $p_nc_cache = \%nc_cache; } # validate inputs: if ((not $params{'to name'}) and ($params{'to_name'})) { $params{'to name'} = $params{'to_name'}; } if ((not $params{'from name'}) and ($params{'from_name'})) { $params{'from name'} = $params{'from_name'}; } if ((not $params{'message'}) and ($params{'body'})) { $params{'message'} = $params{'body'}; } foreach ('to', 'from') { unless ($params{$_}) { $err = &pstr(21,$_); next Err; } } $params{'port'} = 25 unless ($params{'port'}); # build the full message: $full_message = ''; if ($params{'raw'}) { $full_message = $params{'raw'}; } else { $full_message = &sendmail_build_raw_message($params{'to'},$params{'to name'},$params{'from'},$params{'from name'},$params{'subject'},$params{'message'},$params{'is_html'}); } # Fix for bare LF $full_message =~ s!\015\012!\012!sg; $full_message =~ s!\015!\012!sg; $full_message =~ s!\012!\015\012!sg; # Escape any literal CRLF . CRLF sequences (this is the end-of-message sequence in SMTP) $full_message =~ s!\015\012\.\015\012!\015\012\. \015\012!sg; # Message has been built - now send it: my %hosts_tried = (); my $b_message_sent = 0; $params{'handler_order'} = '12345' unless (defined($params{'handler_order'})); TryToSend: foreach (split(m!!, $params{'handler_order'})) { next TryToSend unless (m!^\d$!); if (($_ == 1) and ($params{'pipeto'})) { if (open(PIPE, "|$params{'pipeto'} -t")) { binmode(PIPE); $full_message =~ s!\015\012!\012!sg; # Unix-friendly for Unix print PIPE $full_message; close(PIPE); $trace = $full_message; $b_message_sent = 1; last TryToSend; } $err = &pstr(440, $params{'pipeto'}, $!); next TryToSend; } if (($_ == 2) and ($params{'host'})) { next if ($hosts_tried{$params{'host'}}); ($err, $trace) = &sendmail_socket( $params{'host'}, $params{'port'}, $params{'to'}, $params{'from'}, $full_message, $p_nc_cache, $params{'use standard io'} ); $hosts_tried{$params{'host'}} = 1; next TryToSend if ($err); $b_message_sent = 1; last TryToSend; } } if ((not $b_message_sent) and (not $err)) { $err = $::str[445]; last Err; } } return ($err, $trace); } sub sendmail_build_raw_message { my ($to_addr,$to_name,$from_addr,$from_name,$subject,$body,$is_html) = @_; my $raw_message = ''; if ($to_name) { $raw_message .= qq!To: "$to_name" <$to_addr>\015\012!; } else { $raw_message .= "To: $to_addr\015\012"; } if ($from_name) { $raw_message .= qq!From: "$from_name" <$from_addr>\015\012!; } else { $raw_message .= "From: $from_addr\015\012"; } $raw_message .= "Subject: $subject\015\012"; $raw_message .= "Date: " . &sendmail_datetime(time()) . "\015\012"; if ($is_html) { $raw_message .= "Content-Type: text/html\015\012"; } $raw_message .= "\015\012"; $raw_message .= $body; return $raw_message; } sub sendmail_socket { my ($host,$port,$to,$from,$raw,$p_nc_cache,$b_use_standard_io) = @_; my $is_open = 0; my $trace = ''; my $err = ''; Err: { # connect to the SMTP server $err = &leansock($host,$port,\*MAIL,$p_nc_cache); next Err if ($err); $is_open = 1; my @commands = ( [ 'Welcome', 220, 0, '', ], [ 'HELO', 250, 1, "HELO $host", ], [ 'Mail From', 250, 1, "MAIL FROM:<$from>", ], [ 'Recipient/To', 250, 1, "RCPT TO:<$to>", ], [ 'Data Initialize', 354, 1, "DATA", ], [ 'Data Transfer', 250, 1, "$raw\015\012.", ], ); my $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#commands; $i++) { my ($expect_code, $sendrecv, $send_data) = ($commands[$i][1], $commands[$i][2], $commands[$i][3]); if ($sendrecv) { $send_data .= "\015\012"; my $data_len = length($send_data); my $send_len = 0; if ($b_use_standard_io) { $send_len = send(*MAIL, $send_data, 0); } else { $send_len = syswrite(*MAIL, $send_data, $data_len); } unless (defined($send_len)) { $err = &pstr(452,"$! - $^E"); next Err; } if ($send_len != $data_len) { $err = &pstr(452, &pstr(453, $send_len, $data_len) . " - $! - $^E"); next Err; } $trace .= $send_data; } next unless ($b_use_standard_io); my $response_code = ''; my $response_text = ''; local $_; while (defined($_ = readline(*MAIL))) { $response_text .= $_; $trace .= $_; s!(\r|\n|\015|\012)!!g;#correct for MacPerl if ((m!^(\d\d\d)\-!) and ($1 ne '000')) { $response_code = $1 unless ($response_code); } elsif (m!^(\d\d\d)\r?(\s|$)!) { $response_code = $1 unless ($response_code); last; } else { $err = &pstr(448, "$host:$port", $commands[$i][0], $response_text); next Err; } } unless ($response_code =~ m!$expect_code!) { $err = &pstr(449, "$host:$port", $commands[$i][0], $expect_code, $response_code, $response_text); next Err; } } } close(*MAIL) if ($is_open); return ($err, $trace); } sub leansock { my ($host,$port,$p_socket,$p_nc_cache) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { $host = lc($host); $p_nc_cache = {} unless $p_nc_cache; # initialize unless (exists($$p_nc_cache{"H:$host"})) { $$p_nc_cache{"H:$host"} = (gethostbyname($host))[4]; } my $addr = $$p_nc_cache{"H:$host"}; unless ($addr) { $err = &pstr(436, $host, $!, $^E); next Err; } #optout use Socket; eval 'use Socket;'; if ($@) { $err = &pstr(93, 'Socket', $@ ); undef($@); next Err; } #/optout unless (socket($$p_socket, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_STREAM(), scalar getprotobyname('tcp'))) { $err = &pstr(437, $!, $^E); next Err; } unless (connect($$p_socket, sockaddr_in($port,$addr))) { $err = &pstr(438,$host,$port,$!,$^E); close($$p_socket); next Err; } unless (binmode($$p_socket)) { $err = &pstr(439,$!,$^E); close($$p_socket); next Err; } my $h = select($$p_socket); $| = 1; select($h); } return $err; } sub sendmail_datetime { local $_; my ($time_int) = @_; my ($sec, $min, $milhour, $day, $month_int, $year, $weekday_int) = gmtime($time_int); $year += 1900; foreach ($milhour, $min, $sec, $day) { $_ = "0$_" if (1 == length($_)); } my $month_str = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')[$month_int]; my $weekday_str = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')[$weekday_int]; return "$weekday_str, $day $month_str $year $milhour:$min:$sec -0000"; } sub Crawler_new { my $self = { 'b_use_proxy' => 0, 'proxy_addr' => 'proxy', 'proxy_port' => 80, }; bless($self); my %cookies = (); my %robot_files = (); $self->{'p_cookies'} = \%cookies; $self->{'p_robot_files'} = \%robot_files; return $self; } sub webrequest { my ($self, %request) = @_; my @redirects = (); my %webrq = ( 'err' => '', 'final_url' => '', 'total_requests' => 0, 'text' => '', 'no_index_but_follow' => 0, 'no_follow' => 0, 'lastmodt' => 0, 'ref_redirects' => \@redirects, ); my $current_url = $request{'page'}; my ($host,$port,$path,$query); my $err = ''; Err: { my $max_redirects = $::Rules{'crawler: max redirects'}; my %rawrq = (); FollowRedirects: while ($webrq{'total_requests'} <= (1 + $max_redirects)) { $webrq{'total_requests'}++; ($err,$current_url,$host,$port,$path,$query) = &uri_parse($current_url); next Err if ($err); $path = $path . $query; # for our purposes here $webrq{'final_url'} = $current_url; push(@redirects, $current_url); if (($request{'limit'}) and ($current_url !~ m!$request{'limit'}!i)) { $err = &pstr(376,&he($current_url,$request{'limit'})); next Err; } unless ($::Rules{'crawler: rogue'}) { my $RobotFile = "http://$host:$port/robots.txt"; my $p_robot_files = $self->{'p_robot_files'}; unless (defined($$p_robot_files{$RobotFile})) { my @forbidden_paths = (); my %rawrq = $self->raw_get($host, $port, '/robots.txt', 'GET', '', ''); unless ($rawrq{'err'}) { foreach (&ParseRobotFile($rawrq{'text'}, $::Rules{'crawler: user agent'})) { push(@forbidden_paths, quotemeta($_)); } } $$p_robot_files{$RobotFile} = \@forbidden_paths; } my $ref_forbidden_paths = $$p_robot_files{$RobotFile}; foreach (@$ref_forbidden_paths) { if ($path =~ m!^$_!) { $RobotFile =~ s!^http://([^/]+):80/!http://$1/!o; $err = &pstr(64,$RobotFile,&he($path)); next Err; } } } %rawrq = $self->raw_get($host, $port, $path); if ($rawrq{'err'}) { if ($rawrq{'is_redirect'}) { $webrq{'total_requests'}++; push(@redirects, $rawrq{'location'}); } $err = $rawrq{'err'}; next Err; } if ($rawrq{'is_redirect'}) { $current_url = $rawrq{'location'}; next FollowRedirects; } # Is the content-type okay? my ($p_sub, $read_last_bytes) = &handler_match( $current_url, $rawrq{'content_type'}, $::FORM{'debug'} ); if ($p_sub) { ($err, $rawrq{'text'}) = &$p_sub( $rawrq{'text'}, '', $current_url, $::FORM{'debug'} ); next Err if ($err); } elsif ($rawrq{'content_type'} !~ m!text!) { $err = &pstr(378,&he($rawrq{'content_type'})); next Err; } # Has user imposed a response code limit? unless (($rawrq{'response_code'} == 200) or ($rawrq{'response_code'} == 206)) { if ($rawrq{'response_code'} == 401) { $err = &pstr(320,$rawrq{'response_code'},&he($rawrq{'response_expl'}), "$::const{'help_file'}1102.html" ); } else { $err = &pstr(379,$rawrq{'response_code'},&he($rawrq{'response_expl'})); } next Err; } my $text = $rawrq{'text'}; if ($rawrq{'last-modified'}) { # okay... well, let's try to parse this # goal is to extract a Unix time and to drop it inside $response{'lastmodt'} if ($rawrq{'last-modified'} =~ m!(\d+)(\s+|-)(\w\w\w)(\s+|-)(\d+)\s+(\d+)\:(\d+)\:?(\d*)!) { my ($mday, $mon, $year, $hours, $min, $sec) = ($1,$3,$5,$6,$7,$8 || 0); my $time = &timegm($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year); $webrq{'lastmodt'} = $time if ($time); } } my ($temp_err_msg, $no_index_but_follow, $no_follow, $is_redirect, $full_redir_url, $index_as,$lastmodt, $actual_size) = &process_text(\$text, $current_url, 0, $rawrq{'content_length'} ); if ($is_redirect) { $current_url = $full_redir_url; next FollowRedirects; } elsif ($index_as ne $current_url) { # treat index-as directives as redirects push(@redirects, $index_as); $webrq{'total_requests'}++; } $webrq{'lastmodt'} = $lastmodt if ($lastmodt); $webrq{'no_follow'} = $no_follow; $webrq{'final_url'} = $index_as; $webrq{'text'} = $rawrq{'text'}; $webrq{'no_index_but_follow'} = $no_index_but_follow; $webrq{'size'} = $rawrq{'content_length'} = $actual_size; if ($temp_err_msg) { $err = $temp_err_msg; next Err; } last Err; } $err = &pstr(380, $max_redirects ); next Err; } continue { $webrq{'err'} = $err; } return %webrq; } sub raw_get { if (not exists($::private{'use_alarm'})) { if ($::Rules{'network timeout'}) { eval 'alarm(0);'; $::private{'use_alarm'} = ($@) ? 0 : 1; } else { $::private{'use_alarm'} = 0; } } if ($::private{'use_alarm'}) { return &raw_get_alarm(@_); } else { return &raw_get_raw(@_); } } sub raw_get_alarm { my %Response = (); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; alarm( 2 * $::Rules{'network timeout'} ); %Response = &raw_get_raw(@_); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { if ($@ eq "alarm\n") { $Response{'err'} = $::str[451] . &network_error_msg( 'alarm' ); $@ = ''; } else { die $@; } } return %Response; } sub raw_get_raw { my ($self, $host, $port, $path) = @_; my %Response = ( 'err' => '', 'response_code' => 200, 'response_expl' => '', 'is_redirect' => 0, 'location' => '', 'content_type' => '', 'content_length' => 0, 'text' => '', ); my $err = ''; Err: { my $p_cookies = $self->{'p_cookies'}; my $Request = ''; my ($connhost, $connport) = (); my $litpath = $path; $litpath =~ s! !\%20!g; if ($self->{'b_use_proxy'}) { $Request .= "GET http://$host:$port$litpath HTTP/1.0\015\012"; ($connhost, $connport) = ($self->{'proxy_addr'}, $self->{'proxy_port'}); } else { $Request .= "GET $litpath HTTP/1.0\015\012"; ($connhost, $connport) = ($host, $port); } $Request .= "User-Agent: $::Rules{'crawler: user agent'}\015\012"; $Request .= "Connection: close\015\012"; $Request .= "Pragma: no-cache\015\012"; #changed 0054 my $cookie = join('; ', map { "$_=$$p_cookies{$_}" } keys %$p_cookies); if ($cookie) { $Request .= "Cookie: $cookie\015\012"; } # force a valid host header: if ($port == 80) { $Request .= "Host: $host\015\012"; } else { $Request .= "Host: $host:$port\015\012"; } # allow for 1024-byte header my $LimitBytes = 1024 + $::Rules{'max characters: file'}; my ($p_sub, $read_last_bytes) = &handler_match( $litpath, '', $::FORM{'debug'} ); if ($p_sub) { if ($read_last_bytes) { $LimitBytes = 1024 + $read_last_bytes; # MP3 special-case $Request .= "Range: bytes=-$read_last_bytes\015\012"; } else { $LimitBytes = 0; # Word, PDF special-case; no size limit } } $Request .= "\015\012"; my $sock = \*HTTP; $sock = \*HTTP; # avoid "un-used var" warnings in -w $err = &leansock($connhost,$connport,$sock,$::private{'p_nc_cache'}); if ($err) { $err .= &network_error_msg( 'leansock' ); } next Err if ($err); my $select_ok = 0; my $sel = (); if ($::Rules{'network timeout'}) { my $code = 'use IO::Select; $sel = IO::Select->new($sock); '; eval $code; if ((!$@) and ($sel)) { $select_ok = 1; } } if (($select_ok) and (not $sel->can_write($::Rules{'network timeout'}))) { close($sock); $err = $::str[384] . &network_error_msg( 'sel.can_write' ); next Err; } my $ExpectBytes = length($Request); my $SentBytes = 0; if ($::Rules{'use standard io'}) { $SentBytes = send($sock, $Request, 0); } else { $SentBytes = syswrite($sock, $Request, $ExpectBytes); } if ($SentBytes != $ExpectBytes) { close($sock); $err = &pstr(385, $ExpectBytes, $SentBytes, $! ) . &network_error_msg( '' ); next Err; } if (($select_ok) and (not $sel->can_read($::Rules{'network timeout'}))) { close($sock); $err = &pstr(450,$::str[451]) . &network_error_msg( 'sel.can_read' ); next Err; } my $buffer = ''; my $readlen = 0; do { my $tmp = ''; if ($::Rules{'use standard io'}) { $readlen = read($sock, $tmp, 4096, 0); } else { $readlen = sysread($sock, $tmp, 4096, 0); } $buffer .= $tmp; if (not (defined($readlen))) { close($sock); $err = &pstr(450,"$! - $^E") . &network_error_msg( '' ); next Err; } if (($LimitBytes) and (length($buffer) > $LimitBytes)) { $readlen = 0; } } until (not $readlen); close($sock); if (($LimitBytes) and (length($buffer) > $LimitBytes)) { $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, $LimitBytes); } # break up the response buffer into an array of lines my @Lines = map { "$_\012" } (split(m!\012!s, $buffer)); if (@Lines) { $Lines[-1] =~ s!\012$!!s; # correct for final trailing line (messes up binary converters in particular) } my $is_chunked_transfer = 0; # Determine the HTTP version: if (($Lines[0]) and ($Lines[0] !~ m!^HTTP/1.\d (\d+)(.*)$!)) { # This is just an HTTP 0.9 response, which has no headers; easy: $Response{'content_type'} = 'text/html'; $Response{'text'} = $buffer; } else { # Is HTTP 1.x, great: $Response{'response_code'} = $1; $Response{'response_expl'} = &Trim($2); my $line_count = 1; # Get HTTP headers: Header: foreach (@Lines[1..$#Lines]) { $line_count++; last Header unless (m!^(.*?):\s*(.*)\015?\012?$!); my ($lc_name, $value) = (lc(&Trim($1)), $2); if (($lc_name eq 'transfer-encoding') and ($value =~ m!^chunked$!i)) { $is_chunked_transfer = 1; } if ($lc_name eq 'location') { $Response{'location'} = &Trim($value); } if (($lc_name eq 'set-cookie') and ($value =~ m!(.*?)=([^\;]+)!)) { $$p_cookies{$1} = $2; } if ($lc_name eq 'last-modified') { $Response{'last-modified'} = $value; } if ($lc_name eq 'content-type') { $Response{'content_type'} = lc(&Trim($value)); } if (($lc_name eq 'content-length') and ($value =~ m!(\d+)!)) { $Response{'content_length'} = $1 unless ($Response{'content_length'}); } if (($lc_name eq 'content-range') and ($value =~ m!bytes \d+-\d+/(\d+)!)) { $Response{'content_length'} = $1; } } # Get the HTTP body: if ($is_chunked_transfer) { my $max_line = $#Lines; while ($line_count <= $max_line) { last unless ($Lines[$line_count] =~ m!^(\w+)!); my $content_length = hex($1); $line_count++; while ($content_length > 0) { $Response{'text'} .= $Lines[$line_count]; $content_length -= length($Lines[$line_count]); $line_count++; } $Response{'content_length'} = $content_length; #changed 0052 } } else { $Response{'text'} .= join('', @Lines[$line_count..$#Lines]); } } # If we get a 300-series reply, AND a location header, AND that location resolves to a # workable URL, then set is_redirect to true: if (($Response{'location'}) and ($Response{'response_code'} =~ m!^30\d$!)) { $Response{'is_redirect'} = 1; $Response{'location'} = $Response{'location'}; # this is set first, so if the uri_merge kicks out an error, the end user will have a better view of the error # determine absolute URL to which we have been redirected my $clean; ($err, $clean) = &uri_merge( "http://$host:$port$path", $Response{'location'} ); next Err if ($err); #changed 0063 -- apply input filters: $Response{'location'} = &rewrite_url( 0, $clean ); } last Err; } continue { $Response{'err'} = $err; } return %Response; } sub setpagecount { my ($self, $name, $count, $write) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { my $p_realm_data = (); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $self->hashref($name); next Err if ($err); if (($$p_realm_data{'file'}) and (open(FILE, ">$$p_realm_data{'file'}.pagecount"))) { print FILE $count; close(FILE); chmod($::private{'file_mask'},"$$p_realm_data{'file'}.pagecount"); } $$p_realm_data{'pagecount'} = $count; } return $err; } sub get_open_realm { my ($self) = @_; my $p_realm_data = (); my $err = ''; Err: { if ($::private{'is_freeware'}) { $err = $::str[480]; next Err; } #changed 0064 -- always auto-create new # my @xrealms = $self->listrealms('has_no_base_url'); # if (@xrealms) { # $p_realm_data = $xrealms[0]; # last Err; # } # shoot... gotta create one on the fly... my ($defname, $deffile) = $self->get_default_name(); $self->add( 0, $defname, $self->{'use_db'}, $deffile, 0, '', '', '', 0, 0 ); $err = $self->save_realm_data(); next Err if ($err); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $self->hashref( $defname ); next Err if ($err); } return ($err, $p_realm_data); } sub get_website_realm { my ($self, $url) = @_; my $p_realm_data = (); my $err = ''; Err: { my $curlen = 0; my $p_test_data = (); foreach $p_test_data ($self->listrealms('has_base_url')) { next if ($$p_test_data{'is_filefed'}); my $qm_base_url = quotemeta($$p_test_data{'base_url'}); if ($url =~ m!^$qm_base_url!i) { # okay... this is a match... but is it the best match? if (length($$p_test_data{'base_url'}) > $curlen) { $p_realm_data = $p_test_data; $curlen = length($$p_test_data{'base_url'}); } } } last Err if ($p_realm_data); # shoot... gotta create one on the fly... if (($::private{'is_freeware'}) and ($self->realm_count('all') > 0)) { $err = $::str[480]; next Err; } my ($defname, $deffile) = $self->get_default_name( $url ); $self->add( 0, $defname, $self->{'use_db'}, $deffile, 0, '', $url, '', 0, 0 ); $err = $self->save_realm_data(); next Err if ($err); ($err, $p_realm_data) = $self->hashref( $defname ); next Err if ($err); } return ($err, $p_realm_data); } sub get_default_name { my ($self, $base_url) = @_; my ($defname, $deffile) = ('', ''); if ($base_url) { $defname = $base_url; $defname =~ s!^http://!!oi; $defname =~ s!(\?|\#|\$).*$!!o; $defname = substr($defname, 0, 40); $defname =~ s!/$!!o; if ($defname) { my ($temp_err, $temp_ptr) = $self->hashref( $defname ); if ($temp_err) { # yay... keep $defname } else { $defname = ''; } } } my $realm_num = 1; unless ($defname) { my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data ($self->listrealms('all')) { my $name = $$p_data{'name'}; next unless ($name =~ m!^My Realm (\d+)$!i); my $temp_num = $1; if ($temp_num > $realm_num) { $realm_num = $temp_num + 1; } } } while (1) { my $basename = "index_file_" . $realm_num . ".txt"; last unless ((-e $basename) or (-e "$basename.need_approval") or (-e "$basename.exclusive_lock_request")); $realm_num++; } $defname = "My Realm $realm_num" unless ($defname); $deffile = "index_file_$realm_num.txt"; return ($defname, $deffile); } sub save_realm_data { my ($self) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { # clear original list: my $ref_realms = $self->{'realms'}; my $text = ''; my $p_realm_data = (); foreach $p_realm_data (@$ref_realms) { my %RH = %$p_realm_data; my $u_limit = &ue($RH{'limit_pattern'}); $text .= "$RH{'name'}|$RH{'file'}|$RH{'base_dir'}|$RH{'base_url'}|$RH{'exclude'}|$RH{'pagecount'}|$RH{'is_filefed'}|$RH{'type'}|$u_limit|\015\012"; } $err = &WriteFile( $self->{'file'}, $text ); next Err if ($err); # flush cache: foreach (keys %$self) { if (m!^cache_!) { undef($self->{$_}) } } # Now reload the realms object so that we can read back our values: my $p_a = $self->{'realms'}; @$p_a = (); $p_a = $self->{'p_realms_by_name'}; %$p_a = (); $p_a = $self->{'p_delete_realm_ids'}; @$p_a = (); $err = $self->load(); next Err if ($err); last Err; } return $err; } sub Append { my ($self, $filename) = @_; $self->{'rname'} = $filename; $self->{'ename'} = "$filename.exclusive_lock_request"; my ($p_rhandle, $rname, $p_whandle, $wname, $p_ehandle, $ename) = ($self->{'p_rhandle'}, $self->{'rname'}, $self->{'p_whandle'}, $self->{'wname'}, $self->{'p_ehandle'}, $self->{'ename'}); my $progress = 0; my $err = ''; Err: { my $attempts = $self->{'timeout'}; my $success = 0; while ((-e $ename) and ($attempts > 0)) { # If an "exlusive lock request" file exists, wait up to timeout seconds for it to disappear. If it doesn't, and if it's age is # also less than timeout seconds, return an error: # is she recent? my $lastmodt = (stat($ename))[9]; my $age = time - $lastmodt; last unless ($age < $self->{'timeout'}); $attempts--; sleep(1); } unless ($attempts > 0) { $err = &pstr(44, $rname, &pstr(37, $self->{'timeout'} ) ); next Err; } while (($attempts > 0) and (-e $wname)) { # How old is the write file? my $lastmodt = (stat($wname))[9]; my $age = time - $lastmodt; if ($age > $self->{'timeout'}) { # claim it for ourselves - but if the core file doesn't exist, rename this one over to it's spot. unless (-e $rname) { unless (rename($wname, $rname)) { $err = &pstr(38,$wname,$rname,$!); next Err; } } last; } sleep(1); $attempts--; } unless ($attempts > 0) { $err = &pstr(44, $rname, &pstr(37, $self->{'timeout'} ) ); next Err; } # Create the appropriate files to secure our access from other LockFile.pm processes: unless (open($$p_ehandle, "+>$ename" )) { $err = &pstr(70, $ename, $! ); next Err; } unless (binmode($$p_ehandle)) { $err = &pstr(39, $ename, $! ); next Err; } unless (&FlockEx($p_ehandle, 6)) { $err = &pstr(76, $ename, $! ); close($$p_ehandle); next Err; } select($$p_ehandle); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); print { $$p_ehandle } ''; $progress++; chmod($::private{'file_mask'}, $ename); # Finally, open up the main file for appending: unless (open($$p_rhandle, ">>$rname" )) { $err = &pstr(42, $rname, $! ); next Err; } unless (&FlockEx($p_rhandle, 6)) { $err = &pstr(76, $rname, $! ); close($$p_rhandle); next Err; } $progress++; unless (binmode($$p_rhandle)) { $err = &pstr(39,$rname,$!); next Err; } chmod($::private{'file_mask'}, $rname); } return ($err, $p_rhandle); } sub FinishAppend { my ($self) = @_; my ($p_rhandle, $rname, $p_whandle, $wname, $p_ehandle, $ename) = ($self->{'p_rhandle'}, $self->{'rname'}, $self->{'p_whandle'}, $self->{'wname'}, $self->{'p_ehandle'}, $self->{'ename'}); my $err = ''; Err: { # Release the lock and close the main file: unless (&FlockEx($p_rhandle, 8)) { $err .= &pstr(49, $rname, $! ); } unless (close($$p_rhandle)) { $err .= &pstr(52,$rname,$!); } # Call it a day... unless (&FlockEx($p_ehandle, 8)) { $err .= &pstr(49, $ename, $! ); } unless (close($$p_ehandle)) { $err .= &pstr(52,$ename,$!); } unless (unlink($ename)) { $err .= &pstr(54,$ename,$!); } chmod($::private{'file_mask'}, $rname); } return $err; } sub get_defaults { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{'r_defaults'}; } sub remove { my ($self, $name, $delete_permanent) = @_; my @new_realms = (); my $ref_realms = $self->{'realms'}; my $p_delete_realm_ids = $self->{'p_delete_realm_ids'}; my $p_data = (); foreach $p_data (@$ref_realms) { if ($$p_data{'name'} eq $name) { if (($delete_permanent) and ($$p_data{'realm_id'})) { push(@$p_delete_realm_ids, $$p_data{'realm_id'}); } %$p_data = (); } else { push(@new_realms,$p_data); } } $self->{'realms'} = \@new_realms; } sub delete_filter_rule { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { my $p_data = $self->{$name}; unless ('HASH' eq ref($p_data)) { $err = &pstr(55,&he($name)); next Err; } %$p_data = (); delete $self->{$name}; $err = $self->frwrite(); next Err if ($err); } return $err; } sub add_filter_rule { my ($self, $enabled, $name, $action, $promote_val, $analyze, $mode, $occurrences, $apply_to, $apply_to_str, $p_strings, $p_litstrings) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { my %data = ( 'name' => $name, 'action' => $action, 'apply_to' => $apply_to, 'apply_to_str' => $apply_to_str, 'p_litstrings' => $p_litstrings, 'p_strings' => $p_strings, 'promote_val' => $promote_val, 'analyze' => $analyze, 'mode' => $mode, 'occurrences' => $occurrences, 'enabled' => $enabled ? 1 : 0, ); $err = $self->validate(\%data); next Err if ($err); $self->{ $data{'name'} } = \%data; $err = $self->frwrite(); next Err if ($err); } return $err; } sub frwrite { my ($self) = @_; my $err = ''; Err: { local $_; my $text = ''; my $p_data = (); while (($_, $p_data) = each %$self) { next unless (defined($p_data)); next unless ('HASH' eq ref($p_data)); $err = $self->validate($p_data); next Err if ($err); my $p_strings = $$p_data{'p_strings'}; my $strings = join( $self->{'strlim'}, @$p_strings); my $p_litstrings = $$p_data{'p_litstrings'}; my $litstrings = join( $self->{'strlim'}, @$p_litstrings); my $record = join( $self->{'delim'}, $$p_data{'enabled'}, $$p_data{'name'}, $$p_data{'action'}, $$p_data{'promote_val'}, $$p_data{'analyze'}, $$p_data{'mode'}, $$p_data{'occurrences'}, $strings, $litstrings, $$p_data{'apply_to'}, $$p_data{'apply_to_str'} ); $text .= $record . $self->{'separ'} . "\n"; } $err = &WriteFile('filter_rules.txt',$text); } return $err; } sub regkey_verify { &header_print(); my $err = ''; Err: { my $god = 'xav.com'; eval 'use Socket;'; # only allow audits from known host my $ip = $::private{'visitor_ip_addr'}; unless ($ip =~ m!^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$!) { $err = "unable to extract visitor IP address"; next Err; } my $hexip = pack('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4); my $name = gethostbyaddr( $hexip, &AF_INET() ); if ($name ne $god) { $err = "permission denied; audits must be spawned from '$god'. Reverse DNS failed"; next Err; } my $addr = gethostbyname($god); if ($hexip ne $addr) { $err = "permission denied; audits must be spawned from '$god'. Forward DNS failed"; next Err; } my $auth_verify = ''; my $x = 0; for $x (1..4) { $auth_verify .= crypt($::FORM{"FDT_$x"}, "xv" ); } if ($auth_verify ne 'xvQVBe9hiuSKMxvgMWOQj32iyAxvB2dl2Jl11JgxvKNwbBX1hQU2') { $err = "crypt audit failed; received '$auth_verify'"; next Err; } print $::VERSION . "\n\n\n" . (stat('auth_tokens.txt'))[9] . "\n\n\n" . $::private{'mode'} . "\n\n\n" . &ud($::Rules{'regkey'}); last Err; } continue { &ppstr(29, $err ); } } sub regkey_validate { my $p_decode = sub { local $_; my $code = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; my %map = (); my $i = 0; foreach (48..57,65..90,97..122) { $map{chr($_)} = $i % 16; $i++; } $code =~ s!\s|\r|\n|\015|\012!!sg; my $text = ''; my $frag = ''; $i = 0; while ($frag = substr($code, $i, 2)) { $i += 2; my $chn = 16 * $map{substr($frag,0,1)}; $chn += $map{substr($frag,1,1)}; my $ch = chr($chn); $text .= $ch; } $text = unpack('u',$text); return $text; }; local $_; my $code = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ''; return 0 unless ($code); my $is_valid = 0; $code =~ s!BEGIN LICENSE!!sg; $code =~ s!END LICENSE!!sg; $code =~ s!\s*\n!\n!sg;#changed 0045 if ($code =~ m!^\s*(.*)\s*\-\s*(.*?)\s*$!s) { my ($pub, $pri) = ($1, $2); $pri = &$p_decode($pri); #changed 0054 unless ($pri =~ s!Uniq: \d+!!sg) { if ($pri =~ m!Addr:!) { print "

Warning: this registration key is for 'Genesis' instead of FDSE.

\n"; } return 0; } unless ($pri =~ s!Prod: FDSE!!sg) { if (($pri =~ m!Prod: (\w+)!s) and ($1 ne 'FDSE')) { print "

Warning: this registration key is for '$1' instead of FDSE.

\n"; } return 0; } $pri =~ s!\r|\n!!sg; $pub =~ s!\r|\n!!sg; if (&Trim($pub) eq &Trim($pri)) { $is_valid = 1; } } return $is_valid; } sub html_select_ex { my ($self, $attrib, $default, $class, $width1) = @_; my ($count, $html_hidden, $html_tr) = (0, '', ''); $count = $self->realm_count($attrib); my $p_list = $self->{'realms'}; my $p_hash; if ($count == 1) { foreach $p_hash (@$p_list) { next unless ($$p_hash{$attrib}); $html_hidden = ''; last; } } elsif ($count > 1) { $default = '' unless (defined($default)); my $options = ''; foreach $p_hash ($self->listrealms($attrib)) { if ($default eq $$p_hash{'name'}) { $options .= qq!!; } else { $options .= qq!!; } } if ($class) { $html_tr = qq!!; } else { $html_tr = ""; } if ($width1) { $html_tr .= qq!!; } else { $html_tr .= qq!!; } $html_tr .= qq!$::str[161]:\n\t\n\n!; } return ($count, $html_hidden, $html_tr); } sub api_get_webroot { my ($b_verbose) = @_; my $path = ''; if (defined($ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'})) { $path = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}; my $sa = $ENV{'SERVER_ADMIN'} || ''; #netfirms correction (updated 0061) if (($path =~ m!^/mnt/web_\w/\w+\d+/\w+\d+/\w+\d+\w+\d+$!) and (-d "$path/www")) { print "

Status: applying API_GET_WEBROOT correction for netfirms.com; appending '/www' to the path.

\n" if ($b_verbose); $path .= '/www'; } #virtualave corr: elsif (($sa eq 'webmaster@virtualave.net') and ($path eq '/home') and (-d '/home/public_html')) { print "

Status: applying API_GET_WEBROOT correction for virtualave; appending '/public_html' to the path.

\n" if ($b_verbose); $path = '/home/public_html'; } #portland.co.uk elsif (($sa eq 'support@portland.co.uk') and (&query_env('SCRIPT_FILENAME') =~ m!^/host/(.*)/([\w\-]+).portland.co.uk/!)) { print "

Status: applying API_GET_WEBROOT correction /home/$2 for portland.co.uk.

\n" if ($b_verbose); $path = "/home/$2"; } } elsif (defined($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'})) { # this approach will fail on multi-homed {x}/cgi-bin, {x}/public_html # that option usually only happens with Apache which always tends to have DOCUMENT_ROOT though my $forwardpath = $0; $forwardpath =~ s!\\!/!g; my $qmsn = quotemeta($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}); if ($forwardpath =~ m!^(.*)$qmsn!i) { $path = $1; } } if ($path) { if (not -e $path) { $path = ''; print "

Status: best-case match of '$path' is invalid because it failed the -e existence test.

\n" if ($b_verbose); } elsif (not -d $path) { $path = ''; print "

Status: best-case match of '$path' is invalid because it failed the -d is-directory test.

\n" if ($b_verbose); } elsif ($path =~ m!^(.+)$!) { $path = $1; # untaint } } return $path; } sub max { my $max = $_[0]; local $_; foreach (@_) { $max = $_ if ($_ > $max); } return $max; } sub network_error_msg { my ($reason) = @_; return '' if ($::FORM{'Mode'} eq 'AnonAdd'); return qq~ ($::str[167])~; } 1;